
The nursing process can be defined as steps or a series of phases that have been designed to help nurses offer their patients the best care possible. These steps came into being due to the need to create uniformity and standardization in the care provided by a nurse. They are also meant to help patients know what to expect from a nurse and also to understand better what nurses have to go through to give them quality care. And so this process can also be defined as a guideline for the caregiving process in hospitals and any other facilities such as a nursing home where the intervention of a nurse is required.



Purpose of the Process

This process is considered the cornerstone of nursing and is also one of the most important processes in the entire healthcare sector. The purpose of this procedure is first to identify the health status of the patient by a careful assessment that will entail observation and conducting the required medical examinations. Here the aim is to determine actual conditions the patient may be suffering from and also any potential ones that they have the risk of suffering from based on the signs and symptoms that they have.


Another purpose of this process is to establish a plan to meet the needs of the patient that may be brought about by the actual or potential condition they are faced with. Note that the process will not only help the nurse establish a plan for intervention but also other healthcare professionals such as physicians whom it might be necessary for the patient to see. The other purpose of the process is to help the nurse deliver the specific intervention required to meet the particular needs of the patient. This process starts when the patient comes to the hospitals till they leave after their needs are met or after getting the care that they required. Due to this, the process is divided into five broad steps that the nurse has to follow.

The 5 Steps of Nursing Process

This process is cyclical meaning that the components in it follow a logical sequence or pattern. However, it is possible for more than one component to be involved at the same time and it happens very regularly. The components in this process are known as the five steps of the nursing process, and they include Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementing and evaluation. These phases are also commonly abbreviated as the ADPIE. Each of them contributes something specific in ensuring that the client gets the best care.


  1. Assessment: This is the first step in nursing care, and it usually starts when the patient first arrives at the facility or when he makes contact with the nurse. It involves the collection of as much information about the patient’s medical history as possible. Here the caregiver uses a dynamic and systematic approach to collect and analyze data on the information. It can involve simple things such as asking the patients some questions, making observations and reviewing their medical history. This assessment will include not only data on their physical health but also social, psychological, economic, spiritual and lifestyle factors.
  2. Diagnosis: Once the nurse has all the information on the patient and after analyzing it the next step in the process is the diagnosis. Diagnosis, as the name suggests, involves the clinical judgment of a nurse on the response of a patient to the actual or potential health condition. The diagnosis is done by a skilled nurse, and so it should be very detailed. For example, it should not just indicate that the patient is in pain but should also state that the pain has caused other problems like poor nutrition, anxiety and even a social effect like causing conflict in the family if that is the case. A detailed diagnosis should provide as much information as possible as it is critical for any interventions.
  3. Planning: After the diagnosis or once the patient and the nurse agree on it, a plan of action should be created. The purpose of the plan is to make the intervention that will follow a success. A care plan helps the nurse determine what needs to be done, how it should be done and when it is to be done so as to make sure that the care offered meets the medical requirements and expectations of the patient. Here the diagnosis should be addressed, and the head nurse will look at the symptoms and classify them according to their severity. Each of the problems is also assigned a measurable goal for the expected outcome. The assessment data is then written on the patient’s care plan so that nurses and everybody else caring for the patient has access to it.
  4. Implementation: This stage is where the nurse follows through with the care plan that was developed in the previous phase of the process. The care plan developed is specific for the patient, and it should focus on achieving attainable outcomes so that the implementation process may be successful. Actions involved in this stage include monitoring the client for signs of improvement or any new changes in the symptoms or condition, offering direct care and performing medical tasks. Other activities that may be done in the implementation stage may include instructing or educating patients on health management, referring and contacting the patient for follow-ups if need be. The implementation phase can take a couple of hours, weeks or even many months.
  5. Evaluation: This is the last step in the process, and it is done once all the interventions have taken place. The primary aim of evaluation is to determine whether the goals set in the care plan have been met. It can also be used to identify areas where the outcome is not desirable and to determine the reason behind this. Evaluation is not only beneficial to that specific patient but is also important in the development of care plans for future patients. In this stage, the patient’s condition can be described in any of the following three ways: condition of the patient has improved, the state of the patient has stabilized, and condition of the patient has deteriorated, discharged or died. If the patient has not shown any improvement or the set wellness goals have not been fulfilled the process has to begin again from step one.

Any nurse or any person that wants to pursue nursing must understand these steps in detail as they will be used every day in their career.

Importance of the Nursing Process

  • The process helps to provide standardization in the care offered by nurses. Since a nurse knows what to do and the steps that they should follow to care for clients they can give the same high-quality services consistently.
  • It speeds up the care process meaning that the intervention can be provided within a reasonable amount of time once the patient comes to the hospital. The nurse might be a trained medical personnel but no matter how skilled he or she may be it is impossible to determine the problem or needs of a patient without the first step that is the assessment. It makes it easy to identify the problem, come up with a care plan, and hence intervene without wasting any time.
  • Without this process, there would be many mistakes in the caregiving process. As rare as they may be medical mistakes can be fatal and they are not always major things because something simple like failing to check on the patient routinely might cost their life.
  • It is used to teach new nurses of what is expected of them once they get to the hospitals. Nursing as a profession is very complicated, and it involves many things, but this process summarizes everything into five simple steps.


Examples of Critical Thinking in the Nursing Process

Critical thinking is part of the nursing process, and this is the reason it is included in NCLEX questions and other certification examinations. The following are examples if critical thinking in the first three steps.

  • The Assessment includes being able to tell apart relevant and irrelevant data, recognizing assumptions and categorizing data.
  • In the Diagnosis stage, critical thinking entails things such as examining assumptions, making inferences, comparing patterns and identifying factors contributing to the issues.
  • For Planning, it may include things such as hypothesizing, transfer of data from one condition/situation to the other and generalization of principles learned from other sciences.


Key Factors That Influence the Process

This does not always succeed. In fact, more often than not the process does not achieve the desired goals even if they looked very attainable. Several factors can contribute to this success or failure, but the following are among the common ones

  • The competency of the nurse is crucial in this process because they determine how it goes. Being trained does not always make the nurse competent, and so their skills and expertise will directly influence the process.
  • The attitude and character of the nurse are also crucial because no matter how skilled you may be it is easy to miss out something if you do not have the right state of mind.
  • Work environment also determines whether the process is successful or not. Nurses are used to working under pressure but if it is too much it will affect their performance.
  • The patient also has a significant role to play in the process and so if they are not cooperative the assessment will not be complete, and this will directly affect the process.

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To shed light on nurse practitioner vs physician assistant, we will go into detail to reveal all there is to know on each of them. Nurse practitioners and physician and assistants are both advanced healthcare positions that have been recently created to keep pace with the changing environment and needs of patients. You already know the revolution changes that keep coming in the sector of healthcare hence the need to change dynamics once in a while. Both these specialties have so much in common with only mild differences that have been confusing many people especially students who want to make a choice on their future education and career.


NP vs PA Overview

Nurse practitioners are advanced professionals who have either earned a master’s or a doctorate degree in a specific area of specialization such ad adult or child care. The duties they perform may vary from one state to another but they generally perform diagnosis and offer medication for illnesses and conditions within their area of specialization. Depending on their education and state regulations, an NP can be allowed to operate privately or if they have to be attached to a physician with more qualification and license of practice. To become operational, you have to be licensed before you can start your practice.

A physician assistant practices direct medicine but that has to be under the supervision of a licensed physician. They perform healthcare calls at homes, hospitals and other nursing institutions under the directive of their overall physician who has to approve of every decision they make. As of 2012, the Bureau of Labor statistics placed the number of programs for PAs at 179. To qualify for such programs, one has to have an undergraduate degree. This has to be accompanied by practical experience on any field of nursing. The course work for most of the programs last for 2 years (of course there are some that are longer while others take less than 2 years). It is compulsory to acquire state license of practice. It is also a requirement in all states that you must pass Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE).


Major Similarities

Both professionals are trained to take care of the ill and it is not such a big deal to find one doing the same duty done by the other. Some of the common duties both of them have to perform include:

  • Digging into patients’ medical histories
  • Screening patients to discover their conditions and illnesses
  • Refer clients to other specialties for the conditions they cannot deal with
  • General prescription of medication
  • Perform lab tests and offer interpretation to the results
  • Treat common diseases and injuries. These are the cases which do not require any kind of specialty

Another similarity is that both have to hold formal degree before getting a job. What differentiates them is that NPs need advanced education as opposed to PAs who need lesser educational qualification and learning periods.

