nurse midwife

Nurse midwife is a licensed health care provider educated in two disciplines: nursing and midwifery. Generally, nurse midwives provide primary healthcare services to women of childbearing age including labor, prenatal care, delivery care, gynecological exams and after birth care. They also help with family planning decisions, newborn care, menopausal management, preconception care and counseling in diseases prevention and health maintenance. Nurse midwives attend more than 10% of all births within the United States and 96% of the births are in hospitals.

The nurse-midwifery care philosophy focuses on needs of individuals and families for emotional, physical, social support, and active involvement of the significant others according to the personal preferences and cultural values. Nurse midwife has to listen to women and provide the information they need to form more educated and informed decisions relating to their healthcare.

All nurse midwives have to graduate from accredited education programs and also pass rigorous certification exams. In the United States, there are high established education and certification standards. Therefore, the registration of nurse midwives happens in all the 50 states and in the District of Columbia. Nurse midwives are experts who are held to rigorous practice standards that the state licensing organizations have set. They must attend continuing education that universities and hospitals provide.


nurse midwife

Nurse midwifes provide quality healthcare

A 2009 Cochrane meta-analysis of studies that involved 12,276 women and which looked at midwife-led care and care led by obstetrician (family physicians) showed that midwifery has better or as good results in all parameters. Under the midwife care, women had less need for instrumental birth (like vacuum or forceps), episiotomies and anesthesia. Moreover, women had increased control in labor feelings, successful breastfeeding and possibility of vaginal birth. Researchers have proved that midwife-led healthcare offers several benefits to mothers and their babies and has no adverse health effects. Studies have also indicated that midwife-attended births have lower cesarean birth rates and NICU admission rates. The patient satisfaction is also higher. And, midwifery is taken to be a better alternative to the traditional obstetrical care. The need for midwives is also increasing.

nurse midwife

What do nurse midwives do?

If you will have your hands full in the nurse midwife career, you should learn the different tasks they undertake. Midwives have existed for several centuries – long even before there was hospital care. Popular in many countries, nurse midwives appeared for the first time in the United Stats in 1920s. And even with the technological growth, the nurse midwife profession is still highly growing. The profession has its roots in the belief that all women should have supportive environments during pregnancy and after giving birth. It promotes traditional births for lower risk pregnancies.

To succeed as a midwife nurse, you must have the desire to care for the others and to promote health for women and that of infants. Expertise in this field should provide patients with education on forming right decisions for themselves and that of their babies.

nurse midwife

Nurse midwives generally work in private practices, hospitals, health maintenance organizations, birthing centers and in health departments. Therefore, you have to consider all your preferences and needs including whether you would like to work on regular hours and whether you have the interest in working on your own when deciding on a type of establishment you would like to work on.

There are several types of midwifery in existence. The primary difference between the types is the education path a person takes to become a nurse midwife. They include:

  • Certified Midwife (CM): this group of nurse-midwives have a health related background such as physician assistant but aren’t registered nurses. They operate in only a few states.
  • Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs): these are registered nurses. They must graduate from accredited nurse-midwifery programs.
  • Direct Entry Midwife (DEM): these are healthcare providers who have received midwifery education but have a bachelor’s degree in a different field.

nurse midwife

Some Duties of On-the-Job Nurse Midwives Include:

  • Staying by as soon-to-be-mother’s side through labor and childbirth process
  • Look for situations or complications that may require a medical doctor
  • Educate women about birth options and unique health issues
  • Prepare mothers on what to expect during labor, childbirth and after the childbirth
  • Educate mothers on how to breastfeed their infants and on how to care for them

nurse midwife

The education certification you need to become a nurse midwife

To become a nurse midwife, you have to devote a decent amount of time. Well, however, you can opt for online or campus-based options. To start practicing in this area, you will require a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). This highly depends on your healthcare background and current educational background. To earn an MSN, you can follow one of the many available routes.

Once you start looking for a nurse-midwife program, you should consider all the provided courses, how long they will take and the length of experience you will need to start practicing. Some other considerations include financial aid and job placement services. After completing the education, you will have to pass the American Midwifery Certification (AMCB) exam, so that you can become certified in nurse midwife practice.

The career paths to take in nurse-midwifery

Nurse midwives are commonly associated with offering care before, during and after the childbirth. In addition to the services they offer during pregnancy, nurse midwives are also primary healthcare providers for women in their entire life. In other words, they can order and review tests, conduct physical exams, prescribe medication and offer some other medical services. They are highly popular primarily because they do similar work to that of physicians. As a nurse midwife, you can also head down to another career path. For example, if you are interested in public health or education, you can consider one of the available degree programs that will guide you in the direction of your choice. If you have interest in offering supportive environment for women or families then becoming a nurse midwife is a great option.

nurse midwife

How to advance in nurse midwife career

In most fields, progressing to the next career level requires you to further your education. But because a nurse midwife must possess a Master of Science in Nursing and the relevant certification, you will not need to further you education. You can earn a doctorate in midwifery even though it’s not necessary. It will basically open your doors to leadership roles. The degree is very new in the field and even though ACNM highly supports the programs, they haven’t provided sufficient evidence that can help determine whether a doctorate can have impacts on the salary of nurse midwives.

Nurse midwife salary and job growth

After earning a degree, nurse midwifery can be remunerative. Currently, nurse midwives are enjoying extraordinary job growth. This is mainly due to their advanced background in nursing. The earning potential of midwives can highly vary depending on the employer, the education and the nurse’s area of specialty. But generally, their salary is excellent. Just like many other jobs within the medical profession, nurse midwifery may earn you prettier decent paycheck. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016-17 Occupational Outlook Handbook showed that nurse midwives expect a median salary of $96,970. However, the field specialization, the years of experience, the location and some other factors may cause variation in the actual salary.

nurse midwife

How do the nurse midwife salaries compare

nurse midwife

According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016-17 Occupational Outlook Handbook, the median salary of a Registered Nurse within the United States is $66,640 while that of a Licensed Vocational or Practical Nurse is $42,490. And, that of a Physician Assistant is $95,820. The actual salaries may highly vary depending on the specialization in the nursing field, the location and some other factors including the years of experience. The national long-term employment growth projections do not reflect the local or the short-term job or economic conditions. Moreover, it doesn’t guarantee an actual job growth.

The Earning Potential of a Nurse Midwife

According to BLS, the top 10% of nurse midwives earned over $129,000.

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The career demand

Expectedly, nurse midwives will be in higher demand in the foreseeable future. This is particularly in some fields with fewer medical resources such as some rural parts and inner cities within the US. Furthermore, according to American College of Nurse Midwives estimates, certified nurse midwife will deliver at least one in every 10 babies in the US in near future. This will be a huge increase from the 3% of births in the US that nurse midwives attended around 10 years ago.

The job growth for this field

Nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and nurse practitioners are expecting a 31% growth in jobs until the year 2024. This is according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Generally, the expected growth in jobs is faster than the average. However, you should note that the national long-term employment growth projections may not reflect on the local and the short-term job or economic conditions. Advanced training nurse midwives act as primary healthcare providers, write prescriptions, and do many other tasks similar to those of doctors but they are a lower cost to the patients and the employers. As a result, nurse midwives are an invaluable resource within the medical community.

nurse midwifenurse midwife

The competition to expect in the job industry as a nurse midwife

Registered nurses aren’t likely to face more competition in the hospital setting primarily because the turnover can be higher. But on the other hand, the nurses looking for jobs in the physician offices (where conditions are better than in hospitals and the regular hours are norm) may experience higher competition. The location of the job – such as in a city or in a rural community – may highly affect the competition.

Which institutions hire nurse midwives

nurse midwife

As an aspiring nurse midwife, you will have a wider range of options when selecting your work location. According to BLS report, the following are the industries which employ the largest number of nurse midwives:

  • Physician offices – 2,370
  • Surgical hospitals and general medical hospitals – 1,500
  • Outpatient care centers – 600
  • Health practitioners offices – 360
  • Universities, colleges, and professional schools – 50


The nurse-midwifery certification

nurse midwife

All aspiring nurse midwives have to fulfill several prerequisites before they can start practicing in most regions or medical settings. First, you have to fully complete a bachelor’s program particularly in nursing, and then become a registered nurse in your jurisdiction or state. The process basically involves sitting for National Council Licensure-Examination (NCLEX-RN). Nursing Practitioner Schools provide more detailed information about becoming a nurse practitioner (NP), registered nurse (RN) and the real differences between the two. However, you should note that BSN degree isn’t sufficient for a person desiring to start practicing as a nurse midwife. As mentioned earlier, the ACNM requires all candidates to earn the accredited MSN-degree and to certify through AMCB.

American College of Nurses And Midwives (ACNM) shows that the majority of the practicing nurse midwives hold graduate degrees. And, as a matter of fact, 825 of all certified nurse midwives (CNM) are master’s degrees holders while at least 4.8% have doctoral degrees. Considering all the advanced practice of the registered nurses categories, this represents the largest percentage of the high degree holders. As a result, ACNM advises candidates to enroll in the graduate programs that the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME) has accredited.

Currently, there are 39 ACME-accredited graduate programs within the US that confer post-graduate certificates, master’s and doctorate degrees upon the program completion. To complete the program, you will take at least 24 months, even though you may consider the accelerated options particularly if you have baccalaureate degrees. As a prospective NMs, taking an ACME-accredited program will help ensure that your training meets higher curricula, student and faculty outcome standards in addition to qualifying for the national certification.

nurse midwife

To be a certified nurse midwife, a student should sit for the American Midwifery Certification Board – (AMCB) exam immediately after graduation. The credentials are usually valid for 5 years. And according to AMCB, you can renew your CNM certification in one of the two available methods:

  • Complete 3 AMCB-approved certificates on maintenance modules such as Antepartum and also Primary Care (PC) for Pregnant Woman, as well as Intrapartum/Newborn & Postpartum, and also Gynecology & PC of the Well-Woman. After this you should get ACNM or ACCME 20 contact hours of approved continuing education modules/units and also complete renewal application. This includes payment of the necessary fees.
  • The other option is to re-take the ACMB which is a certification examination and pay $500. You should also complete the renewal application.

nurse midwife

The steps leading to becoming a registered nurse midwife

  • Graduates from high school. If you want to prepare well for a nursing undergraduate program taking classes such as chemistry, physics, biology, and psychology is advisable.
  • Enroll in a bachelors or associate program in the nursing profession. This should take 2- 4 years.
  • Become a fully registered nurse (RN) and gain at least 1-year experience. This typically involves application to local State Board of Nursing and passing National Council Licensing Examination.
  • Apply for ACME approved graduate midwifery program. The program should take 2-4 years. To become a fully licensed nurse midwife you have to complete a master’s program which takes two yeas or a doctoral program which should take 4 years.
  • Sit for national certification exam.
  • Renew the certification after every 5 years.

If you have the interest in promoting family healthcare at advanced levels, becoming a nurse midwife will be a rewarding choice.

