
On January 1, 2013, the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (established in 1985) and the American College of Nurse Practitioners (established in 1995) met up to shape the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), the biggest full-benefit national expert enrollment association for NPs of all fortes. As The Voice of the Nurse Practitioner, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners speaks to the interests of the roughly 205,000 NPs around the nation, supporting for the dynamic part of NPs as suppliers of superb, savvy, exhaustive, tolerant focused medicinal services. The mission of AANP, a full-benefit national expert participation association for NPs of all strengths, is to lead NPs in changing patient-focused social insurance.


Purpose of American Association of Nurse Practitioners


The Certification Program was built up as an accreditation body for the assessment of people who wish to enter, proceed and/or advance in the calling through the affirmation procedure. Our motivation is two-fold. We give a legitimate and solid project for passage level Nurse Practitioners to perceive their training, information, and expert ability. We give the procedure to an approval of a propelled hone enlisted medical caretaker’s capabilities for preceded with practice as a Nurse Practitioner.

Mission Vision and Values

Vision Statement

Superb Medicinal Services for all by the Patient’s Supplier of Decision

Center Values


  • Trust and straightforwardness
  • Responsibility
  • Moral responsibility
  • Unwavering quality
  • Regard


  • Meeting and surpassing desires
  • Nonstop change
  • Recognize and record best practices
  • Advancing great results

Polished skill

  • Individual and expert responsibility
  • Solidarity inside our calling/discipline
  • Inclusivity


  • Imaginative
  • Proactive
  • Visionary


  • Persevering responsibility to individuals, patients, and groups
  • Commitment


Medical caretaker Practitioners affirmed by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program:

  • Must meet set up prerequisites set by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program for the restoration of affirmation.
  • Must keep current with new data identified with the contemporary learning of the health sickness continuum so as to exhibit proceed with competency for the restoration of accreditation.
  • Are in charge of keeping up a coin of both their National Certification and RN/APRN licensure for livelihood, charging, and credentialing purposes.
  • Are guaranteed for a particular 5-year timeframe.
  • Are alluded to as Certificants.
  • Are approved to utilize the accreditation NP-C demonstrating they have met the principles, capabilities, and testing necessities built up by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners National Certification Board, Inc.
  • Have kept up proceeded with competency in the calling through setting up recertification forms.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program


  • The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program is an autonomous and independently joined non-benefit association, built up to give a substantial and solid project for section level medical caretaker specialists to perceive their training, information and expert mastery, and also a procedure for approval of a propelled practice attendant’s capabilities and learning for practice as a medical attendant professional.

Candidates taking these PC based examinations get a preparatory aftereffect of Pass/Not Pass status at the season of testing. Composed score warning and a declaration with approval to utilize NP-C accreditations will take after through postage mail once all necessities for confirmation have been met. Applicants who meet the necessities and effectively pass the proper accreditation examination to end up confirmed by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program.

  • Are qualified to utilize the qualification NP-C (Nurse Practitioner-Certified) to demonstrate their confirmation status. NP-C is the enrolled trademark of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board, Inc.
  • The medical caretaker specialist competency-based national accreditation examinations are produced by the Professional Examination Service (ProExam) in conjunction with the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program. Grown-up, Family, Gerontologic, and Adult-Gerontology medical attendant specialist topic specialists (SMEs) from agent work and scholarly situations, and also land ranges, help with all periods of the improvement of the examinations.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification

Nurses help Dr. Dorry Segev prepair for

The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification (AANPCP) Examinations are passage level, competency-based for medical caretaker professionals intelligent of attendant expert information and aptitude for each of the accompanying claims to fame :

  • Adult Nurse Practitioner
  • Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
  • Crisis Nurse Practitioner Specialty for Family Nurse Practitioners

Accreditation is allowed for 5-year time spans. The affirmation recharging process gives both the procedure to accept a confirmation and a system to guarantee the general population that medical caretaker experts ensured by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program have met current expert gauges of capabilities and information for practice required to keep up accreditation as a Nurse Practitioner.