Another common thing you will see in both of these careers is that they both have chances to work in the same environments. They can both find jobs in hospitals, home care institutions, travel companies, factories, nursing agencies, non-profits organizations and so on.

Major Differences


As much as these 2 professionals are more close to each, there exist clear differences that you should know before you make your final decision on which path to follow. Here is an elaboration of the few differences that may exist between the 2:

Education Requirements

PAs qualify through general examinations called the PANCE and they are never required to complete a residency. This is a general qualification which does not focus on a specific field and that is why their career does not have many narrower choices to specialize in. They do not require a prior qualification before they are considered for the choice. On the other hand, NPs take a more specific kind of examination which will require them to get specialization in a narrower subdivision such as geriatrics or pediatrics. They are also supposed to have experience as BNs before they are considered for a qualification. PAs have lesser areas of specialization hence their scope of duties is way less to what NPs have in their typical day. As much as they have similar duties, NPs can perform almost all duties done by PAs but on the other hand, PAs are not in any position to perform some of the advanced duties done by NPs.


NPs are at liberty to perform most of their duties without the scrutiny of any other senior officer. PAs are under the constant watch of a physician and their decisions and actions have to be ratified before they are implemented.

PAs are not the ones who decide the length of their working shifts. Since they work under someone else, it is dependent on how long the physician has to work that their duration on work is based on. NPs are relatively independent and they can define their work duration but of course, they have to bear in mind the set regulations for how long a shift should last at their place of work.

Areas of Specialty

NPs can narrow down their specialization into a number of options. These include:

  • Basic care
  • School nursing
  • Cardiology
  • Neonatology
  • Emergency care
  • Family healthcare practice
  • Pediatrics

On the other hand, PAs can take their specialization down to the following narrow smaller fields:

  • Pediatric practice
  • Family care practice
  • Pediatrics
  • Geriatrics

As you can see, the former has a wider scope of choice to narrow down their career to as compared to PAs.


NP vs PA: Quick Stats and Facts

  • There are more women than men in both of these niches but their ratios vary. The ratio in NPs is much higher at 80% as compared to 45%.
  • The salary for both is differentiated by an individual’s specialty and workplace settings and not more by the other factors such as location play a lesser effect.
  • In general, PAs earn 5-7% less than what NPs earn whether on hourly or yearly basis
  • Despite the fact that there are more women than men in the both specialties, male practitioners earn more than the females. Salary reviews show that a male NP and PA will get between 11-13% more than what a female colleague with the same experience and education will earn.


Differences in Figures of NPs vs PAs in the US

In 2012, Bureau of Labor Statistics placed the number of NPs at 110,200 while APs trailed this figure at 86,700. There are more NPs than APs and this can be pinned down on the fact that the former get hefty pays and better working environment. It is also because many students are compelled to choose a more challenging career path.

In 2013, a nursing practitioner took home an annual mean salary of $95,070 while a PA raked in a yearly average of $87,990. On the hourly basis, NPs took $45.70 while PAs got $38.88. This is yet another difference that would compel nursing professionals to make a decision to be NPs as opposed to APs if they consider the monetary aspect to be an advantage.


In general, there is a prediction for the nursing careers to expand in an average of 26% by 2022. Coming to specific areas, each career path is expected to show a variance in the expected growth. The nursing practitioner filed is expected to register a 34% growth by the end of 2022. This is way above most of the other specialties and it may draw focus to it and get more students choosing it in the near future. The physician assistant specialty is expected to show a greater growth at 37% by the end of the same period. This is the highest growth projection that will be posted from any other nursing field. The actual numbers show that there will be 37,100 and 33,300 new vacancies for NPs and PAs respectively by the close of 2022.

Qualification Requirements

As it stands, you will need a master’s degree to qualify and be licensed to be an NP. However, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) recommended that the qualification standards be taken up to the doctorate level by 2015. Most states have not complied with this recommendation and there are some that only need a graduate degree. To get a license of practice, PAs need a master’s degree from any credible medicine center or school of medicine.

NPs are supposed to choose an area of specialization. Before this, they are expected to have completed 500-700 clinical hour and 500 didactic hours. For APs are trained as generalist and do not need to choose an area of specialization. They will need a practical experience of more than 2,000 clinical hours and 1000 didactic hours.

Process of Licensing and Certification

Certification for NPs is sought from the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) or the American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC). PAs only need to pass the PANCE to get certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistant (NCCPA).

Once you are certified, it will not last indefinitely due to the changing dynamics in healthcare. You will have to re-certify within the timeframe set for each occupation. NPs are recertified after every 5 years by sitting for appropriate exams or by completing at least 1000 hour of active clinical practice. On top of that, they are also expected to have taken 75-150 educational units in their area of specialization. PAs will need 100 hours in continued medical education (CME) in a duration of 2 years and sit for the appropriate exam after 6 years.

Crucial Details About the Job


Generally, NPs work under the oversight of a senior physician. They will make consultations from time to time but most of the time they work independently. They are allowed to make decisions on their own if it falls within their area of specialty. Today, 250 practices in the US are run by NPs. That figure is expected to grow as there is a new legislation that will compel more states to allow the autonomy of NPs in their areas of work. Only 16 states allow for such autonomy but if the legislation is passed it is estimated that 14 more states will come on board totaling to 30 states that allow the independence of practice by NPs. On the PAs side, there are no circumstances to work independently. They are to work under the scrutiny of a physician for as long as they remain in that position.

Future Outlook for Nurse Professionals and Physician Assistants


From previous BLS predictions, the demand for nursing professionals will be looking to grow by at least 26% for the period from 2012 to 2022. This is a clear indication that there is a good future prospect to choose any the 2 choices but it come down to your preference.

Which Career is the Best for You?

Students and those who want to advance their education find themselves in need to make an informed decision about what they should pursue. One of the dilemmas you may find yourself is that of becoming a nurse practitioner or physician assistant. This is a good start to decide what nursing specialty should be for you. It comes down to the depth of anatomy you want to get indulged into and the time you are planning to dedicate to your education. You will need more time and dedication to become NP as opposed to what you need to become a PA. Your need to get a job fast may also be another factor to consider which of the 2 choices is good for you. To become an NP you will require 10 years of experience before you can get that job you are eyeing. For a physician assistant, you will need fewer years of experience as well as shorter time in school. If you put these factors into consideration, you will be able to make a choice that you will never regret in your lifetime.

You should never have such a hard time to make the right choice when it comes to nurse practitioner vs physician assistant. The good news with nursing is that the prospects for each specialty are pretty bright. Generally, there are jobs available for whichever choice you make. It will come down to your preference and passion. Now you are on the informed side so go ahead to decide a career choice that will bring a smile to your face every other time you wake up and get ready to go to work.

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Female Doctor on Phone at he computer desk looking into camera with female doctor in backround out of focus

Nurse case manager salary is something at which almost all are looking with interest as this position really draws a good amount. There are chances of getting the finest way for the finest way. There are chances for getting the best kind of things. There are chances for getting finest things possible so that it is always good for you to get the best kind of outcome with the job. Before you actually find out about the salary and related things it is necessary for you to get the best kind of results with the job.


Who Are RN Nurse Managers?


RN case managers are registered nurses who have the responsibility of coordinating the various elements that are involved in the care with one patient. The role of them is to make use of services and resources in the best way. They may assist outside facilities, inside facilities and also different environments of care. As with case manager, RN may be focusing more on the usage of strategies which are fiscally responsible as they may know how and exactly where from they can get the resources which are necessary for them in delivering great care at an affordable cost. They may be working with patients as well as their families. They also work with the physicians and their partners from the medical technology industry, the pharmaceutical industry and various insurance companies.

The RN case manager salary can be really good as such a case manager can be the one who takes care of the various things possible. Managers may be really excellent communicators and have really fantastic organizational and creative skills for getting the best kind of the results from that. They can really be very organizational and creative. It is this kind of responsibilities that make the RN case manager salary good.