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For over a century now, Chamberlain school of nursing has been at the forefront of providing quality nursing education. The college was started in 1989 after an evangelical pastor in St. Louis established the need for medical services in the area. It was first named Deaconess School of Nursing, but it was renamed in 2005 when it was acquired by DeVry Education Group. One of the requirements for this acquisition was that the name is changed, and it came to be known as Chamberlain to reflect the critical care played by nurses in the provision of health care. It school continues to uphold the legacy of the founders by enabling more and more people to access quality nursing education so that they can effectively serve the needs of the communities around them. The school has been accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, and specific courses have also been accredited by the relevant bodies. It has campuses in different places such as Ohio, Texas, Florida, Missouri, and Arizona.


Chamberlain School of Nursing Mission and Values


Chamberlain school of nursing was started with the purpose of producing healthcare professionals who would transform the healthcare sector worldwide. The vision of the nursing institution is to establish an academic culture that enables students to thrive and to emerge as extraordinary professionals. It has the mission of empowering, educating, and emboldening diverse healthcare professionals who will use their skills to advance the health of people. It seeks to model and teach its students the values that are highly respected in nursing such as:

  • Care
  • Professionalism
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Service

This is based on the belief that when the students are properly taught and trained on the right values, they will go on to make a positive impact on healthcare on a global scale. The commitment towards ensuring the success of the students makes it a favorite among people seeking to enroll in nursing courses. The curriculum at Chamberlain school of nursing is built upon evidence-based practice which is achieved through partnerships with other stakeholders in the healthcare community.

Courses Offered at Chamberlain School of Nursing


  1. Undergraduate programs

The school offers undergraduate programs that enable nursing students to acquire their Bachelor of Science in Nursing thus granting them access to the healthcare sector. This course does not require any prior training in the field and it takes four years to complete.

  1. RN to BSN

This option is offered for registered nurses who want to earn a Bachelor of Science in nursing. The upgrade enables the nurses to take up more responsibilities and supervisory roles and also to get a higher salary. It takes approximately two years and equips nurses with more skills through experiential training sessions at medical facilities.

  1. Masters of Science in nursing programs

The program takes an average of two years. It has been designed to ensure that nurses are well-prepared for expanding roles in the healthcare system, and to give them a better chance for professional advancement. During the first year, students take MSN core courses and in the second year, they complete specialty track courses and undergo a practicum. Core MSN courses offered at Chamberlain school of nursing include pharmacology, ethics, healthcare ethics, biochemistry, psychology, and health assessment among others.

After completing the core nursing courses required for the program, one is allowed to change the practice into one of the five available specialties in the school which include:

  • Nurse Educator: The specialty prepares nurses to offer education and training in different settings and makes them eligible for further studies. The coursework covers areas such as instructional methods in nursing, educational foundations, assessment procedure, and curriculum development.
  • Nurse Executive: It equips students with the necessary skills for nurse leadership through offering them courses such as theories of organizational leadership, managerial communication, and effective decision making. This is done in association with the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program offered at Devry University where students from Chamberlain school of nursing can further their studies.
  • Family Nurse Practitioner: The primary goal of this specialty track is to prepare students to expand their clinical practice into more diverse settings such as clinics, hospitals, businesses, government agencies, healthcare agencies, and private practice. It focuses on preventing diseases and promoting health for people from all age groups.
  • Nursing Informatics: It educates nurses on how to identify, collect, process, and organize data that will promote research and expand knowledge in the nursing practice. It integrates concepts from nursing science and computer science.
  • Healthcare Policy: It ensures that students can analyze and influence the nursing policy. This prepares them to work in healthcare research, hold elective office in the field, and work in legislative offices. This is achieved through various sections of the coursework, for example, economics, global health, nursing leadership, principles of the healthcare system, and foundations of healthcare policy.

Chamberlain School of Nursing’s MSN emphasizes the application of theories and classwork in the field. For this reason, students must complete a practicum after completing the specialty track of their choice. The duration of the practicum ranges from 100-200 hours with the support and supervision of an experienced professional.

  1. Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree (DNP)

The program was introduced to enable graduates to improve healthcare outcomes by preparing them to analyze, synthesize, and utilize scientific reasoning at the highest level. With this, they can plan and implement healthcare programs for individuals, families and communities. The curriculum for this course ensures that the nurses are equipped with the skills of working in leadership roles for different settings and improving healthcare services for maximum patient safety. The degree program at Chamberlain school of nursing involves four practicum courses that give the learners a chance to integrate course content into field practice experiences.

Applying for Admission at Chamberlain School of Nursing




Prospective students for this school have to fill an application form and attend an interview with the school admission advisor. The Chamberlain Admission Committee then determines one’s academic eligibility and conducts background check. The next step is clinical eligibility, which involves drug screening and any other clinical requirements stipulated by the specific state. The process must be completed at least three months before the student can be allowed to start classes.

Why Chamberlain School of Nursing Is a Good School?


  1. It has extraordinary resources and equipment such as human simulators, physical assessment exam tables, birthing simulators, and patient monitoring equipment among others. The equipment offers a practical platform for students to hone their skills. They can easily alter the vitals of the simulators and produce varying symptoms which will increase their ability to respond in real time.
  2. Besides the classroom learning, the school provides the students with other exciting opportunities such as the chance to participate in Global Health Education Program in different countries. Such experiences give the students a deeper understanding of healthcare needs in various parts of the world.
  3. The school engages the students in community service whereby they volunteer their time and other resources for a worthy cause. This gives them pride and satisfaction for making a positive impact on the lives of other people.
  4. It offers flexible study options, and this attracts even professionals who may want to advance their education or switch from other careers to nursing. The weekend and evening class options further increase the flexibility.
  5. The instructors at Chamberlain school of nursing go out of their way to assist the students even beyond classwork and to attend to their concerns.

Chamberlain School of Nursing Student Portal


The school has a student portal that is open for use by instructors, students, and administrators. It contains useful information pertaining courses offered, email programs, timetables, exam schedules, and contact numbers for the various departments in the school. Members of the school community can access the portal by logging in, while those who are non-members can access it by visiting the homepage of the portal. One of the benefits of having a student portal is that it provides a single access point of information for both the staff and the students thus saving them a lot of time. The online portal also ensures that the parties involved can access the data from anywhere, regardless of what time of day it is. In addition to the portal, the school has a Chamberlain app through which the nursing students can access their grades and any other information they may need, and this facilitates ease of communication. Through the Chamberlain App, they can also participate in discussion threads on matters affecting the school.

Jobs and Internships for Chamberlain School of Nursing Students and Graduates


Graduates of Chamberlain school of nursing become members of the Alumni Association, which is an organization that promotes community service, lifelong learning, and advancement of the nursing career. Through the Association, graduates can connect with healthcare professionals from different parts of the world. It also enables them to remain in contact with former classmates and professors, and with this, they can network and establish contact with employers. They can also enlighten each other on the best path to follow after graduation. The school holds alumni awards which help to communicate the value of the education they offer. With this, they cast the alumni in a positive light to the professional healthcare community, making it easier for them to be absorbed in the job market. Continuing students are also made aware of any available opportunities by their instructors or even through the college blog. Additionally, the practicum that is part of the course requirements gives the students a chance to interact with already established professionals in the field, who can guide them towards getting employment opportunities.

Tuition and Expenses at Chamberlain School of Nursing



Tuition cost and other expenses at the institution are itemized and calculated on a single session basis. Students pay an average of $ 675 per credit hour in most of the programs, and the total tuition cost varies according to the duration of the course. Other expenses incurred include admission fee, injury & sickness insurance, student service charge, books, and equipment expense, and uniforms. Students can apply for federal financial assistance in the form of loans, grants, and work-study.

Online Programs at Chamberlain School of Nursing

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Chamberlain school of nursing is a pioneer in the online provision of nursing education. They introduced this program in 2000 for the bachelor’s degree. Today, the online study option is available for various programs in the college such as RN to BSN and also Masters of Science in Nursing. Students complete the coursework online, but they have to attend a hands-on clinical practice. Online program availability varies by location, but the school ensures to update the information on their website as it is available.

Reviews on Chamberlain School of Nursing


There are a number of negative and positive reviews about the school, which have been given by students, alumni, and even employees of the institution. The institution tries as much as possible to gather this information as that it can be used in making the necessary changes and improvements. Complaints and negative reviews are usually taken seriously, and the school ensures to address such concerns for the benefit of all. Below are some of the reviews:

From former employees

  • Interaction with the students was a rewarding experience. They are respectful and highly motivated. They make the classes highly interactive and interesting.
  • I was a visiting professor, and I enjoyed working with Chamberlain school of nursing. The faculty is committed to ensuring professional advancement.


From alumni

  • I liked the academic flexibility offered because I could choose classes that fit my schedule. The weekend and evening study options were great.
  • Attending Chamberlain School of Nursing was the best decision I ever made for my career. The admission process was seamless, and the college experience was great due to the supportive faculty. The school is, however, a bit expensive as compared to other nursing schools at the same level.

From continuing students

  • The professors are very helpful, and they are always willing to answer questions from the students even outside class hours. They explain concepts well and assist with difficult assignments.
  • I am a current student taking online RN to BSN course and approaching the end of my program at Chamberlain school of nursing. The content in all the courses has been appropriate in that it is challenging enough but not so hard to manage.


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top nursing schools

It is in everyone’s desire to join one of the top nursing schools. The chances are that you will perform better and probability for jobs is higher than those who went just to any school they could find. And as it goes, no one would like to be associated with a mediocre nursing qualification that would be the laughing stock of friends. If you are so much into nursing, you should be on your heels to get the chance to learn at the best possible school. If you wish it to be in one of the top nursing schools, then here is all you ought to know.


top nursing schools

Top Nursing Schools You Should Make Your Pick From

Now to the real things, which nursing schools make to get to the prestigious list. For your own sampling here is a good number to make your choice easy:

  1. Columbia Nursing School

top nursing schools

Being under the bigger Columbia University, an Ivy League member, you cannot doubt what this nursing school has to offer. Its nursing faculty is where every American nursing aspirant wants to be. Despite the dwindling financing due to tough economic times, the university and the nursing faculty continue to perform way better than it would be expected. It is ranked top in the New York State and the country as well due to it selectiveness and the degrees offered. It is not an easy thing to get your way into this university, especially the nursing department. The university receives thousands of applications each year and to get an opportunity here is quite a task. The staff members are world class, handpicked to ensure top performance of the school and the institution as a whole.

top nursing schools

  1. University of California — Los Angels

top nursing schools

Of all the nursing schools in California, this university leads from the front. Being the largest university in the state of California, this is not the only thing this university boasts of. The study programs, competitiveness for getting a chance here and the overall ambient learning environment makes it sit among the top nursing institutions. Its deep root connection to Ronald Reagan Medical center makes it even a better choice for many students. The facilities are top class and learning here gives you higher chances of finding a job faster.