  • Accreditation is time-restricted and lapses consequently toward the end of the 5-year affirmation period.
  • Certificants are in charge of finishing all necessities for recharging of confirmation PRIOR to lapse.
  • Recharging of affirmation is required for proceeded with the utilization of the NP-C qualification.
  • People who permit their American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program

Confirmation to terminate may not utilize the NP-C certification and may not speak to them as being guaranteed by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program.

The examinations depend on part depiction considers embraced by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program and ProExam as target measures of the information and aptitudes required of capable attendant professionals.

The confirmation examinations comprise of 150 various decision things, which incorporate 15 pretest questions that are not checked in the hopeful’s score. Things are composed and created by honing medical caretaker professionals with broad information and mastery and put in a thing bank.

Application Process for American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification


Candidates must make an Online Profile to apply for confirmation. Paper applications are accessible on the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program site for use by people who can’t use the online application.


Applications are affirmed if prerequisites for qualification are met, and required documentation is gotten and looked into for fulfillment. Candidates won’t be qualified to sit until after the candidate has finished the greater part of the instructional and clinical coursework required in the NP segment of their project.


A Nurse Practitioner who is ensured by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program is called a Certificant; demonstrating that the individual has effectively met the accompanying necessities for confirmation by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program. Certificant must:

  • Have met particular instructive necessities that evaluate graduate-level national skills of the APRN center, the NP part and no less than one populace center (ANP, FNP, GNP, A-GPCNP) region of practice.
  • Hold a current U.S. enlisted medical caretaker licensure.
  • Breeze through an affirmation test checking proficient information in the strength.
  • Have moved on from a school or college APRN instructive project that has been authorized by a national confirmation certifying body .
  • Subscribe to the degree and models of practice for Nurse Practitioners built up by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP).

The American Association of Nurse Practitioners is a part centered association, devoted to supporting our individuals with access to practice assets, proceeding with training data, proficient administrations, promotion, aptitude, thus a great deal more. Join American Association of Nurse Practitioners, recharge a current enrollment or redesign your participation profile – it’s never been less demanding.

The American Association of Nurse Practitioners’ Administration


It is administered by a chosen Board of Directors included a five-part Executive Committee, 11 Regional Directors and one Member-everywhere in charge of setting association strategy. Board individuals are chosen by American Association of Nurse Practitioners individuals in yearly decisions. The part everywhere is chosen from the current provincial chiefs on a yearly premise to serve on the Executive Committee. All individuals from the Board of Directors serve for a term of two chosen years. No individual from the Board serves more than three chosen back to back terms similarly situated.

  • The association is composed of 11 areas, each included states in their geographic region. Every district is spoken to by an executive and every state incorporates one or more delegates, chosen by American Association of Nurse Practitioners individuals.
  • It’s administrative group speaks to attendant experts and their patients on basic issues identified with licensure, access to care, persistent well-being, social insurance change, repayment, and different worries at all arrangement levels. Notwithstanding supporting on issues that affect NPs and their patients, we speak to NPs on national councils and in well-being associations.
  • Advancing amazing exploration is a key segment of their mission and why we made the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Data Collection Program. Qualified specialists may apply to review the individuals via mail or meeting participants on location at our national gathering. With more than 60,000 individuals and 5,700 meeting participants, it is an incredible purpose of access to the NP workforce.
  • The Data Collection Program gives three unmistakable offerings to those inspired by getting to an example of NPs for examination.

Why Is the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Useful?


  1. The association has precisely chosen trustworthy retailers to bring our individuals investment funds on ordinary buys.
  2. Take advantage of investment funds from broadly perceived retailers and travel organizations today.
  3. As The Voice of the Nurse Practitioner, it drives the path in backing, proceeding with training, and expert improvement for more than 60,000 individuals.
  4. Whether you are leading reviews, center gatherings, or key witness interviews, American Association of Nurse Practitioners makes it easy to achieve your objective NP group of onlookers.

Special Review Policy


Candidates not meeting the instructive criteria set by American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program to sit for national accreditation examinations may ask for an uncommon audit of their application by the Certification Commission.

In the event that the Appeals Committee regards that the system of study attempted by the candidate meets the prerequisites set up for bosses and post-graduate projects of study in the claim to fame, the candidate will be permitted to sit for the examination recorded in the solicitation.

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