It is a job with more responsibilities and much involvement of management and so case management nurse salary can be always great compared to others due to this higher responsibilities and management activities that they take care of. Nurse case manager salary may also be dependent on the place they are working but it is comparatively higher than that of the others in the industry. There are chances for you to find that RN case manager salary can be considered as the highest in comparison to all other nursing jobs. It is a sole responsibility that the others may not be dealing with. This does make this job very important as well as it makes the salary of RN case managers very high compared to others.

What You Need to Become an RN Case Manager?


RN case managers can be considered as the ones who are at the least level as that of the registered nurse. This obviously shows that the nurse should have a bachelor degree or an associate degree. It is really good and advisable for the ones who are aspiring to be the case managers to do some management certification too. This may not be a mandatory criterion but it is really good if they have it.

There are many cases in which nurses can become managers through the proper job training. Insurance companies, as well as hospitals, may be asking for some extensive certification which may help them actually get the job done in the best way. They may need to hold masters of the science in a nursing degree and some of them are even going for the doctorate degree.

When we talk about RN case manager salary you also need to know about the education qualification that the particular job asks for. Nursing case management salary may be higher but it can really provide you with the finest kind of the advantages with whatever that you are in need of. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses is the association that makes decisions based on the RN case manager salary as well as the education. They have declared that the ones who want to enter this profession need to be at least BSN in their profession. It just says that it can be much rare for anyone with AND to become RN case manager.

RN Case Manager Education


There are three major things that an individual needs to take care of for becoming an RN. It is necessary to get educated in a nursing school which is based on the hospital and also should take degree which may last for more than four years. It is also possible for you to enter into the job role of m case manager if you are achieving ADN in first two years and then it can be possible for further two years of the study which is obtained as BSN.

Some of the nurses choose this as this may give them the opportunity of having a break from studying which is between two degrees. This is something which is much flexible and is also financially viable and a degree which has got bigger investment. It is also necessary for obtaining a BSN through a university.

Some of the accelerated programs also are there for the ones who are having a bachelor degree in the field of non-nursing. This may take something between 1 to 2 years for completion depending on a field with original bachelor’s kind of the degree. Once they complete education, prospective nurses may be taking a good examination. This can allow them for becoming registered nurse. After becoming that they can get RN case manager salary. Within this particular kind of the path for becoming RN case managers, there are popular specializations which can be beneficial for the ones who are interested in becoming RN case managers and getting RN case manager salary. Specializations include pediatric nursing, surgical nursing, urgent care and also geriatrics.

What Do RN Case Managers Actually Do?


RN case manager salary is given based on their job which is more associated with evaluating, implementing, planning and assessing the care of the patients and also the way the resources need to be used so that the same can be achieved.

RN Case Manager Tasks


There are so many tasks that are assigned specifically to them. The RN case manager salary is something that can assess the needs of the patient as well as develop a better care plan. It is possible for them to even take care of the utilization management for the assigned patient case loan. They also need to conduct the part of planning for both discharge and also admissions of the patients at home care, hospice or even at the hospitals. They are the ones who have got sole responsibility for figuring out what the patient may be in need of.

About RN Case Manager Salary — Figures


The RN case manager salary is something that most of us may be fascinated to know as there are so many factors that influence the same and it is also the highest salary that any nurse may be getting in the career. There are many people who aspire to be RN case management nurses due to the RN case management salary. Nurse case manager salary is something that depends on various factors which need to be taken great care of for you to have the finest way possible. It is a job that demands so much of management activities more than the nursing skills.


In the US the majority of the RN case managers are women. The RN case manager salary is something that can come to $67 k annually on an average basis. Cash compensation that is available for nurse case managers may approach from around $51 k to $86 k. This is something that shows how good is to take up this job. There are chances for you to even get bonuses of $5 k and also $4k for the part of profit sharing. The major factor which can affect compensation for the RN case manager is with the experience level and geography. Medical benefits may be awarded to the strong majority for earning dental coverage. Nurse case management salary has always got better values as the work is so much with the management part.

How Workplaces Influence an RN Case Manager Salary


The nursing case management salary is something that depends on the kind of experience and the job they do. The job is much with the part of management. It is so much with administrative tasks and includes overseeing of healthcare requirements associated with the individuals.

The places at which the nurse case manager works include industrial environment, nursing homes, hospitals etc. Depending on the environment they work in RN case manager salary may vary.

How RN Case Manager Career Path Influences Their Salary


The RN case manager salary may keep on increasing when they go on proceeding from one role to another. There are chances for them to be directors of the case management. The median pay for the directors is about $86 k on an annual basis. It is also possible to find the transition from nurse case manager to the utilization review-registered nurse who has got an average RN case manager salary of $62k annually.

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In any busy hospital, you will come across two closely interlinked career fields i.e. nurse practitioner vs doctor. Both nurses and doctors attend to patients, they prescribe medications and work closely with other members of the healthcare team to provide quality care. The difference, however, is their level of training and education. If you often find these two job positions intriguing but are not sure what choice to make, this brief write-up witll help you understand which one can be your best choice.

Some of the responsibilities that nurse practitioners and doctors perform together include obtaining medical histories, prescribing medication, performing physical assessments and examinations, diagnosing and treating common ailments, administering vaccinations, screening patients, performing laboratory studies, interpreting results of lab studies and offering guidance on proper nutrition.

Sometimes this sheer amount of overlap may surprise you – but one thing you should always keep in mind is that doctors and nurse practitioners are not identical careers. Each comes with its fair share of unique roles. Let us now understand the deep differences in nurse practitioner vs doctor career fields.


The Career of a Nurse Practitioner


The nurse practitioner is categorized as one of the Advanced Practice Register Nurse (APRN) disciplines. As such a nursing practitioner has to complete advanced training as well as extensive on-job training. NPs (acronym of nurse practitioner) make up a significant part of the health care community. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the role of an NP is defined as follows “Nurse practitioners are individuals who serve as primary and specialty caregivers, they provide a blend of nursing skills with health care expertise to patients and families”. In a nutshell, based on the nurse practitioner vs doctor discussion, NPs are involved in providing primary care services just as doctors do (although doctors provide secondary care at times).

What Education Is Required to Become an NP?


First, you will need to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing (BSN) or any related fields from an accredited institution of higher learning. Besides that, you will need to be registered nurse in order to practice. Your graduate studies are mainly going to focus on health maintenance and disease prevention. You will also be trained to work in particular specialties such as emergency care, pediatric or adult care. Some graduate training programs such as master’s of science in nursing (MSN) or doctor of nursing practice (DNP) require one to have at least 5 years of experience in the medical field prior to applying to a program.

Step 1: Graduate from high school

If you are aspiring to become an NP then you should work your level best to pass in subjects such as psychology, anatomy, chemistry, statistics and biology. In addition, you may want to choose to volunteer in hospitals to get letters of recommendation and much-needed experience for the college application process.

Step 2: Pursue a BSN

Although there are varied ways of becoming a nursing practitioner, pursuing a BSN seems to be by far the most reliable path of all. BSN classroom and practical programs contain hands-on clinical coursework and instruction in areas such as pharmacology, pathophysiology, and nursing care. To ensure maximum chances of success, it is important to undertake this degree from an institution that has been accredited by the CCNE or ACEN. This level of accreditation is important as it ensures that a program is top-notch and admissible for the registered nurse licensure examination.

Step 3: Get your RN and build experience

As part of the undergraduate degree, you will earn your RN license once you pass the exam. Additional requirements to practice may vary from state to state, but generally, this involves showing proof of having completed an approved training program and passing the NCLEX-RN exam. After that, you will typically be free to get nursing experience in the field before applying for a graduate program.

Step 4: Pursing a graduate degree

There are several types of graduate degree programs in nursing, although the two most popular ones are the MSN and DNP. MSN takes about two years to complete and once can choose to specialize in pediatrics, family, and mental health specialties. The DNP takes about four years to complete and one is required to have good GRE or MAT scores in MSN to apply. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has lauded the DNP as “the future of specialty nursing education”.