  1. John Hopkins School of Nursing

top nursing schools

The mere mention of this name makes you think about the many opportunities that will come your way once you graduate from this globally known nursing school. Sheltered at John Hopkins University, a non-profit university, the school offers one of the best nursing programs not only in the US but all over the entire world. The school’s motto “reputation for excellence” has been a guiding torch that keeps many students applying for chances. The rigorous mode of study ensures that students are fully equipped with both practical and theoretical knowledge giving them a chance to outshine other graduates from the rival nursing schools.

top nursing schools

  1. Emory School of Nursing

top nursing schools

Yet another Ivy League institution, Emory University is a home to one of the top ranking nursing schools in the country. With a massively funded research initiative, the school offers some of the leading courses in nursing. It offers both masters and bachelor degrees. It also offers accelerated programs, now popular among working nurses that are a big attraction to many students. Its pursuit of a free world and its hosting of His Holiness Dalai Lama has made a huge mark in the world and it is a top choice for those who want a diversified and guaranteed excellence in nursing.

  1. NY University School of Nursing

Of all the nursing schools in New York, this is the leading university in that sphere. You will have it all from bachelor to Ph.D. and be one of the top nursing professionals in your field. NIH places the NY nursing school at top 5 in the entire country and that tells you how much good will be coming your way if you get admitted here as a student. If you are in a rush to get your nursing papers, there is an accelerated program that will be over in 15 months. The facilities are top-notch and that is a thing that keeps it flying high year after the other.

  1. University of Arizona Nursing School

top nursing schools

The list of nursing schools in Arizona is never complete without the mention of this one. Located at Poetry Center, the school offers accredited nursing courses that every student wants to have on their resume. It has a favorable student-to-staff ratio giving it a good name in not only offering interactive education but high-quality programs to compete fairly in the job market. Studying here also comes with its own advantages as it has been predicted that the state of Arizona will be one of the leading with high numbers of nursing vacancies.

  1. Yale School of Nursing

Yale School of Nursing

This school, being in one of the global leading universities, is where every nursing student wants to be. With a solid foundation in the medical field, the school offers some of the best and competitive programs you can get anywhere. It offers a myriad of nursing programs and you get to choose whether to go for full time or part time. To keep a competitive edge over other nursing institutions, this school offers both hybrid and online courses that have become a major choice for those who want to study and work at the same time.

top nursing schools

  1. Duke Nursing School

top nursing schools

Duke University has one of the most extensive and well-furnished medical centers in the entire federation. Therefore, it is a dream come true to take your nursing study in Duke School of nursing. Fully equipped with latest medical technology, adequately funded research, a pool of programs to choose from; this is one of the places to study your nursing course. The faculty-to-student ratio is yet another thing to make sure you desire even more to enroll here for your nursing studies. It offers accelerated programs for those who want to be done with studies and be on their way to the job market.

top nursing schools

It is by no chance that this list is exhaustive. There are nursing schools out there that offer the best courses and learning environment. Now we will explore how the ranking of top nursing schools is done and help you make an informed decision.

You have probably made a choice about the top nursing schools you wish to join. Good for you if you found one that will help you achieve your dream. However, you still need something more to help in making the final choice of the school you have to join. For instance, do you know how those nursing schools are ranked? If not, you need to be informed about this process and what goes around it. Here is a detailed account of all that goes around in ranking nursing institutions.

The criteria of ranking top nursing schools


There is so much that goes into ranking nursing schools right from the physical aspects to things that the naked eye cannot see. Well, for the general purposes here are the parameters used to rank nursing schools:

  • Recognition by renowned publications: this is one of the ways to gauge the popularity of a nursing institution. These publications may be journals, newspapers and the lot of the media outlets with the authority to sway opinion. But such opinions must be based on concrete reasons for them to be given any serious consideration.
  • Selectiveness: there are nursing schools where getting a chance to join them is a mere dream. Such institutions have to deal with millions of annual applications. This competitiveness for chances is one way to gauge how good a nursing school is.
  • Teaching fraternity: the quality of tutors and staff is used to measure how well-equipped a nursing institution is. This is one way to tell the quality of education offered. Diverse, competent and highly qualified staffs give the institutions higher positions.
  • Architecture: the physical appearance of institutions plays a key role towards their ranking. The form of building and attached physical structures help in gauging how good a school is. It is no wonder that big and renowned universities take the lead since they have unmatchable physical appearances and continue to expand for the future.
  • Competition for places: top nursing schools are not for everyone. They are selective and receive millions of applications every year. Only a few of the applicants get the chance to make it. It is such competitiveness that makes such institutions the chance to be in the top ranks.
  • Contemporary technology and infrastructure: in this world of technology, everyone is looking for opportunities to get the best services and products. Top universities and colleges have increased the resources allocated to technology so as to remain competitive. Depending on how a nursing school is equipped in terms of modern facilities and other technologies, it is either ranked highly or low.
  • Programs offered: the kind of programs offered in a certain nursing school will be a way to establish its authority in the medical field. There are those that offer a few programs while others offer all programs that pertain to nursing. Those with a huge variety of programs to offer are ranked highly and attract more students.

top nursing schools

Who digs out the data used to rank top nursing schools

You need to know where data used in ranking nursing schools comes from. This will enable you determine whether it is credible and as you make your choice you are indeed making the right one. There are only 2 sources of data used for ranking nursing schools;

  • NIH research funding that digs out all the data about each institution brings out their strengths and weaknesses.
  • U.S News & World Reports is yet another body that credibly digs into latest data on a range of things and people including schools.

Arguably, these are the best sources that have been used in the past and continue to be used in bringing up stats for ranking purposes. Now you have a reason to believe in the top list of many things you read on.

Issues around nursing school ranking

As much as the ranking of nursing schools is done by credible stakeholders, there are still some issues that arise. It is therefore crucial that you know such issues so as to make a decision that you will not come to regret. For your help, here are some of these issues and you should take note of them before you commit yourself to a certain school:

  • The ranking is not all-inclusive of the things you are looking for in your dream nursing school. When it comes to picking your school of choice, you will need something that is within your preferences. For instance, such ranking cannot measure the quality of life in a given institution. Therefore, this is an aspect that tends to be overlooked by statistics. If you are looking to a better campus life, then you have to rely not only on the ranking charts. You’d better visit the school and make a solid judgement.
  • The ranking is specifically targeted towards nursing department forgetting that the other departments may not be as good. This will affect the overall learning process and the promise of quality education will be negatively affected.
  • There are a lot of swayed opinions on what should be used as the criteria for ranking schools. There are those who put quality of education first while others look at the physical attributes. Due to these two opposing sides, it is never 100% correct to assume that everything presented in the rankings is a true reflection of things on the ground.
  • The power of money is yet another aspect that may sway opinion towards ranking of schools. There are institutions that pay their way to the top list. They want to earn a name to be able to attract students. Such is an unfortunate instance you have to deal with when you only rely on these ranking to make your decision.

top nursing schools

To choose a nursing school that you should join, it needs more than just looking at ranking charts. These rankings are not 100% accurate and you may end up making a wrong decision. Make a point of doing your own research on a school you so much want to join. You will make a decision that will help you achieve your nursing dreams.

Let’s count what you have so far. You know the top nursing schools and probably you have settled for a few choices if not one. Secondly, you know how the nursing school ranking is done and the issues that go around it. What remains is to know the small details of how you would join such top schools and if it is really necessary you join them. Here are the nitty gritties that you should deal with before you are 100% sure of where you have to go and why you have to do it.

Is it important that you join a top nursing school?

Have ever sat down and thought through why some schools receive more applications than others? You may have already had an answer on that. So, why is it important that you join a top nursing school?

  • You get a wide variety of programs: these top schools have been in place for years and have perfected the nursing science. They know what the world wants and craft programs pointed to modernity. You will not only be joining a great school, but also a pool of programs to choose from.
  • Access to the best nursing facilities and technology: technology drives the world. Nursing schools have not been left behind in this wing and you are assured of getting the best and latest technology in such top schools.
  • Competent tutors: these top schools attract the best tutors around the world. Their good name and the capability to pay top dollar keeps academicians attracted to their job opportunities. You will be opening your doors to greatness as you will be interacting with nursing professional with wide and specific knowledge in this field.
  • Competitive edge in the job market: there is some truth in the argument that graduates from certain schools enjoy an upper hand when it comes to job hunting. The popularity of your school will give you a favorable chance to be chosen over your colleagues from less renowned schools.
  • World opportunities: your scope of learning will not be limited to a specific country. You will rather gain expansive knowledge to enable you to work in any part of the world.

How to get into a top nursing school

You definitely want to join a top school for your nursing program. Well, you have a procedure to follow before you get a chance. If you are looking to enroll for your first degree, you will have to submit your application attaching your secondary results. You should have met the cutoff points to be considered. It is now easy to submit your application since you can do everything online. For masters and Ph.D., the application process is the same but you will be attaching advanced papers from your first degree. The school’s administration will have to go through your application and make a decision. Do not be heartbroken if you do not make it. There are so many applicants and the competition get tough. You can always try another time and you may be lucky.

top nursing schools

What are the advantages of joining a top nursing school?

  • Assured of academic excellence. These schools do make it to the top because first of all they are performing better. You can be sure you will get the best.
  • Chances for scholarships. These schools are connected to big people and organizations. They get massive funding from such partners. These funds are channeled to needs of the schools some of which include sponsoring exemplary performing students.
  • Internal evaluators should be used to help in the ranking of nursing schools. These are the people who know everything about an institution. Their insights would come in handy in ranking schools not only in nursing but also other fields.


Choosing the right Nursing School for you: your Preference counts

At the end of the day, you are the one who knows what you want. The choice of your nursing school lies in your court. The rankings are only here to point towards the right direction. You know what you want and your choice is final. There are other smaller nursing schools that offer excellent programs and you can try them out. Your passion is what will make you a great nursing professional. As much as joining a top nursing institution favors your odds, you should not beat yourself so hard to join one.

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Choosing the right pair of compression socks for nurses is important in ensuring your comfort and support, particularly if your job requires you to be on your feet for hours. Nurses, for instance, will need quality compression socks that will prevent them from experiencing a range of conditions linked with standing all day such as venous pooling and venous insufficiency. With the help of the best compression socks for nurses, valves located in the veins are protected from the backward flow of the blood that can weaken these veins.

Thus, nurses and other professionals who stand or walk all day at work can benefit from compression socks. By wearing compression socks for nurses, you can avoid clots forming in your veins, as well as fatigue and strain that can limit your mobility over time.


Features of Compression Socks for Nurses


Compression socks or stockings come with a snug fit, but these are made of stretchy materials that squeeze or compress your legs to provide relief from pain. In particular, compression socks for nurses have different styles, depending on the purpose they serve. There are those that are loose up the leg, but rather tight around the ankles. These are what you call pressure or graduated compression stockings. As for compression sleeves, these do not support your feet since the design is quite like a tube.

These socks are available online, at drug stores or medical supply shops. You may want to ask for a prescription from a doctor, so the socks are covered by your insurance policy. However, it is also possible to purchase these socks over the counter at your preferred store. The price depends on the kind or style you buy. There are those that cost about $10 per pair or as much as $100 or even more.