Step 5: Getting licensed

The license issuance requirements vary from state to state. Some states have a collaborative agreement in place that determines as NPs primary duties and level of independence. Such agreements establish a practice model within which nurse practitioners are allowed to practice. Generally, the work environment is a differentiator when it comes to the nurse practitioner vs doctor comparison. An NP spends most of their time in:

  • Cardiology rooms
  • Emergency rooms
  • Family practice department
  • Geriatrics department
  • Neonatology
  • Oncology
  • Pediatrics assignments
  • Primary care roles
  • School health practice
  • Women’s health

Nursing Practitioner Job Outlook and Salary


Depending on the level of training, experience and state, some of the highest paid NPs earn above $113,000 annual salary. The government predicts that by the year 2020 there will be a nurse shortage of around 800,000 positions. A shortfall of that magnitude would be significant in the nurse practitioner vs doctor industry and hence the rising demand of trained nursing practitioners.

With a rosy job outlook and seemingly attractive wages, the future earning potential for the master of science in nursing (MSN) holders looks quite promising. Of course, pay varies by geographic region and specialization, but MSN students can expect starting salaries of $60,000 upwards heading toward $90,000.

In addition, there are benefits to be factored in such as relocation assistance perks and signing bonus.

Some Work Related Facts About NPs


Another clear difference in the nurse practitioner vs doctor debate is that the prerequisite education for NPs is Bachelors degree in nursing and the learning model is medical (nursing). They spend at least 500 hours in classrooms and 700 hours in clinics. The total post high school education is 6 to 8 years. They have no residency and a master’s degree can be an added advantage. In order for one to be re-certified, they need to amass 15CE credits per year or undertake an exam every 5 years. The general average salary for NPs is $97,990. In America there are 18 states that allow nurse practitioners to practice independently these include (according to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, AANP):

  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Wyoming
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • North Dakota
  • New Mexico
  • New Hampshire
  • Montana
  • Maine
  • Iowa
  • Idaho
  • Hawaii
  • Colorado
  • Arizona
  • Alaska

The Career of a Doctor


Perhaps the first and last people we usually meet in life are the doctors as they are a very important part of our lives. Doctors examine, diagnose and treat patients. Based on their findings, they prescribe medications and treatment in an attempt to heal any injuries or illnesses. They can choose to work as general practice physicians or specialize in a number of medical areas including:

  • Dermatopathology
  • Pediatrics
  • Cardiology
  • Anesthesiology
  • Dentistry
  • Urology

When considering the options in nurse practitioner vs doctor it is important to keep in mind that an undergrad degree is very important. This is in addition to regular clinical rotations and on-job coaching.

What Education Is Needed to Become a Doctor?


Becoming a doctor is not a very easy thing and may sometimes take a decade. To become a doctor you need to be prepared to work very hard and to go through some hardships in the process. What’s more, the decision to be a doctor is generally not an easy one as it needs a substantial amount of time and money to achieve. You may have sleepless nights and wonder if it is worth all your time and efforts, but in the end, you will realize it is. So, if you’re thinking of choosing a medical career out of the expansive nurse practitioner vs doctor environment, here are steps to have a good career as a doctor.

Step 1: Graduate High School

The initial step if you’re actually thinking of the qualifications of becoming a doctor should be decided when you’re in high school. Therefore, you are required to perform well in school by earning good grades, volunteering at doctors’ offices, nursing facilities or hospitals and taking various science courses like mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology.

Step 2: Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree

Having completed high school, the next step is obtaining a bachelor’s degree. To acquire the best bachelor’s degree, ensure you apply to the right college. Some medical schools may allow their students to complete a bachelor’s and medical degree at the same time. However, although every medical school has its own set of requirements, to ensure a competitive advantage over nurse practitioner vs doctor comparison you will most likely need a strong focus on the following areas:

  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Anatomy
  • Calculus

A fair knowledge in these subjects would really help in your study at medical school later. It is also important you maintain a high-Grade Point Average (GPA) to improve your chances of being accepted into a medical school.

Step 3: Take the MCAT Exam

This is the Medical College Admission Test that you need to clear in order to be accepted in a medical school since medical schools are very competitive. It is a standardized, multiple-choice test that assesses the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful medical candidate and can be taken at any time. However, a lot of students usually take it the year before they hope to enter the medical school. So the better you score at this test, the better the school you get admitted into. The test is divided into 3 main sections including biological sciences, physical science, and verbal reasoning but there is an un-scored voluntary trial section also.

Step 4: Application to Medical School

To make sure the panel reading your application find you deserving and knowledgeable in nurse practitioner vs doctor matters, you need to ensure your application is as impressive as possible. Sometimes you might even be called for an interview by the medical school, so you need to be prepared properly for all possible questions you might be asked during the interview.

In addition, before you gain admission into any medical school, ensure you choose an appropriate school for you. You can either choose allopathic which offers students a Doctorate of Medicine (M.D.) or osteopathic which offers a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.). These two programs are nearly similar except for the fact that the D.O program usually involves training in osteopathic manipulative medicine.

Step 5: Residency Completion

Having graduated from medical school, doctorate students must complete a paid residency training at a hospital. The period you take to complete this training usually depends on the kind of specialty you opt for. However, it should take anything between 3-8 years depending on your specialty.

Step 6: Obtain a License

To be able to practice medicine you need to obtain a license. When it comes to acquiring a license, the rules and requirements for nurse practitioner vs doctor usually vary from state to state hence aspiring physicians need to contact their state’s medical board for more details. However, all states require doctors to pass a standardized national exam. The two types of national licensing exams for doctors include:

1. U.S Medical Licensing Examination for M.D.s — administered by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the U.S and National Board of Medical Examiners.

2. Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination for D.O.s — administered by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners.

Job Outlook and Salary of a Doctor



Another factor to consider in the nurse practitioner vs doctor debate is salary. The average salary for doctors varies significantly based on their area of specialty and years of experience. For instance, a report from BLS as of May 2015, family and general practice doctors earned an average annual income of $192,120. Specialists, on the other hand, earn over $339,000 annually with some of the most highly paid doctors being:

  • Orthopedic surgeon – around $409,405 annually
  • Cardiac surgeon – about $401,325 annually
  • Neurosurgeon – over $400, 000 annually and about $100 per hour
  • Anesthesiologist – about $333,108 annually
  • Urologist – between $100,367 and $464,783

Some Work Related Facts About Doctors




One major difference between doctor and nurse practitioner is the learning model which is a medical physician for doctors. In addition, to become a doctor, you should be prepared to go through two years in a classroom, two years in a clinic, eight years in high school, four years of medical school and 3 to 8 years in residency training program. So typically, it might take you up to 16 years to become a doctor.

The Future of Doctors


The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment opportunities for doctors should grow 18% from 2012 to 2022. This is because the population is aging thereby leading to an increased demand for doctors and many doctors are anticipated to retire over the next few years. Another contributing factor to the expected steady growth in doctor positions is that more people have access to insurance coverage with the passage of the Affordable Care Act. However, things like new technology might lessen the demand for doctors because doctors will be able to treat more patients in less time while NPs will be taking more responsibilities. But still, this field of medicine is expected to add about 123,300 jobs by 2022.

Direct Comparison of Nurse Practitioners and Doctors



  • Level of Education

Both job roles require one to have an undergraduate degree from a recognized institution. However, not just any other degree will get you there. First, to become a nursing practitioner you need to undertake a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree for 4 years. On the other hand, to become a doctor you will need to undertake an undergrad degree in medicine which takes 4 years. These two degrees are very different in structure and coursework. Besides that, after graduating a doctor has to undertake 3 – 8 more years of residency training which is not the case with NPs.

  • Licensure and Certification

After completing training and residency, both the nurse practitioner vs doctor have to obtain a license to practice from a state or jurisdiction of the United States of America in which they’re planning to practice. Both apply for licensure after completing a series of exams and fulfilling the minimum number of years of graduate medical education. Further to that, doctors may choose to be registered under the American Board of Medical Specialties (in their specialty or subspecialty areas) to enhance their professional development throughout their career. Currently, only Indiana, California and Kansas recognize NPs without APRN licensure. As such, to maximize your chances of employment, there are several bodies that offer certification for NPs among them:

  • Job Roles

Although both nurse practitioner vs doctor work in the same environment, they do have separate responsibilities with a few overlaps here and there. It is the job of an NP to interpret diagnostic and therapeutic tests, prescribe treatment, assist with the provision of surgical care and monitor effectiveness of medical interventions. Doctors, on the other hand, evaluate symptoms and run a series of tests to diagnose a patient’s condition prior to prescribing a remedy. Specialized doctors may perform surgeries. Others spend most of their time studying medical problems and identifying challenges faced in particular diagnoses. Some doctors implement techniques related to nuclear medicine for diagnosing and treating particular ailments as well. In a nutshell, although doctors and NPs perform roles that are almost similar, doctors take a more specialized approach. NPs are left to handle the basic and routine tasks while doctors go a step further to offer extensive treatment and analyses of conditions.