Various types of people wear compression socks. For instance, people who need additional support on their legs from the stress of standing for hours can benefit from these socks for maximum comfort. Such individuals include athletes, pregnant women, professionals who stand for hours at work, and people suffering from diabetes, varicose veins, and DVT.


Compression socks for nurses can also benefit people who have serious difficulty in moving their legs. If you have just gotten out of surgery, specifically if the affected area is your leg, then you may find it comfortable to wear compression socks.

Benefits of Compression Socks for Nurses

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There are several reasons why it helps to put on a good pair of knee-high compression socks for nurses. The following are among the different benefits that you can get from these socks.

  1. Promote good circulation.

The best compression socks for nurses squeeze the legs in a way that facilitates the normal flow of blood in the veins. In addition, blood vessels are compressed through the right amount of pressure on the legs. Over time, the blood vessels tend to have a narrower width, which allows for good circulation of blood through these areas. As a result, blood pooling is prevented, along with potential conditions that may arise with poor blood circulation.

  1. Prevent varicose veins from forming.

When there is pooled blood, this can lead to swelling that may add more pressure in your superficial veins. This effect is linked with varicose veins, that is a serious issue among people who spend more time each day on their feet. Although it is impossible to treat varicose veins by simply wearing compression socks, you will find these helpful in relieving pain and minimizing pressure to the veins. Hence, these veins will no longer have to appear rather unsightly with a bulging appearance.

  1. Protect yourself from blood clots.

Pooled blood can be caused by clots, which is an alarming issue. In fact, any person who suffers from circulatory issue may be likely to have clots that can be fatal. Due to the fact that circulation is improved with the use of compression socks, nurses and individuals who stand all day can worry less about having clots by wearing this type of socks.

  1. Eliminate leg pain and fatigue.

As blood circulation in your veins reduces, so will you become more susceptible to leg pain and fatigue. These are likely to happen when you stand for long hours, which can reduce your mobility and energy level. However, compression socks for nurses can significantly ease these conditions. Thus, these professionals will have greater energy and ease in movement as no more pain can bother them while at work.

  1. Spare you from having achy and tired legs.

Stockings offer ample amount of pressure on the legs to facilitate the proper functioning of the blood vessels. This causes blood to flow freely as arteries responsible for supplying your muscles with oxygen-rich blood are able to relax. This improves the condition of your veins as more supply of blood is provided to these areas. Your legs will also feel much better without any hints of aches or pains. If you tend to suffer from swollen ankles and feet, compression socks can prevent spider veins or varicose veins.


Compression socks can benefit a number of people including triathletes, athletes, and runners. As blood flow is improved each time they perform an activity, they are spared from experiencing fatigue and pain on the legs. Even tissue damage is prevented because blood flow is increased, which supplies ample oxygen level to the muscles. Also, recovery becomes much faster since lymph and blood circulation are improved. This is the reason why cramping or soreness can be prevented through compression socks.


If you are prone to suffer from painful legs, or your job and activity require you to be on your feet for several hours a day, then it helps to wear supportive devices to eliminate any pains or fatigue. Compression socks make sure that your legs are properly supported while ensuring good circulation and blood flow all day long. What’s more, you can speed up the recovery process if your legs are feeling tired from being overworked or stressed whether it is due to intense sports or physical activity.

Types of Compression Socks for Nurses


There are different types of compression socks for nurses available in the market. Each type comes with its own unique features and functions, so it is better to determine the right one you need according to your specific condition. You should be able to find different lengths for the sleeves and socks, and these could cover your legs or even the feet.

If you are suffering from conditions impacting circulation such as deep vein thrombosis or DVT, wearing stockings or tights can help reduce symptoms. You will also experience a higher level of mobility without much pain and discomfort.

Here are the types of compression socks for nurses that you can choose from, depending on your needs and preferences.


  1. Medical Grade

Before you can purchase this type of compression socks, you will need to have a physician prescribe this to you. There are a few varieties you can find for medical grade compression socks including:

  • 20 mmHg
  • 30 mmHg
  • 40 mmHg

Basically, medical grade compression stockings are designed for treating certain conditions that cannot be addressed fully using the non-medical ones. A doctor should be consulted when it comes to choosing the best one that suits you, as well as the proper usage of these socks. Moreover, the prescription for these socks must be renewed annually, so you can continue purchasing these for your condition.

  1. Non-Medical Grade

When it comes to non-medical grade compression socks, you can find different grades available such as:

  • 8 mmHg
  • 15 mmHg
  • 20 mmHg

As the name implies, this type of stockings is not for medical purposes. This means you can use them to achieve a general sense of support and comfort. Even if you are not suffering from a medical condition, you may wear these socks as you wish, particularly if your job is quite intensive. You will find relief from these socks when you have a tendency to experience aches and fatigue on your legs. Whenever you travel or perform sports, and you want optimum support for your legs, these socks should be very helpful to you. What’s more, there is no need to get a prescription from your doctor to buy one of these.

Styles of Compression Socks for Nurses

You can select from different styles of these socks for your particular needs. Depending on what is comfortable to you, styles available include the following:

  1. Pantyhose


These stockings are worn up to your waist, which provides maximum support. If you need bilateral leg support, you will find it ideal to wear pantyhose compression stockings. Just be sure to purchase the right size to attain comfort that you need.

  1. Knee High Socks


This type of socks offers compression to your lower legs. There are various designs, thickness, and styles available for these socks. In fact, you can find one that has a very thick quality with ample cushion just like a cotton sock, as well as very thin and sheer material. You can also select from colorful compression socks for nurses that will match your outfits. Lastly, the style may be closed or open-toe.

  1. Thigh-High


If you do not want to wear compression socks that are up to your knees, or you are not exactly comfortable with pantyhose stockings, then your best bet is the thigh high socks. These are recommended to individuals who want total leg compression whether it is for just one leg or both. As with knee high socks, you can get thigh-high compression socks in either closed or open toe. There are also varied fabric selections and colors available For even better support and fit, you may go for socks with silicone bands as these prevent slippage.

The level of pressure is important to consider when buying compression socks for nurses. In this case, you should check the pressure provided, which is indicated in mmHG. It is important to buy stockings that are snug, yet the tightness does not cause any pain. In case you only want mild compression, then a lower value in mmHG should be considered. This should suffice when you want to maintain comfort and support while you are at work and standing on your feet all day.

For people who are suffering from DVT, a firmer fit is advisable. Check for higher numbers when choosing the kind of fit that the sock offers, so you will be able to attain the level of comfort you need. The same holds true when you have just recovered from surgery, or you are unable to move. However, once you are capable of standing and moving, you should go for graduated compression stockings.

Just the same, the best way to purchase the type or style of compression socks for your needs is by consulting a doctor. If you need the stockings for medical reasons, your doctor will measure your legs and prescribe the right ones for you.

Guide to Choosing and Wearing Compression Socks for Nurses

There are different things to consider when selecting from a range of compression socks offered in stores. The following are some important factors that you should keep in mind.

  1. Level of Compression

You can choose from light, moderate, firm and extra firm compression level for these socks. If you just want comfort and prevent poor circulation or pooling, light to moderate compression is for you. However, if you are suffering from varicose veins or edema, firm and extra firm compression is advisable for your condition.

  1. Type of Material

There are different materials to choose from, so your options are not limited. These include rubber, lycra and spandex. Obtain professional advice when choosing the material of socks that suits you best.

Once you have purchased your very own pair of compression socks, it is important to know how to wear these properly. This way, you can minimize pain and achieve a high level of comfort and support for your condition.


Here are some tips to wearing your compression socks:

  • Eliminate bunching of the socks by smoothing them out and making sure they lie flatly on your skin.
  • Never roll the tops of your socks down just to reduce the length. Rolling only makes your socks tighter, thus causing problems with blood flow or circulation.
  • Keep your socks on several hours a day if your doctor has advised you to put them on for support. Be sure to ask your doctor how long you need to wear your socks.

Consider these tips when choosing, buying and wearing compression socks for nurses. This way, you can achieve total comfort and support while reducing your chances of getting varicose veins and circulation issues on your legs.


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Nursing is one of the few careers in which it is possible to impact the life of an individual directly. With a growing and aging population, there has never been a better time to be able to meet the needs of so many people. The State Board of Registered Nursing provides a list of approved nursing schools in California, which offer a variety of programs for anyone looking to get into the field.

Nursing offers many opportunities, from the work environment to specialty. The RN programs are at the available at the masters, associates, and baccalaureate degree levels. These programs include, but are not limited to, nurse anesthetist, nurse specialist, nurse practitioner, public health nursing and nurse midwifery.

There’s a lot of debate about the best nursing schools in California, and obviously, it’s a debate that will continue to rage on between students of various schools. There’s one thing that is for certain though, and that is the real advantage to attend any of these top schools. You will not only receive a quality nursing education that is recognized by the entire healthcare industry, but also forge connections with some of the top people in the industry for years to come. Here are some picks for the top nursing schools in California, so do check them out and see what they have to offer!


 Top Nursing Schools in California

  1. UCLA School of Nursing

UCLA School of Nursing

If there’s one thing for sure about nursing schools in California, it’s that the UCLA School of Nursing is head and shoulders above the rest. It’s been in existence for over 50 years now and is held in very high regard both locally and internationally in the field of health care.

You can do your Bachelors of Science in Nursing with them, get your Master’s or Ph.D. and even do an LVN bridging course with them to fast track your way into a fully qualified RN. If you want to attend one of the top schools, you certainly can’t go wrong with the UCLA school of nursing. The only challenge is that you’ll face stiff competition for a place here, with 1200 applicants fighting it out for just 50 spots in their undergraduate program.

  1. University of San Diego School of Nursing & Health Science

. University Of San Diego School Of Nursing & Health Science

Another one of the top nursing schools in California is the University of San Diego’s School of Nursing & Health Science. They have a wide range of options available for any potential nursing student, from the BSN, MSN and even Ph.D. in a number of administrative and educational options.

They are ranked in the top 50 nursing schools in the country and are one of the top nursing schools internationally as well. One particular highlight is their modern cutting-edge facilities at the disposal of all their nursing students.

  1. Cal State LA School Of Nursing

Cal State LA School Of Nursing

Last but not least in the list of top nursing schools in California is the Cal State LA School of Nursing, ranked in the top 100 nursing schools in the world. They are very focused in offering just the two BSN and MSN degrees for their nursing students, but they do it really well, so if you find it hard to snag a spot in UCLA or USD, this may be a good option for you.

  1. Pacific College

Pacific College

Pacific College has programs in Cardiovascular and Vocational Nursing that give students the ability to cultivate their career. This would be perfect for someone looking for a career in this profession and living in Costa Mesa, California. Since education is widely considered investing into the future of our youth, many nursing colleges in the state of California are pleased to have Federal Financial aid available for those that meet both the academic and financial qualifications.

The objective of just about every nursing school should be to provide students with the utmost level of aptitude and training. Through the completion of schoolwork and admittance into the field of choice, there are many opportunities available. A student must graduate from a program that is approved by the State Board of Nursing in California and pass the NCLEX test to be able to be officially licensed as a registered or vocational nurse.