  • Salary Levels and Job Outlook

In general, in terms of salary for nurse practitioner vs doctor, doctors pocket more money than NPs. For instance, the average salary of a general practice doctor is estimated at $192,120. Specialist doctors can earn even more with orthopedics and cardiologists earning way above $400,000 in annual salary. Nursing practitioners, on the other hand, an average of $90,000 per year with the highest paid ones pocketing above $113,000. The starting salary for an NP is around $60,000 (may vary by geographical region) and for doctors, the starting figure is at $165,000. Emergency room doctors can pocket even more as starting salary sometimes in the excess of $210,284.


The debate about nurse practitioner vs doctor (and who does what) has been raging for many years now. However, as we have seen in this article, although the two professions are entrusted with closely related responsibilities, there exist some subtle differences.

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In any busy hospital, you will come across two closely interlinked career fields i.e. nurse practitioner vs doctor. Both nurses and doctors attend to patients, they prescribe medications and work closely with other members of the healthcare team to provide quality care. The difference, however, is their level of training and education. If you often find these two job positions intriguing but are not sure what choice to make, this brief write-up witll help you understand which one can be your best choice.

Some of the responsibilities that nurse practitioners and doctors perform together include obtaining medical histories, prescribing medication, performing physical assessments and examinations, diagnosing and treating common ailments, administering vaccinations, screening patients, performing laboratory studies, interpreting results of lab studies and offering guidance on proper nutrition.

Sometimes this sheer amount of overlap may surprise you – but one thing you should always keep in mind is that doctors and nurse practitioners are not identical careers. Each comes with its fair share of unique roles. Let us now understand the deep differences in nurse practitioner vs doctor career fields.


The Career of a Nurse Practitioner


The nurse practitioner is categorized as one of the Advanced Practice Register Nurse (APRN) disciplines. As such a nursing practitioner has to complete advanced training as well as extensive on-job training. NPs (acronym of nurse practitioner) make up a significant part of the health care community. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the role of an NP is defined as follows “Nurse practitioners are individuals who serve as primary and specialty caregivers, they provide a blend of nursing skills with health care expertise to patients and families”. In a nutshell, based on the nurse practitioner vs doctor discussion, NPs are involved in providing primary care services just as doctors do (although doctors provide secondary care at times).

What Education Is Required to Become an NP?


First, you will need to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing (BSN) or any related fields from an accredited institution of higher learning. Besides that, you will need to be registered nurse in order to practice. Your graduate studies are mainly going to focus on health maintenance and disease prevention. You will also be trained to work in particular specialties such as emergency care, pediatric or adult care. Some graduate training programs such as master’s of science in nursing (MSN) or doctor of nursing practice (DNP) require one to have at least 5 years of experience in the medical field prior to applying to a program.

Step 1: Graduate from high school

If you are aspiring to become an NP then you should work your level best to pass in subjects such as psychology, anatomy, chemistry, statistics and biology. In addition, you may want to choose to volunteer in hospitals to get letters of recommendation and much-needed experience for the college application process.

Step 2: Pursue a BSN

Although there are varied ways of becoming a nursing practitioner, pursuing a BSN seems to be by far the most reliable path of all. BSN classroom and practical programs contain hands-on clinical coursework and instruction in areas such as pharmacology, pathophysiology, and nursing care. To ensure maximum chances of success, it is important to undertake this degree from an institution that has been accredited by the CCNE or ACEN. This level of accreditation is important as it ensures that a program is top-notch and admissible for the registered nurse licensure examination.

Step 3: Get your RN and build experience

As part of the undergraduate degree, you will earn your RN license once you pass the exam. Additional requirements to practice may vary from state to state, but generally, this involves showing proof of having completed an approved training program and passing the NCLEX-RN exam. After that, you will typically be free to get nursing experience in the field before applying for a graduate program.

Step 4: Pursing a graduate degree

There are several types of graduate degree programs in nursing, although the two most popular ones are the MSN and DNP. MSN takes about two years to complete and once can choose to specialize in pediatrics, family, and mental health specialties. The DNP takes about four years to complete and one is required to have good GRE or MAT scores in MSN to apply. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has lauded the DNP as “the future of specialty nursing education”.

Step 5: Getting licensed

The license issuance requirements vary from state to state. Some states have a collaborative agreement in place that determines as NPs primary duties and level of independence. Such agreements establish a practice model within which nurse practitioners are allowed to practice. Generally, the work environment is a differentiator when it comes to the nurse practitioner vs doctor comparison. An NP spends most of their time in:

  • Cardiology rooms
  • Emergency rooms
  • Family practice department
  • Geriatrics department
  • Neonatology
  • Oncology
  • Pediatrics assignments
  • Primary care roles
  • School health practice
  • Women’s health

Nursing Practitioner Job Outlook and Salary


Depending on the level of training, experience and state, some of the highest paid NPs earn above $113,000 annual salary. The government predicts that by the year 2020 there will be a nurse shortage of around 800,000 positions. A shortfall of that magnitude would be significant in the nurse practitioner vs doctor industry and hence the rising demand of trained nursing practitioners.

With a rosy job outlook and seemingly attractive wages, the future earning potential for the master of science in nursing (MSN) holders looks quite promising. Of course, pay varies by geographic region and specialization, but MSN students can expect starting salaries of $60,000 upwards heading toward $90,000.

In addition, there are benefits to be factored in such as relocation assistance perks and signing bonus.

Some Work Related Facts About NPs


Another clear difference in the nurse practitioner vs doctor debate is that the prerequisite education for NPs is Bachelors degree in nursing and the learning model is medical (nursing). They spend at least 500 hours in classrooms and 700 hours in clinics. The total post high school education is 6 to 8 years. They have no residency and a master’s degree can be an added advantage. In order for one to be re-certified, they need to amass 15CE credits per year or undertake an exam every 5 years. The general average salary for NPs is $97,990. In America there are 18 states that allow nurse practitioners to practice independently these include (according to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, AANP):

  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Wyoming
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • North Dakota
  • New Mexico
  • New Hampshire
  • Montana
  • Maine
  • Iowa
  • Idaho
  • Hawaii
  • Colorado
  • Arizona
  • Alaska

The Career of a Doctor


Perhaps the first and last people we usually meet in life are the doctors as they are a very important part of our lives. Doctors examine, diagnose and treat patients. Based on their findings, they prescribe medications and treatment in an attempt to heal any injuries or illnesses. They can choose to work as general practice physicians or specialize in a number of medical areas including:

  • Dermatopathology
  • Pediatrics
  • Cardiology
  • Anesthesiology
  • Dentistry
  • Urology

When considering the options in nurse practitioner vs doctor it is important to keep in mind that an undergrad degree is very important. This is in addition to regular clinical rotations and on-job coaching.

What Education Is Needed to Become a Doctor?


Becoming a doctor is not a very easy thing and may sometimes take a decade. To become a doctor you need to be prepared to work very hard and to go through some hardships in the process. What’s more, the decision to be a doctor is generally not an easy one as it needs a substantial amount of time and money to achieve. You may have sleepless nights and wonder if it is worth all your time and efforts, but in the end, you will realize it is. So, if you’re thinking of choosing a medical career out of the expansive nurse practitioner vs doctor environment, here are steps to have a good career as a doctor.

Step 1: Graduate High School

The initial step if you’re actually thinking of the qualifications of becoming a doctor should be decided when you’re in high school. Therefore, you are required to perform well in school by earning good grades, volunteering at doctors’ offices, nursing facilities or hospitals and taking various science courses like mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology.