The fully qualified and experienced faculty at the nursing schools found in California are devoted to the success of the students and have dedicated their lives to education. They also possess considerable experience in the field and leads to the reason for California having one of the top nursing programs in the United States. This coincides with the Golden State’s focus on giving its citizens affordable and quality healthcare.

Online Programs of Nursing Schools in California


If you’re exploring your options for top nursing schools in California, you shouldn’t ignore the online courses being offered by these top universities as well. This is a good option to take your nursing degree at your own pace while still gaining full accreditation and recognition for graduating from one of these top universities. Enrolling yourself in the top nursing schools in California is really easy with all the latest.

Going into nursing can be a great idea for anyone who enjoys helping others. Just like doctors, nurses must study specialized subjects, and put the skills and knowledge learned in school into use on a daily basis. There are numerous California nursing schools to pick from, and each will provide the hands-on experience and education that is needed to enter the wonderful field known as nursing.

Nursing schools in California do offer most of the programs of choice. Some of them even offer bachelor degrees in nursing and the chance to study for nurse education as well. This makes sense because health professions usually have a continuing education requirement that they need to maintain in order to keep the license they hold. It might be something simple like maintaining a CPR and first-aid certificate or something more extensive like taking one college health credit every few years in order to be valid. Whatever the requirements, know that there are some that you will have to continue to meet.

Why You Need to Choose Nursing Schools in California


California Nursing Schools:

  • Offer a wide range of education programs

The nursing schools in California offer a wide range of education for all sorts of nurse careers. You can find education for CNA (certified nurse assistant) to the RN (registered nurse), and even some bachelor programs as well. You will also see them offered in various places throughout the state too; from online campuses to big universities. The healthcare professions are going to keep seeing a demand for new positions to be filled. This includes nurses and is partially due to ever-changing technology that is involved with medicine and treatment options.

  • Offer you a chance to get one of the best-paying careers in California

Nursing schools in California also have the benefit of being one of the highest paying states for that career as well. That means that once you are done you could potentially earn a lot more than someone in another state might. One of the reasons for this turn of events is the demand for health care professions in this state. More people vacation, or move to for a new start, or retire to this state as time goes by. That means more people, and more people can equate to more sick people as well.

  • Offer some of the biggest variety for education

The nursing schools in California also offer some of the biggest variety for education. You can find accredited courses as well as some advance education programs. There are even some classes where you can specialize in nursing education so that you can teach the skills to others. No matter what your long-term goals are, you can find a program that suits the needs you have to accomplish to attain the desired outcome.

  • Many schools are available and they offer different courses

You will find thousands of nursing schools in California to pick from. Some of them are large universities, and others are smaller campuses. They have even included some online campuses to the long list. With that in mind, you are sure to find at least one that suits your style or need of learning. In fact, it might be a bigger problem to narrow it down to just one instead of finding only one to begin with. Make sure that you figure out which license you want to end up with a head of time. Yes, you will most likely have to start at the bottom and work you way up, but if you plan on working your way up right away it will help to already be enrolled in a college that offers the other programs as well. If not, at least make sure the classes will transfer to another campus.

How to Find Nursing Schools in California?


  • Do online search

If you go onto the internet and type in the terms nursing schools in California then you shall notice that you do have several to choose from. The fact you have these options is actually a good thing but it does then require you to do some work before you can actually decide where you would like to study. The key here is to take your time in doing your research into the various facilities so you know virtually everything about them before you even think about applying. This will make a difference in your confidence that you have made the right decision and it can then actually improve your ability to learn whilst there.

You will find that they do have their own website so look through every page in order to learn as much as possible from this source. It should contain information such as the history of the school, the success it has had, and information on the actual courses that they offer which is, of course, the main reason why you are going there.

  • Compare the courses on offer at different schools

Compare the courses on offer at different places in order to see what their different approaches are like and also how they are structured along with any information about where you would be getting actual experience as they should have links with some medical facility as well. It may be the case that one style will be better for you than others and this is very helpful because then it will, yet again, help you to learn a lot quicker.

Apart from reading their website do also get confirmation about the qualifications you would receive at the end and that they would then be accepted by medical facilities in the area. This is important because you want to be sure that you will not just waste your time there ending up with a certificate that is of no use whatsoever.

  • Check the feedback

It is also worth spending some time finding out what other people think about the courses there and again you can often find some of this feedback on the internet. Read as many opinions as you can to get a broad picture as clearly one person can have a bad time there whereas others may enjoy their spell learning at that facility.

If they have an open day at their school then do try and take them up on that offer as you can then get a real feel of what it would be like to study there. This will let you see the facility and talk to the people that will be teaching you and there is also the chance you could then interact with current students and get their opinions about being there in person.

One of the best nursing schools in California offers everything you will need so that you can jump start your career in the health field. In a few years, the demand for health care professionals will be on the rise, this is a great time to learn this profession. A good school must have a great reputation with its students and how they teach. The nursing program itself takes many hours to complete because so much will be covered during your time in training. You have the options to either attend classes full-time or part-time if it is easier for you. Some schools have weekday and weekend classes available. Many people who are working with a busy schedule attend part-time classes on weekends.

  • Make sure that you are qualified for the course you are applying

What you will need to become a student is to have a high school diploma or equivalent, complete and pass a background check and fill out the required forms with your information. Find out how much it will cost you to attend. In most cases financial aid may be available for those who qualify, this can be handled when you are filling out your forms. Once you have gone through registration and have everything that you need, you will be working with a team of experienced nurses that will teach everyone the basics and hands-on training.

  • Choose an experienced nursing school

The best nursing schools in California would have to be around for years and have helped many students. Schools that are accredited are proof that they are valid by the state, especially if you are looking to be licensed. There are many benefits as to why it is a good choice to become a nurse in vocational nursing schools in California. Being a licensed vocational nurse is also a great way to help people as well as make a good stable income. You can also move anywhere and not have to worry about finding work because vocational nurses are needed almost everywhere.

So when searching for nursing schools in California you can see that you do have several things to do before you make that final decision about where you would like to study. You need to take this slowly because clearly it is a major decision that will influence not just the next few years of your life but also your future career.

If you are looking to attend nursing schools in California, you have made the right choice. There are a wealth of options available for you if you want to study nursing, be it at the CNA level all the way through to the MSN level as well. The advantages of enrolling yourself in one of the many nursing schools in California is that not only do you get a quality degree, you get it for less than what you would pay in many other colleges around the country. You can also take up the option of studying the online version of the degree as well, which gives you flexibility in how you organize your schedule.

Vital Information About Nursing Schools In California


Choosing between the many nursing schools in California and beyond is extremely tricky because there are so many options available to you. Outside of California, there are universities like the University of Phoenix, Florida Hospital College Of Health Sciences and Walden University that you can consider if you prefer to do your studies online.

In California, your main choice for online studies is the nursing college of UCLA. Other than that, there are many prestigious choices available for you if you want to study the traditional bricks and mortar way.

It all boils down to where you are in your life and your career at the moment. If you are fresh out of high school, you may want to seriously consider doing your BSN degree instead of just opting for the basic RN degree. That’s because you never know whether later on in your career  you will have the time to upgrade your qualifications or not. If you are currently a practicing RN or, otherwise, employed in a different job but wanting to change your career direction, then there are specialized RN to BSN programs that allow you to upgrade your qualifications quickly.

Benefits of Online Programs With Nursing Schools in California


If you are fresh out of high school and wanting to pursue a career in nursing, you may prefer to do a “bricks and mortar” degree in one of the local universities’ nursing schools in California. After all, you don’t have those many financial commitments to worry about, and time wise you still have a whole career ahead of you.

On the other hand, if you are currently working full-time as an RN or wanting to make the change from another career, then online programs would be beneficial for you in terms of time and flexibility as well. You may wonder why online programs would be a good fit, well the last thing you’ll want to do after a long hard day at work would be to rush to your classes in nursing school, then would you?

Obviously not, and only online programs would allow you to have the flexibility to do your online classes at your own time, and go through the course at your own pace as well. So whether you choose online nursing schools in California or to do the “bricks and mortar” way, these are definitely considerations to think about.

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With the ever-growing need for people with nursing education in the healthcare sector, Associate’s Degree in Nursing has become popular as a program that equips nurses with skills and increases their career prospects. It was introduced in the market over 50 years ago to counter the nursing shortages brought about by the Second World War. The duration of study for the degree ranges from 2-3 years but the time frame can considerably reduce for students who are eligible for credit transfers. During this period, the students undergo preparation to become registered nurses who can administer holistic patient care, educate the community on health issues, and provide support to patients and their family members. The study involves lab work, lecture sessions, nursing seminars, and clinical experiences.


What You Need to Acquire Associate’s Degree in Nursing

Associate Degree Nursing

Admissions to Associate’s Degree in Nursing program has numerous stipulations because the openings are limited. Applicants are required to have a high school diploma or GED in which they have met the minimum grade point average. Other minor requirements include passing a criminal background check, having a negative drug screen, and providing proof of specific immunizations. Students with their Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) certificate or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) certificate have higher chances of being accepted into the program, but this is not a mandatory requirement.

In addition to nursing classes, learners are supposed to complete certain prerequisite classes such as math, biology, anatomy, nutrition, and psychology. Once students have completed this degree, they are required to sit for National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) which is the final step towards becoming a registered nurse.

Major Components of the Course of Associate’s Degree in Nursing


Like many other nursing courses, three main areas of focus for Associate’s Degree in Nursing include biology, psychology, and sociology. These major components are further subdivided into smaller areas of study as discussed below.

  1. Anatomy and Physiology — this section provides learners with basic information about the structure and operations of the human body. The knowledge enables medical staff to give proper care to an individual whose body parts are not functioning as expected.
  2. Pediatric nursing — it equips learners with special skills to handle infants, children, and adolescents in different ways such as giving immunizations, looking after children with chronic illnesses, and advising caregivers about proper nutrition for healthy child development.
  3. Mental health nursing — a registered nurse must be in a position to assess the mental health needs of the patient and help them to deal with issues such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, drug addiction, and stress-related illnesses.
  4. Pathophysiology — it is a branch of this course that addresses the functional changes that occur in the body resulting from injury or disease. Nurses must have an understanding of how to restore the body from such a condition.
  5. Nursing leadership & management — it incorporates the business function into clinical practice by preparing nurses to participate in making policy decisions, leading organizations, running marketing campaigns, and handling finances among other functions.
  6. Pharmacology — in most cases, nurses will be required to administer drugs to patients, so they have to understand their uses and effects.
  7. Medical/surgical nursing — this is an area of specialty within the course that enables students to acquire extensive knowledge on various aspects of nursing care. It prepares nurses to work in different settings such as wards, emergency departments, outpatient clinics, home healthcare, and nursing homes.
  8. Maternal/newborn nursing — it is a critical component of healthcare nursing that enables nurses to give care to mothers after delivery and to advise them on the best practices for the infants.
  9. Basic nutrition — nurses are often required to work as nutrition counselors since the healthcare sector does not have enough nutritionists and dieticians. As such, they have to understand each class of nutrients and their functions in the human body because proper nutrition is crucial in leading a healthy life.

The above list is not exhaustive, and it only serves to show that Associate’s Degree in Nursing is a diverse course that equips learners with a wide range of skills. It ensures that the graduates are ready to work in diverse areas of patient care and competently handle various responsibilities.

Relevance of the Associate’s Degree in Nursing Program

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Associate’s Degree in Nursing will always remain a relevant choice for all who wish to join the field of nursing. Since its introduction, it has played a significant role in helping to solve the problem of shortage of nurses, and to effectively meet healthcare needs of the growing population. It fulfills the individual right of access to education, especially to individuals who cannot afford other advanced programs. In the past, there has been a controversy surrounding the credibility of the program, with the opponents arguing that a professional nurse should hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree from the University. However, studies have proven them wrong by showing that registered nurses perform well in the same capacity whether they are prepared in Associate’s degree program or baccalaureate degree programs. As such, ADN program remains a feasible option of becoming a registered nurse.

Potential Careers with Associate’s Degree in Nursing


An Associate’s Degree in Nursing prepares graduates to work in various types of health facilities where they will be expected to perform duties such as:

  • Ensuring that the patients are comfortable
  • Maintaining patient records for future reference
  • Monitoring patient health through measuring their blood pressure and temperature
  • Reporting patient status to the doctor
  • Providing basic care such as changing of bandages
  • Discussing how patients are feeling and addressing their concerns

Since the above responsibilities are general, the career choices for the graduates are limitless. For this reason, they can work in any of the following settings.

  1. Nursing care facilities: this will involve taking care of older adults and taking care of their social, physical, and psychological needs. It may also involve patients under long-term rehabilitation.
  2. General medical and surgical hospital: one can offer services in various hospital departments such as the emergency unit, surgery room, and the maternity ward.
  3. Physicians’ offices: physicians hire registered nurses as medical assistants to give primary care. Here they prepare the patients, read vital signs and prepare the specimen for lab testing among other duties.
  4. Home health care nursing: some patients continue to require professional medical services when they return home, and nurses with this degree are well trained to offer such services.
  5. Community care facilities: the nurses can provide non-medical residential care to patients in such facilities.

Benefits of Associate’s Degree in Nursing


  1. The program requires fewer credit hours than other degrees in the field of nursing, so it saves the students a lot of time. The shorter duration also makes it a cheaper option that is suitable for students with financial constraints.
  2. It is available online, so students can learn while minding other commitments to jobs and families. The flexibility offered by online availability also ensures that students can work at their own pace even from the comfort of their homes.
  3. The program qualifies nursing students to sit for National Council Licensure Examination, thus granting them quicker access to the nursing field than their counterparts at the Bachelor level.
  4. Graduates are adequately prepared for their nursing career by learning a wide range of skills through the diverse curriculum.
  5. It increases the healthcare sector supply of registered nurses for the smooth running of the system.
  6. It offers a clear pathway to other degrees at advanced levels.
  7. It exposes the graduates to a diversified work environment by producing all-round nurses who are trained to handle different issues.

Learning Outcomes for Associate’s Degree in Nursing


There are several expectations that nursing students are expected to achieve upon completion of this program. First, they must demonstrate clinical competence within the scope of the degree during clinical experiences. Secondly, they must be in a position to use effective communication, especially when dealing with patients and their families. This also implies that they should work together as a team with their colleagues. Thirdly, they must prove to be effective at decision making because this is a crucial skill in patient care. Fourth, they must be accountable and act with integrity for the legal and professional responsibilities placed upon them by the career. Fifth, they ought to know how to identify risks to themselves and other people, and come up with measures to prevent injury. Lastly, students should demonstrate their capability to be caring individuals who can enrich their lives as well as those of their patients.

Future Educational Opportunities with Associate’s Degree in Nursing


Nurses holding an Associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) can advance their education to gain deeper knowledge about the career. They can pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN) which can expose them to new working opportunities and ensure that they can access higher pay for services offered. BSN enables the nurses to work in specialized, supervisory, and administrative positions in different organizations. Additionally, acquiring AND ensures that students edge closer towards enrolling for Master of Science programs in nursing which introduce new areas of concentration such as nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, and clinical nurse specialist among others (Juraschek et al.).

Online Availability of the Associate’s Degree in Nursing Course


In the recent past, online courses have become popular in the nursing field. The case is no different for Associate’s Degree in Nursing, which is offered online by different colleges. An online ADN program enables students to complete the reading, lecture, and assignment parts of the course without physically going to the campus. They interact with their peers and instructors online and use the same platform to do their presentations. The online program has been designed for specific groups of people such as:

  • Single parents

It may prove difficult for a single parent trying to balance class attendance with caring for their children. Online ADN course offers them a flexible option whereby they can learn and do assignments when their schedule allows.

  • Students in remote areas

Some people reside in far off locations, and this makes it difficult for them to access campus. The online program solves this problem since students can learn from anywhere provided they have access to the internet.

  • Professionals seeking a career change

Some people are determined to learn while working so that they can build on their knowledge or shift to a new career. The online program is suitable for them because they can continue working while learning during free time.

As much as the program is beneficial, there is a downside to it because one cannot earn the degree entirely online. Nursing is a hands-on profession, and a certain portion of the course must be completed offline. Online students will be required to attend lab sessions online and get further training in hospitals or healthcare clinics.

The Expected Salary Range with Associate’s Degree in Nursing


Information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that a registered nurse under this program takes home about $79,110 in a year (Buerhaus et al.). However, this figure is not constant because there are various factors that affect salaries for holders of Associate’s Degree in Nursing. Examples of such factors include years of experience, geographical location, and the facility at which one is employed. Below is a rough estimate of the hourly rates for the registered nurses in different capacities:

Registered Nurse (RN) – $19.86 – $35.27

Registered Nurse (RN), Emergency Room – $20.89 – $38.37

Registered Nurse (RN), Operating Room – $21.32 – $41.34

Registered Nurse (RN) Supervisor – $24.24 – $37.70

Charge Nurse (RN) – $21.48 – $36.45

Hospice Registered Nurse (RN) – $22.17 – $35.53

The Future of the Associate’s Degree in Nursing Program


The demand for nurses with a higher level of skills is continually rising, and some hospitals are opting to hire nurses with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing or higher. However, BSN holders are best suited to work in specialized areas, such as physical rehabilitation and oncology. On the other hand, a nurse with ADN can carry out many different tasks that are indispensable in the healthcare sector.


From this discussion, it is clear that Associate’s Degree in Nursing still has a solid future as the graduates will be needed to fill the arising vacancies. The graduates produced by the BSN program cannot adequately meet the health care nursing needs, and their efforts need to be supplemented by nurses with different qualifications. For this reason, there is no reason to doubt the employability of ADN holders as they hold a crucial spot in defining the future of nursing. However, it is advisable that graduates under this program seek to advance their level of education. This will open up their career path to even more options, and to better prospects for higher pay.

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Basically, nursing is the optimization, promotion and protection of the abilities and health, prevention of injury and illness, facilitation of healing, relief of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of the human response, and advocacy in the care of people, groups, families, communities, and populations. What is an advanced practice nurse? An advanced practice nurse is a registered nurse with an expert knowledge base, clinical competencies for general practice, and complex decision-making skills of his or her specialty. Well, advanced practice nurses, whether nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, or clinical nurse specialists, play an important role in the field of health care. Advanced practice registered nurses (ARPNs) are generally primary care providers always at the forefront of offering preventive care to the community.


Responsibilities of an Advanced Practice Nurse


Advanced practice nurses do these everyday functions:

  • Perform comprehensive physical exams, including functional, psychosocial and developmental assessment, and obtain health histories.
  • Provide patient or family counseling, education, and health promotion.
  • Administer wound care, medications, and several other personalized interventions.
  • Interpret patient data, maintain patient records and make important decisions about required activities.
  • Coordinate care, develop differential diagnoses and arrange patient referrals or consultations with other healthcare professionals.
  • Supervise and direct care offered by other healthcare providers, such as nurse aides and licensed practical nurses (LPNs).
  • Conduct and take part in research studies in support of improved care, practice and patient outcome.

Where Does an Advanced Practice Nurse Work?


An advanced practice nurse works in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, medical offices, nursing homes, ambulatory care centers, schools, community health centers, and retail clinics. They can also give health care in very surprising locations such as homeless shelters, camps, prisons, tourism destinations and sporting events.

What is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)?

2014 APRN Logo

APRN is a general term given to a registered nurse with a Master’s education and clinical practice requirements surpassing the usual licensing required and nursing education of all registered nurses. A registered nurse should also offer a noticeable level of care to patients. The main types of APRNs include:

  1. Nurse Practitioner (NP) – works in clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, private offices, and provides a range of preventive and primary health care services, diagnoses and treats casual minor injuries and illnesses, and prescribes medication. Note that there are key differences between an advanced practice nurse and a nurse practitioner, including:

Education – NP needs a Masters of Science in Nursing while an advanced practice nurse must have a Master’s Degree in Nursing.

Typical duties – Nurse practitioner often acts as primary care medical providers, while an advanced practice nurse duties differ hugely depending on nurse’s specialization.

Prescribing medication – Nurse practitioner can prescribe medication while an advanced practice nurse has prescriptive authority depending on his own specialty.

Practice settings – NPs practice in private offices, ambulatory clinics, long-term care facilities, and community clinics while advanced practice nurse can practice in almost any health care setting.

Licensing and certification – NPs certification is available through the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) while advanced practice nurse certification is available through the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB), and National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA).

Other differences include specialization, successful personalities, common clinical collaborations and continuing educational requirements.

  1. Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) – they offer low-risk obstetrical care and well-woman gynecological in hospitals, homes and birth centers.
  2. Clinical Nursing Specialist (CNS) – works in clinics, hospitals, private offices, community-based settings, nursing homes, and handles a variety of mental and physical health problems. Additionally, they work in research, consultation, education and administration.
  3. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) – this is the oldest advanced nursing specialty. CRNAs often administer more than 65% of anesthetics offered to patients each year.

Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses (APPNs)


The advanced practice psychiatric nurse assesses and diagnoses mental health issues, and offers treatment through psychotherapeutic and pharmacotherapeutic interventions. They work in clinical settings such as private psychiatric practices, psychiatric facilities, and community mental-health centers. Usually, they work with a lot of people, including:

  1. Children who are at risk for behavioral and emotional disorders.
  2. Adults dealing with emotional and stressful disorders, including people with chronic medical conditions, as well as older adults who are at risk for cognitive and emotional decline.
  3. Individuals with serious mental health problems or chronic mental illness that result in criminal behavior.
  4. People with substance abuse or substance-related problems.
  5. Homeless people, prisoners, and victims of abuse or violence.