Step 2: Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree

Having completed high school, the next step is obtaining a bachelor’s degree. To acquire the best bachelor’s degree, ensure you apply to the right college. Some medical schools may allow their students to complete a bachelor’s and medical degree at the same time. However, although every medical school has its own set of requirements, to ensure a competitive advantage over nurse practitioner vs doctor comparison you will most likely need a strong focus on the following areas:

  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Anatomy
  • Calculus

A fair knowledge in these subjects would really help in your study at medical school later. It is also important you maintain a high-Grade Point Average (GPA) to improve your chances of being accepted into a medical school.

Step 3: Take the MCAT Exam

This is the Medical College Admission Test that you need to clear in order to be accepted in a medical school since medical schools are very competitive. It is a standardized, multiple-choice test that assesses the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful medical candidate and can be taken at any time. However, a lot of students usually take it the year before they hope to enter the medical school. So the better you score at this test, the better the school you get admitted into. The test is divided into 3 main sections including biological sciences, physical science, and verbal reasoning but there is an un-scored voluntary trial section also.

Step 4: Application to Medical School

To make sure the panel reading your application find you deserving and knowledgeable in nurse practitioner vs doctor matters, you need to ensure your application is as impressive as possible. Sometimes you might even be called for an interview by the medical school, so you need to be prepared properly for all possible questions you might be asked during the interview.

In addition, before you gain admission into any medical school, ensure you choose an appropriate school for you. You can either choose allopathic which offers students a Doctorate of Medicine (M.D.) or osteopathic which offers a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.). These two programs are nearly similar except for the fact that the D.O program usually involves training in osteopathic manipulative medicine.

Step 5: Residency Completion

Having graduated from medical school, doctorate students must complete a paid residency training at a hospital. The period you take to complete this training usually depends on the kind of specialty you opt for. However, it should take anything between 3-8 years depending on your specialty.

Step 6: Obtain a License

To be able to practice medicine you need to obtain a license. When it comes to acquiring a license, the rules and requirements for nurse practitioner vs doctor usually vary from state to state hence aspiring physicians need to contact their state’s medical board for more details. However, all states require doctors to pass a standardized national exam. The two types of national licensing exams for doctors include:

1. U.S Medical Licensing Examination for M.D.s — administered by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the U.S and National Board of Medical Examiners.

2. Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination for D.O.s — administered by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners.

Job Outlook and Salary of a Doctor



Another factor to consider in the nurse practitioner vs doctor debate is salary. The average salary for doctors varies significantly based on their area of specialty and years of experience. For instance, a report from BLS as of May 2015, family and general practice doctors earned an average annual income of $192,120. Specialists, on the other hand, earn over $339,000 annually with some of the most highly paid doctors being:

  • Orthopedic surgeon – around $409,405 annually
  • Cardiac surgeon – about $401,325 annually
  • Neurosurgeon – over $400, 000 annually and about $100 per hour
  • Anesthesiologist – about $333,108 annually
  • Urologist – between $100,367 and $464,783

Some Work Related Facts About Doctors




One major difference between doctor and nurse practitioner is the learning model which is a medical physician for doctors. In addition, to become a doctor, you should be prepared to go through two years in a classroom, two years in a clinic, eight years in high school, four years of medical school and 3 to 8 years in residency training program. So typically, it might take you up to 16 years to become a doctor.

The Future of Doctors


The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment opportunities for doctors should grow 18% from 2012 to 2022. This is because the population is aging thereby leading to an increased demand for doctors and many doctors are anticipated to retire over the next few years. Another contributing factor to the expected steady growth in doctor positions is that more people have access to insurance coverage with the passage of the Affordable Care Act. However, things like new technology might lessen the demand for doctors because doctors will be able to treat more patients in less time while NPs will be taking more responsibilities. But still, this field of medicine is expected to add about 123,300 jobs by 2022.

Direct Comparison of Nurse Practitioners and Doctors



  • Level of Education

Both job roles require one to have an undergraduate degree from a recognized institution. However, not just any other degree will get you there. First, to become a nursing practitioner you need to undertake a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree for 4 years. On the other hand, to become a doctor you will need to undertake an undergrad degree in medicine which takes 4 years. These two degrees are very different in structure and coursework. Besides that, after graduating a doctor has to undertake 3 – 8 more years of residency training which is not the case with NPs.

  • Licensure and Certification

After completing training and residency, both the nurse practitioner vs doctor have to obtain a license to practice from a state or jurisdiction of the United States of America in which they’re planning to practice. Both apply for licensure after completing a series of exams and fulfilling the minimum number of years of graduate medical education. Further to that, doctors may choose to be registered under the American Board of Medical Specialties (in their specialty or subspecialty areas) to enhance their professional development throughout their career. Currently, only Indiana, California and Kansas recognize NPs without APRN licensure. As such, to maximize your chances of employment, there are several bodies that offer certification for NPs among them:

  • Job Roles

Although both nurse practitioner vs doctor work in the same environment, they do have separate responsibilities with a few overlaps here and there. It is the job of an NP to interpret diagnostic and therapeutic tests, prescribe treatment, assist with the provision of surgical care and monitor effectiveness of medical interventions. Doctors, on the other hand, evaluate symptoms and run a series of tests to diagnose a patient’s condition prior to prescribing a remedy. Specialized doctors may perform surgeries. Others spend most of their time studying medical problems and identifying challenges faced in particular diagnoses. Some doctors implement techniques related to nuclear medicine for diagnosing and treating particular ailments as well. In a nutshell, although doctors and NPs perform roles that are almost similar, doctors take a more specialized approach. NPs are left to handle the basic and routine tasks while doctors go a step further to offer extensive treatment and analyses of conditions.

  • Salary Levels and Job Outlook

In general, in terms of salary for nurse practitioner vs doctor, doctors pocket more money than NPs. For instance, the average salary of a general practice doctor is estimated at $192,120. Specialist doctors can earn even more with orthopedics and cardiologists earning way above $400,000 in annual salary. Nursing practitioners, on the other hand, an average of $90,000 per year with the highest paid ones pocketing above $113,000. The starting salary for an NP is around $60,000 (may vary by geographical region) and for doctors, the starting figure is at $165,000. Emergency room doctors can pocket even more as starting salary sometimes in the excess of $210,284.


The debate about nurse practitioner vs doctor (and who does what) has been raging for many years now. However, as we have seen in this article, although the two professions are entrusted with closely related responsibilities, there exist some subtle differences.

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Regardless of whether you are a student or an experienced nursing professional, you should never underestimate the value of attending nursing conferences. Nursing practitioner conferences allow nurses of all levels to participate in an area of growth that is not found in their work structure. It is an excellent opportunity to interact with colleagues within a specialty and learn the latest medical information.


Why Should You Participate in a Nursing Conference?



Before delving into the topic of nurse practitioner conferences 2016, why should you attend or participate in a nursing conference? In other words, what’s the incentive for furthering your education and skills?

To begin with, most governments require their nurses to renew their license by earning credits through continuing education, training and seminars. Total spending on health care in the world increased by more than 6% last year — topping up to $3 trillion overall in countries like the US. That’s according to a study carried out by the World Health Organization. And as if that’s not enough, the total global expenditure per person per year continues to rise at an alarming rate.

Another study established that the consumption rate of sophisticated diagnostic imaging technology stood out in most countries especially Japan and the US. If you’re more analytical of this, you might recognize the relationship between these rates and how the medical fraternity needs to capitalize their skills to offer the best medical care in their areas of operation.

What does this really mean?

At this point — one thing’s for sure — that health care means a lot to the government (and by extension to all experts in the medical field). Nurse practitioner conferences 2016 aim to ascertain leaps in health practice, management, and education in relation to health disparities. It is a valid way to keep up with the modern advancement in healthcare, gain insight into the future and develop new skills to boost patient care in the clinical area.

So Why Attend Nurse Practitioner Conferences 2016?


Here are the main benefits of attending a nursing conference.

  1. Career Development

Keeping up with new trends in your profession will not only allow you to advance your career but to also earn more money. Additionally, by being at the forefront in keeping up with these changes, you demonstrate your commitment to improvement and learning. This will enable you to acquire new skills which you can share at the workplace. Customarily, your employer may consider giving you a job promotion or an increase in pay.

  1. Networking

The topmost benefit, in my opinion, is the fact that nursing conferences offer something that is only available once attended — human interaction. Nothing can replace the tangible benefits associated with interacting with experts and colleagues in your specialty area, participating in a one-on-one education program and acquiring new medical information firsthand. These interactions often have long-lasting effects and enduring relationships between members.