Advanced Nursing Practice Process


Advanced practice nursing an integrative approach to the nursing practice which uses knowledge, experience and comprehensive skills in nursing care. Some of the levels constituting APN include direct & comprehensive care, support of systems, education, research, publication, and professional leadership. The advanced practice nursing process is the crucial core of practice for registered nurses to deliver holistic and patient-focused care.

  1. Assessment

An advanced practice nurse uses a dynamic, systematic way to collect and analyze information about a patient, which is the first step in providing nursing care. Assessment often includes physiological, psychological, spiritual, sociocultural, and economic data, as well as lifestyle factors.

  1. Diagnosis

The nursing diagnosis consists of the nurse’s clinical judgment about the patient’s response and potential health needs or conditions.

  1. Outcomes or Planning

Based on the diagnosis and assessment, the nurse plans, measurable and achievable short-term and long-term goals for the patient, including, maintaining adequate nutrition, resolving conflict via counseling, or managing pain by prescribing adequate medication. Documentation of assessment information, diagnosis, and outcomes/planning in the patient’s care plan is necessary for nurses and other health professionals providing care for the patient to use it.

  1. Implementation

Nursing care is usually implemented based on the care plan, therefore, assured continuity of patient care during hospitalization and discharge preparation. Care is normally documented in the Patient’s record.

  1. Evaluation

Both the nursing care’s effectiveness and the patient’s status need regular evaluation. The care plan must also be modified as needed.

Advanced Practice Nurse Jobs and Salaries


There are various nursing jobs for licensed and certified nurses. Each job has separate advanced practice nurse salary. According to the national salary data:

A Family Nurse Practitioner earns $73, 890 – $108,349

An Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) earns $73,010 – $112,296

An Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) earns $74,537 – $114,987

A Nurse Practitioner (NP) earns $76,960 – $117,846

A Psychiatric Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) earns $79,556 – $120,599

Regulatory Mechanisms


An advanced practice nurse has to follow some specific regulations in the nursing practice:

  1. Right to diagnose.
  2. Authority to prescribe treatment and medication.
  3. Authority to refer patients to other health professionals.
  4. Authority to admit and discharge patients from hospitals.

Advanced Practice Nurse Education and Licensure


Governance of the advanced nursing practice includes:

  1. Establishing necessity for first licensure & retaining. This involves basic/continuing education, and competency.
  2. Interpreting the extent of advanced nursing practice parameters.
  3. Investigating licensees’ complaints and disciplinary actions.

A Diploma in Nursing was the most common path to registered nurse licensure and a nursing career, it is available via hospital-based nursing schools.

Degree in Nursing (ADN) is a 2-year degree offered by hospital-based nursing schools and community colleges that prepare a person for a more advanced practice nursing.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a 4-year degree offered at universities and colleges.

Master’s Degree programs (MSN) well-prepares advanced practice nurses, nurse educators and nurse administrators.

Doctor of Philosophy programs (Ph.D.) are research-focused where graduates typically conduct research and/or teach.

Doctor of Nursing Practice programs (DNP) focus on leadership roles and clinical practice.


Education programs prepare advance practice nurses to engage in professional nursing practice crossing all healthcare settings. It is also necessary to lead in a greater understanding of political, social, cultural and economic issues that influence healthcare delivery and affect patients.

Healthy Advanced Practice Nursing


A healthy advanced practice nurse is one who regularly focuses on creating & maintaining a balance of physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, spiritual, professional and personal well-being. A healthy nurse should live life to the fullest capacity, across the illness or wellness continuum, because they are stronger role models, educators, advocates, and educators, for their families, communities, work environments, and mostly their patients.

Advance practice nurses are the most trusted profession, and capable of making a great difference! By choosing an active lifestyle, nutritious foods, living tobacco-free, managing stress, getting preventive screenings and immunizations, and choosing protective measures like wearing gloves, bicycle helmets, and sunscreen, nurses can set a good example on how to stay healthy.




The advanced nursing practice also needs a healthy working environment which is empowering, safe, and satisfying. Physical, social and mental well-being supports optimal safety and health. All nurses form a part of the patient-centered team, therefore, they should embrace the culture of safety, where they are responsible for working with a sense of accountability, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, involvement and professionalism. All advanced practice registered nurses should mind the safety and health for healthcare workers and most importantly patients in any healthcare setting. This provides a sense of respect, empowerment, and safety to and for all people.

A health risk appraisal by HIPPA gives registered nurses real-time data on their safety, wellness and health, personally and professionally.

Implications for Advanced Nursing Practice

Optimal staffing is important to offer optimal patient care. Staffing is crucial in influencing the safety of both nurses and patients.

Ensuring adequate nursing staff levels helps:

  • Reduce medication and medical errors.
  • Decrease patient complications.
  • Decrease mortality.
  • Improve patient satisfaction.
  • Reduce nurse fatigue and burnout.
  • Improve nurse retention and job satisfaction.

Overall, the nursing profession or practice is a greatly respected and highly sought-after career. For those who are considering a change in careers or have just finished school and are thinking of what career path to pursue, look no further! Nursing has many benefits and advantages. From job flexibility in schedules, career and locations to personal satisfaction and meaningful work like empowering patients.

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Basically, nursing is the optimization, promotion and protection of the abilities and health, prevention of injury and illness, facilitation of healing, relief of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of the human response, and advocacy in the care of people, groups, families, communities, and populations. What is an advanced practice nurse? An advanced practice nurse is a registered nurse with an expert knowledge base, clinical competencies for general practice, and complex decision-making skills of his or her specialty. Well, advanced practice nurses, whether nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, or clinical nurse specialists, play an important role in the field of health care. Advanced practice registered nurses (ARPNs) are generally primary care providers always at the forefront of offering preventive care to the community.


Responsibilities of an Advanced Practice Nurse


Advanced practice nurses do these everyday functions:

  • Perform comprehensive physical exams, including functional, psychosocial and developmental assessment, and obtain health histories.
  • Provide patient or family counseling, education, and health promotion.
  • Administer wound care, medications, and several other personalized interventions.
  • Interpret patient data, maintain patient records and make important decisions about required activities.
  • Coordinate care, develop differential diagnoses and arrange patient referrals or consultations with other healthcare professionals.
  • Supervise and direct care offered by other healthcare providers, such as nurse aides and licensed practical nurses (LPNs).
  • Conduct and take part in research studies in support of improved care, practice and patient outcome.

Where Does an Advanced Practice Nurse Work?


An advanced practice nurse works in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, medical offices, nursing homes, ambulatory care centers, schools, community health centers, and retail clinics. They can also give health care in very surprising locations such as homeless shelters, camps, prisons, tourism destinations and sporting events.

What is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)?

2014 APRN Logo

APRN is a general term given to a registered nurse with a Master’s education and clinical practice requirements surpassing the usual licensing required and nursing education of all registered nurses. A registered nurse should also offer a noticeable level of care to patients. The main types of APRNs include:

  1. Nurse Practitioner (NP) – works in clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, private offices, and provides a range of preventive and primary health care services, diagnoses and treats casual minor injuries and illnesses, and prescribes medication. Note that there are key differences between an advanced practice nurse and a nurse practitioner, including:

Education – NP needs a Masters of Science in Nursing while an advanced practice nurse must have a Master’s Degree in Nursing.

Typical duties – Nurse practitioner often acts as primary care medical providers, while an advanced practice nurse duties differ hugely depending on nurse’s specialization.

Prescribing medication – Nurse practitioner can prescribe medication while an advanced practice nurse has prescriptive authority depending on his own specialty.

Practice settings – NPs practice in private offices, ambulatory clinics, long-term care facilities, and community clinics while advanced practice nurse can practice in almost any health care setting.

Licensing and certification – NPs certification is available through the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) while advanced practice nurse certification is available through the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB), and National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA).

Other differences include specialization, successful personalities, common clinical collaborations and continuing educational requirements.

  1. Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) – they offer low-risk obstetrical care and well-woman gynecological in hospitals, homes and birth centers.
  2. Clinical Nursing Specialist (CNS) – works in clinics, hospitals, private offices, community-based settings, nursing homes, and handles a variety of mental and physical health problems. Additionally, they work in research, consultation, education and administration.
  3. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) – this is the oldest advanced nursing specialty. CRNAs often administer more than 65% of anesthetics offered to patients each year.

Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses (APPNs)


The advanced practice psychiatric nurse assesses and diagnoses mental health issues, and offers treatment through psychotherapeutic and pharmacotherapeutic interventions. They work in clinical settings such as private psychiatric practices, psychiatric facilities, and community mental-health centers. Usually, they work with a lot of people, including:

  1. Children who are at risk for behavioral and emotional disorders.
  2. Adults dealing with emotional and stressful disorders, including people with chronic medical conditions, as well as older adults who are at risk for cognitive and emotional decline.
  3. Individuals with serious mental health problems or chronic mental illness that result in criminal behavior.
  4. People with substance abuse or substance-related problems.
  5. Homeless people, prisoners, and victims of abuse or violence.

Advanced Nursing Practice Process


Advanced practice nursing an integrative approach to the nursing practice which uses knowledge, experience and comprehensive skills in nursing care. Some of the levels constituting APN include direct & comprehensive care, support of systems, education, research, publication, and professional leadership. The advanced practice nursing process is the crucial core of practice for registered nurses to deliver holistic and patient-focused care.

  1. Assessment

An advanced practice nurse uses a dynamic, systematic way to collect and analyze information about a patient, which is the first step in providing nursing care. Assessment often includes physiological, psychological, spiritual, sociocultural, and economic data, as well as lifestyle factors.

  1. Diagnosis

The nursing diagnosis consists of the nurse’s clinical judgment about the patient’s response and potential health needs or conditions.

  1. Outcomes or Planning

Based on the diagnosis and assessment, the nurse plans, measurable and achievable short-term and long-term goals for the patient, including, maintaining adequate nutrition, resolving conflict via counseling, or managing pain by prescribing adequate medication. Documentation of assessment information, diagnosis, and outcomes/planning in the patient’s care plan is necessary for nurses and other health professionals providing care for the patient to use it.

  1. Implementation

Nursing care is usually implemented based on the care plan, therefore, assured continuity of patient care during hospitalization and discharge preparation. Care is normally documented in the Patient’s record.

  1. Evaluation

Both the nursing care’s effectiveness and the patient’s status need regular evaluation. The care plan must also be modified as needed.

Advanced Practice Nurse Jobs and Salaries


There are various nursing jobs for licensed and certified nurses. Each job has separate advanced practice nurse salary. According to the national salary data:

A Family Nurse Practitioner earns $73, 890 – $108,349

An Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) earns $73,010 – $112,296

An Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) earns $74,537 – $114,987

A Nurse Practitioner (NP) earns $76,960 – $117,846

A Psychiatric Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) earns $79,556 – $120,599

Regulatory Mechanisms


An advanced practice nurse has to follow some specific regulations in the nursing practice:

  1. Right to diagnose.
  2. Authority to prescribe treatment and medication.
  3. Authority to refer patients to other health professionals.
  4. Authority to admit and discharge patients from hospitals.