  1. Continuing Education Units

Nursing continuing education conferences are an easy way to earn continuing education contact hours, which are a requirement in most states for successful license renewal. It is a great feeling to fulfill your career demands in one of the most exciting ways. Additionally, familiarization with new technologies and equipment in a setting where every member is given an opportunity to participate can be one of the most rewarding experiences.

  1. Advancement

If you are eyeing a leadership spot in the near future, there is no better place to gain the required skills other than from a conference. Huge nursing organizations such as the American Nurses Organization have lots of specialty conferences which are an eye opener for many. They offer you a platform to interact with the current movers and shakers for opportunities beyond mere imagination. For instance, doing volunteer work could be a good start to be appointed to the huge positions.

  1. Exhibit Conference Benefits

Exhibit halls will often showcase new drugs and products for potential future use. With vendors gathered in one place, you get to collect first-hand information about new technologies and products in a very short time. And apart from acquiring new information, you get to interact with new companies offering solutions you’ve never heard of before.

  1. Reputation

Once you attend a nursing practitioner conference, you gather valuable information which you can readily share back at home. This proves your motivation and determination levels not only to the management but your fellow workmates as well. As such, you get to earn more respect as you will be viewed as an asset to the organization. This is why it is very crucial to take notes, pictures and collect materials which can be shared with others and also used for reference purposes.

     7. Immense Fun

A nursing conference can make for a great base for enjoying the perks that your profession has to offer. You work hard at work every day so a break from routine can serve as an incentive to enjoy the new scenery as well as do something different. In its entirety, it is a chance to explore a new city, meet new friends and nurture lifelong working relationships with colleagues.

Range of Nurse Practitioner Conferences 2016 to Choose from


With nurse education conference season forthcoming, nurse practitioners should begin making plans for the meetings they are going to attend this year. The range of nurse practitioner conferences 2016 is extensive and permeates through every nursing group, association, and specialty.

  • Group Focused Conferences: Most conferences are usually group focused. These include the National Black Nurses Association, the American Nurses Association, the National Association of Hispanic Nurses and the American Assembly of Nurses in Men.
  • Specialty Focused Conferences: Some conferences are specialty focused. These include the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, the Oncology Nursing Society and the Association of Operating Room Nurses.
  • Yet, there is another subset of conferences that addresses certain levels of nursing including the managerial and executive levels. These include the American Organization of Nurse Executives, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and the National League of Nursing.

Nurse Practitioner Conferences 2016 Venues

Nursing conferences are usually held in pre-planned cities one or more years in advance so as to give attendees an opportunity to plan ahead of time. This is because the conferences require one to come up with the funding required to offset costs and plan the necessary time off to attend the conference, especially of the venues are held in faraway places. Nurse practitioner conferences 2016 will be held in a number of cities. We will delve into the details in the following topic.

A List of Nurse Practitioner Conferences 2016

We have come up with a comprehensive list of nurse practitioner conferences 2016 describing the details of the meeting, venues, date and time, costs and contact hours. This list includes conferences organized by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, National Nurse Practitioner Symposium, Doctors of Nursing Practice, International Council of Nurse Practitioners, NPWH Premier Women’s Healthcare, along with other conferences hosted by nurse practitioner specialty organizations.

  1. AANP 2016 National Conference


The AANP National Conference is the largest annual affair in the field of nursing. This year’s conference is slated for June 21st to 26th 2016 at Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Centre in San Antonio, Texas. The program will allow attendees to accumulate over 35 contact hours through participation in 40 different skill advancement workshops and 295 educational settings at only $570. Some of the specialty areas that will be covered include faculty development, dermatology, military healthcare, emergent care, pain management, orthopedics, women health and pharmacology. If you are planning to attend a nursing CEU conference, it is important to book your slot early, so you don’t get locked out because the spots fill up quickly.

  1. National Nurse Practitioner Symposium

This year’s National Nurse Practitioner Symposium is scheduled to be held on July 7th to 10th, 2016 at the Keystone Conference Center in the town of Keystone. The main speaker is Patricia Schroeder, a lawyer whose main agenda is to discuss leadership and foster the spirit of positive thinking. Attendees are guaranteed a 30-hour fulfilling session at only $715. Here you get the opportunity to intermingle with political figures, nurse practitioner activists, and elected officials for a one-on-one interactive session. If you are out to earn continuing education points, then you are assured of 34 hours onsite and 9 hours thereafter via the online platform.

  1. NPWH Premier Women’s Healthcare Conference


For the year 2016, Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health will be hosting their 19th annual conference at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel in the city of New Orleans from September 28th to October 1st. The main agenda for the meeting is to discuss issues concerning women health including but not limited to the use of emergency contraceptive pill and treatment of injuries caused by deliberate genitalia attack. Attendees are guaranteed of a comprehensive session with networking opportunities, career advancement and educational tips plus a one in a lifetime chance to sample delicious foods of all kind.

  1. Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference


The 9th Annual Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference is scheduled to be held on October 5th to 7th, 2016 at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards in Baltimore. The main agenda of the meeting is to reinforce the relationships that exist between Doctors of Nursing Practice and other healthcare providers for seamless performance in the health sector. Here, attendees will be taught how to maximize their resources to get the best outcomes for patients and therefore be more productive. For only $450, DNP students and DNP graduates get to indulge in a life-changing conference that will give them the opportunity for an excellent career take-off.

  1. Psychopharmacology Congress


Every year, the Psychopharmacology Congress attracts over 1000 attendees who are eager to learn about the latest developments in psychiatric education. This year, the conference is scheduled to be held at Broadmoor in Colorado with Dr. Steven Stahl, the founder of the Neuroscience Education Institute. The primary goal of the meeting is to improve the field of Psychopharmacology by giving insights on the newest innovations. For only $899, attendees get to participate in a 3-day conference starting from 3rd to 6th November 2016 and earn up to 20 contact hours for continuing education.

  1. International Council of Nurse Practitioners


From 9th to 11th September 2016, the International Council of Nurse Practitioners will host their conference to discuss information technology, prescription practices, health needs and innovative teaching methods. Attendees will have a chance to interact with guest speaker, Dr. Sophia Chan, who is internationally recognized for her teachings on the adverse effects of smoking. The conference will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Hong Kong, China. All nurse practitioners will have a chance to participate in the conference for only $1080.

  1. Primary Care Focus Symposium 2016

primary care

The 15th annual Primary Care Focus Symposium is to be held at the Marco Island Marriott Resort in Marco Island from June 24th to 26th, 2016. The symposium’s main agenda is to provide valuable continuing education to healthcare professionals including nurses and personal assistants. For only $225, primary health care nurse practitioners get to participate in a conference that will open them up for bigger opportunities in their places of work. Additionally, all attendees will have a chance to earn up to 12 contact hours in the meeting.

  1. JADPRO Live 2016


Advanced Practitioner Society for Hematology and Oncology invites hematology and oncology-focused nurse practitioners for their annual event scheduled to be held at the Gaylord National Hotel in National Harbor from 3rd to 6th November 2016. This year’s meeting is expected to gather more than 1000 physicians, pharmacists and nurse practitioners who are interested in learning the latest in hematology and oncology care.

  1. AANP 2016 Specialty & Leadership Conference

aanp specialty specialty banner event

The Specialty and Leadership Conference from American Association of Nurse Practitioners is targeted towards those specializing in cardiology, pulmonology, orthopedics, neurology, endocrinology and anyone intending to be a leader. It is scheduled to be held at Hyatt Regency O’Hare Hotel in Rosemont on September 22nd to 25th, 2016. If you’re planning to be at this conference, be sure to keep checking their website for the specific cost and contact hours.

  1. Annual GAPNA Conference

Sedona Red Rock

The 35th Annual GAPNA conference 2016 is scheduled to be held at the Arizona Grand Resort in Phoenix, AZ on September 21st to 24th. The conference is geared towards specialists in the field of gerontology. It is going to be one of a kind as it promises both career advancement and networking opportunities beyond measure for all attendees.