Advanced Practice Nurse Education and Licensure


Governance of the advanced nursing practice includes:

  1. Establishing necessity for first licensure & retaining. This involves basic/continuing education, and competency.
  2. Interpreting the extent of advanced nursing practice parameters.
  3. Investigating licensees’ complaints and disciplinary actions.

A Diploma in Nursing was the most common path to registered nurse licensure and a nursing career, it is available via hospital-based nursing schools.

Degree in Nursing (ADN) is a 2-year degree offered by hospital-based nursing schools and community colleges that prepare a person for a more advanced practice nursing.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a 4-year degree offered at universities and colleges.

Master’s Degree programs (MSN) well-prepares advanced practice nurses, nurse educators and nurse administrators.

Doctor of Philosophy programs (Ph.D.) are research-focused where graduates typically conduct research and/or teach.

Doctor of Nursing Practice programs (DNP) focus on leadership roles and clinical practice.


Education programs prepare advance practice nurses to engage in professional nursing practice crossing all healthcare settings. It is also necessary to lead in a greater understanding of political, social, cultural and economic issues that influence healthcare delivery and affect patients.

Healthy Advanced Practice Nursing


A healthy advanced practice nurse is one who regularly focuses on creating & maintaining a balance of physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, spiritual, professional and personal well-being. A healthy nurse should live life to the fullest capacity, across the illness or wellness continuum, because they are stronger role models, educators, advocates, and educators, for their families, communities, work environments, and mostly their patients.

Advance practice nurses are the most trusted profession, and capable of making a great difference! By choosing an active lifestyle, nutritious foods, living tobacco-free, managing stress, getting preventive screenings and immunizations, and choosing protective measures like wearing gloves, bicycle helmets, and sunscreen, nurses can set a good example on how to stay healthy.




The advanced nursing practice also needs a healthy working environment which is empowering, safe, and satisfying. Physical, social and mental well-being supports optimal safety and health. All nurses form a part of the patient-centered team, therefore, they should embrace the culture of safety, where they are responsible for working with a sense of accountability, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, involvement and professionalism. All advanced practice registered nurses should mind the safety and health for healthcare workers and most importantly patients in any healthcare setting. This provides a sense of respect, empowerment, and safety to and for all people.

A health risk appraisal by HIPPA gives registered nurses real-time data on their safety, wellness and health, personally and professionally.

Implications for Advanced Nursing Practice

Optimal staffing is important to offer optimal patient care. Staffing is crucial in influencing the safety of both nurses and patients.

Ensuring adequate nursing staff levels helps:

  • Reduce medication and medical errors.
  • Decrease patient complications.
  • Decrease mortality.
  • Improve patient satisfaction.
  • Reduce nurse fatigue and burnout.
  • Improve nurse retention and job satisfaction.

Overall, the nursing profession or practice is a greatly respected and highly sought-after career. For those who are considering a change in careers or have just finished school and are thinking of what career path to pursue, look no further! Nursing has many benefits and advantages. From job flexibility in schedules, career and locations to personal satisfaction and meaningful work like empowering patients.

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On January 1, 2013, the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (established in 1985) and the American College of Nurse Practitioners (established in 1995) met up to shape the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), the biggest full-benefit national expert enrollment association for NPs of all fortes. As The Voice of the Nurse Practitioner, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners speaks to the interests of the roughly 205,000 NPs around the nation, supporting for the dynamic part of NPs as suppliers of superb, savvy, exhaustive, tolerant focused medicinal services. The mission of AANP, a full-benefit national expert participation association for NPs of all strengths, is to lead NPs in changing patient-focused social insurance.


Purpose of American Association of Nurse Practitioners


The Certification Program was built up as an accreditation body for the assessment of people who wish to enter, proceed and/or advance in the calling through the affirmation procedure. Our motivation is two-fold. We give a legitimate and solid project for passage level Nurse Practitioners to perceive their training, information, and expert ability. We give the procedure to an approval of a propelled hone enlisted medical caretaker’s capabilities for preceded with practice as a Nurse Practitioner.

Mission Vision and Values

Vision Statement

Superb Medicinal Services for all by the Patient’s Supplier of Decision

Center Values


  • Trust and straightforwardness
  • Responsibility
  • Moral responsibility
  • Unwavering quality
  • Regard


  • Meeting and surpassing desires
  • Nonstop change
  • Recognize and record best practices
  • Advancing great results

Polished skill

  • Individual and expert responsibility
  • Solidarity inside our calling/discipline
  • Inclusivity


  • Imaginative
  • Proactive
  • Visionary


  • Persevering responsibility to individuals, patients, and groups
  • Commitment


Medical caretaker Practitioners affirmed by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program:

  • Must meet set up prerequisites set by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program for the restoration of affirmation.
  • Must keep current with new data identified with the contemporary learning of the health sickness continuum so as to exhibit proceed with competency for the restoration of accreditation.
  • Are in charge of keeping up a coin of both their National Certification and RN/APRN licensure for livelihood, charging, and credentialing purposes.
  • Are guaranteed for a particular 5-year timeframe.
  • Are alluded to as Certificants.
  • Are approved to utilize the accreditation NP-C demonstrating they have met the principles, capabilities, and testing necessities built up by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners National Certification Board, Inc.
  • Have kept up proceeded with competency in the calling through setting up recertification forms.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program


  • The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program is an autonomous and independently joined non-benefit association, built up to give a substantial and solid project for section level medical caretaker specialists to perceive their training, information and expert mastery, and also a procedure for approval of a propelled practice attendant’s capabilities and learning for practice as a medical attendant professional.

Candidates taking these PC based examinations get a preparatory aftereffect of Pass/Not Pass status at the season of testing. Composed score warning and a declaration with approval to utilize NP-C accreditations will take after through postage mail once all necessities for confirmation have been met. Applicants who meet the necessities and effectively pass the proper accreditation examination to end up confirmed by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program.

  • Are qualified to utilize the qualification NP-C (Nurse Practitioner-Certified) to demonstrate their confirmation status. NP-C is the enrolled trademark of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board, Inc.
  • The medical caretaker specialist competency-based national accreditation examinations are produced by the Professional Examination Service (ProExam) in conjunction with the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program. Grown-up, Family, Gerontologic, and Adult-Gerontology medical attendant specialist topic specialists (SMEs) from agent work and scholarly situations, and also land ranges, help with all periods of the improvement of the examinations.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification

Nurses help Dr. Dorry Segev prepair for

The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification (AANPCP) Examinations are passage level, competency-based for medical caretaker professionals intelligent of attendant expert information and aptitude for each of the accompanying claims to fame :

  • Adult Nurse Practitioner
  • Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
  • Crisis Nurse Practitioner Specialty for Family Nurse Practitioners

Accreditation is allowed for 5-year time spans. The affirmation recharging process gives both the procedure to accept a confirmation and a system to guarantee the general population that medical caretaker experts ensured by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program have met current expert gauges of capabilities and information for practice required to keep up accreditation as a Nurse Practitioner.

  • Accreditation is time-restricted and lapses consequently toward the end of the 5-year affirmation period.
  • Certificants are in charge of finishing all necessities for recharging of confirmation PRIOR to lapse.
  • Recharging of affirmation is required for proceeded with the utilization of the NP-C qualification.
  • People who permit their American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program

Confirmation to terminate may not utilize the NP-C certification and may not speak to them as being guaranteed by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program.

The examinations depend on part depiction considers embraced by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program and ProExam as target measures of the information and aptitudes required of capable attendant professionals.

The confirmation examinations comprise of 150 various decision things, which incorporate 15 pretest questions that are not checked in the hopeful’s score. Things are composed and created by honing medical caretaker professionals with broad information and mastery and put in a thing bank.

Application Process for American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification


Candidates must make an Online Profile to apply for confirmation. Paper applications are accessible on the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program site for use by people who can’t use the online application.


Applications are affirmed if prerequisites for qualification are met, and required documentation is gotten and looked into for fulfillment. Candidates won’t be qualified to sit until after the candidate has finished the greater part of the instructional and clinical coursework required in the NP segment of their project.


A Nurse Practitioner who is ensured by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program is called a Certificant; demonstrating that the individual has effectively met the accompanying necessities for confirmation by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program. Certificant must:

  • Have met particular instructive necessities that evaluate graduate-level national skills of the APRN center, the NP part and no less than one populace center (ANP, FNP, GNP, A-GPCNP) region of practice.
  • Hold a current U.S. enlisted medical caretaker licensure.
  • Breeze through an affirmation test checking proficient information in the strength.
  • Have moved on from a school or college APRN instructive project that has been authorized by a national confirmation certifying body .
  • Subscribe to the degree and models of practice for Nurse Practitioners built up by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP).

The American Association of Nurse Practitioners is a part centered association, devoted to supporting our individuals with access to practice assets, proceeding with training data, proficient administrations, promotion, aptitude, thus a great deal more. Join American Association of Nurse Practitioners, recharge a current enrollment or redesign your participation profile – it’s never been less demanding.

The American Association of Nurse Practitioners’ Administration


It is administered by a chosen Board of Directors included a five-part Executive Committee, 11 Regional Directors and one Member-everywhere in charge of setting association strategy. Board individuals are chosen by American Association of Nurse Practitioners individuals in yearly decisions. The part everywhere is chosen from the current provincial chiefs on a yearly premise to serve on the Executive Committee. All individuals from the Board of Directors serve for a term of two chosen years. No individual from the Board serves more than three chosen back to back terms similarly situated.

  • The association is composed of 11 areas, each included states in their geographic region. Every district is spoken to by an executive and every state incorporates one or more delegates, chosen by American Association of Nurse Practitioners individuals.
  • It’s administrative group speaks to attendant experts and their patients on basic issues identified with licensure, access to care, persistent well-being, social insurance change, repayment, and different worries at all arrangement levels. Notwithstanding supporting on issues that affect NPs and their patients, we speak to NPs on national councils and in well-being associations.
  • Advancing amazing exploration is a key segment of their mission and why we made the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Data Collection Program. Qualified specialists may apply to review the individuals via mail or meeting participants on location at our national gathering. With more than 60,000 individuals and 5,700 meeting participants, it is an incredible purpose of access to the NP workforce.
  • The Data Collection Program gives three unmistakable offerings to those inspired by getting to an example of NPs for examination.

Why Is the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Useful?


  1. The association has precisely chosen trustworthy retailers to bring our individuals investment funds on ordinary buys.
  2. Take advantage of investment funds from broadly perceived retailers and travel organizations today.
  3. As The Voice of the Nurse Practitioner, it drives the path in backing, proceeding with training, and expert improvement for more than 60,000 individuals.
  4. Whether you are leading reviews, center gatherings, or key witness interviews, American Association of Nurse Practitioners makes it easy to achieve your objective NP group of onlookers.

Special Review Policy


Candidates not meeting the instructive criteria set by American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program to sit for national accreditation examinations may ask for an uncommon audit of their application by the Certification Commission.

In the event that the Appeals Committee regards that the system of study attempted by the candidate meets the prerequisites set up for bosses and post-graduate projects of study in the claim to fame, the candidate will be permitted to sit for the examination recorded in the solicitation.

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