How to Obtain the Most out of Nurse Practitioner Conferences 2016

Attending the nurse practitioner conferences 2016 will take up your time, energy and money. For this reason, it is very crucial to ensure that you make the most of the short period you will be at the meeting. Regardless of whether you will be attending the nurse practitioner conferences 2016 for the first time or not, here are some tips to help you obtain the best experience.

  1. Make hotel reservations as soon as you register for nurse practitioner conferences 2016. This will help you dodge unwanted last minute rushes and ensure that you secure yourself a room before they fill up.
  1. Before traveling, be sure to call the hotel to confirm whether your reservations are in order. To avoid mix-ups, it is always prudent to ensure that what you booked for is actually available.
  1. Just like any other trip, it is wise to remember to carry along a few foods and snacks to help you save money and also perhaps avoid unhealthy foods in case you are on a diet.
  1. For networking purposes, it is very crucial to have your business cards with you. Even though there are many other ways of exchanging contact information, business cards have always been the best form of networking especially in conferences where you expect to meet a lot of people.
  1. Since you will be going to different countries, it is important to be aware of weather conditions in the destination cities. Being aware of weather conditions will help you plan ahead of time to avoid mishaps.
  1. Be sure to carry a charger, a phone, a portable laptop and any other gadget that you think might be of use to you.
  1. In most conferences, there will always be exhibit hall giveaways. In this case, an extra bag will be a handy companion for keeping the products. You might also want to do a little bit of side shopping for travel sakes.

Additional Tips for Nurse Practitioner Conferences 2016

  • Advance planning is one of the most important things to remember when planning to attend a nursing CEU conference or any other conference for nurse practitioners. Most participants in the meeting will be listeners, so it is important to take full advantage of what the speakers have to offer. As such, downloading the final copy of the conference agenda to get acquainted with the schedule is the most effective way to ensure you will be up-to-date with everything going on at the venue once you are there.
  • There is nothing worse than sitting through a conference that is irrelevant to your profession. Far too often, we ignore the preliminaries prior to attending a conference and end up sabotaging our chances of developing our careers or even gaining nursing CEU points. To avoid this, be sure to register for conferences that are applicable to your practice. For instance, for nurse practitioner conferences 2016, you can plan to attend with a few co-workers. It will be a great way to have an enjoyable and fun-filled experience. Furthermore, you will be able to share the knowledge you gained from the conference once you are back to work.




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Overview of Nurse Practitioner Programs

The demand for nurse practitioner programs has been on the rise for the last few years, and there are certain reasons for this. Before the 1950’s there were no nurse practitioners and all the functions that they do nowadays were done by physicians and other medical professionals. It is hard to imagine the health sector without the NPs due to the importance roles that they play. Due to these roles, they have become critical in healthcare, especially in the USA. Nursing schools and universities have come up with different post graduate programs to try and meet the increased demand. These NP programs are offered in physical classes on a part-time or full-time basis. Although the regular modes of study are the most widely spread, online NP programs are quickly catching up as more and more students discover the convenience that they offer. Whether you choose to take the program online or attend physical classes, you should be able to finish in about two years if you follow the semesters as they are. However, a nurse practitioner graduate diploma will take less than twelve months since it does not cover as much work as the Master of Science in Nursing.




Online Nursing Practitioner Programs


Since the programs are post graduate, most of the people who pursue them are likely to be full time employed nurses. And so due to this fact it is more convenient for them to take the online programs as they get to choose the most convenient time for them to take the classes. A typical day for a nurse is long and stressful, and so it will be very hard to spare a couple of hours to go to school, and this is one of the main reasons why most do not advance to the practitioner level. However, the coming of the internet seems to have solved this problem because all but a few nursing schools have the option to take this program online. However, just like for the undergraduate programs it will still be necessary to have the clinical practice in a hospital and hence it is not offered purely online.


How to Find the Cheapest Online NP Programs

The only way to find a cheap online NP program is to choose the school wisely since most have different tuition charges. If you want to go to the most reputable school in your state, or you want to take their online program, then you should be prepared to pay more. For a cheaper online program, you should avoid the top names and go to a school that is not very famous but is still known to offer high-quality standards of education. Apart from this, you should also consider enrolling in online programs offered by public universities instead of private ones. Public institutions are under the control of the government and so they will not overcharge students. They also get subsidies from the federal and state governments and so they can be able to charge fair tuition fees. However, even as you try to get the cheapest online nurse practitioner programs, you should be careful not to compromise on the quality of education that you get. Avoid online programs that are awkwardly cheap or charge way much less than the average fee charged by other nursing schools.

Free NP Programs

The high tuition fees charged by both public and private institutions discourage most people from advancing their nursing careers or becoming nurse practitioners. Although technically you will not get this course for free there are several ways that you can use to reduce the amount of money your pay. Grants and scholarships have always been a reliable source of financial aid for students in the USA and contrary to what most people think they are also available for postgraduate programs. If you are looking to take a Master of Science in Nursing in the hope of becoming a nurse practitioner and you are financially constrained, there are many ways to solve this problem. Organizations such as American Association of Nurse Practitioners, American Nurse Practitioner Foundation, and Nurse Corps Scholarship Program have grants and scholarships available for students that want to become NPs. Apart from this, there are also other governmental student aid programs, and they do not discriminate against any course, and so you can also use them for your MSN.

Practitioner Programs by State

Almost all the states in America have universities that offer these programs. In fact, most nursing colleges and universities have these programs as part of their curriculum. However, the following are some of the states with well established NP programs offered in many institutions within the state.


  • California. There are now more than 10,000 NPs practicing in California according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the surge is attributed to the increased number of programs offered by various schools in the area. The top schools in California that are known to offer this program include California State University, Samuel Merritt University, and UC Davis School of Medicine
  • North Carolina. NC has only about 3000 NPs, but this number is still bigger than what you will find in most other states. Here they are regulated by the Boards of Medicine and Science, and there are a few schools that have training programs for the NPs. These schools include East Carolina University and Duke University.
  • Michigan. Northern Michigan University and Way State University are the two top schools in the State of Michigan that have programs for NP training. Apart from these two, there are also other universities from other states that have campuses in Michigan that offer NP programs.
  • Florida. There are close to 6000 nurse practitioner in Florida with most of them being employed in hospitals while a few operate clinics. The top programs in Florida include those offered by Barry University and Florida Atlantic University.
  • Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania NPs are as valuable for the health sector as they are in other states. Many schools in PA have courses designed to increase their number from the current 3,500. The top schools here are Pennsylvania state University, Drexel University and the University of Pittsburg.
  • Minnesota. Most of the NPs in Minnesota practice in urban centers and this is probably because they are not many like in other states. They are only about 2,700 in the entire state but programs offered by St. Catherine University, Winona State University and Metropolitan University are steadily increasing this number.
  • New York. Only one or two other states in the USA have more NPs than New York, which has about 9,000. However, the demand is still there for more NPS, and so the top programs offered by schools such as Columbia University and Stony Brook University are still very necessary.
  • Texas. Texas comes at number four when states with the highest NPs is the USA are ranked. And this great number of practitioners can be attributed to the excellent programs offered by Texas A&M International University and Angelo State University.

Top Accredited Nurse Practitioner Programs in the USA

The importance of accreditation when taking a professional course like nursing cannot be overemphasized. And this is, even more, important when on the graduate level taking an MSN in your journey to becoming an NP. Apart from the fact that you can only be certified to become a nurse practitioner if you took an accredited program, most employers also prefer these types of employees. This is because accreditation is a symbol of quality education in the institution. In the USA, there are many accredited schools offering NP programs and almost each state has one or more schools that fit this category. The following five are among the top accredited programs for NP in the USA.

  1. Oregon Health and Science University
  2. Columbia University
  3. California State University
  4. Duke University
  5. Vanderbilt University


Why Choose an Accredited Program?

Accreditation should be one of the primary things to consider when looking for an NP program whether you want to take it online or physically. However, it is, even more, important for online programs since in most cases you may not get an opportunity to visit the school and hence you cannot determine how authentic or suitable it is. One of the primary reasons why you should choose an accredited school is because the certification exams required to become a nursing practitioner are only open to graduates from accredited programs. Another reason is that accreditation makes it possible to transfer your credits from one institution to another provided they are both accredited. Thirdly, accreditation will also qualify you for the financial aid that is crucial for covering the expensive tuition fees required for the successful completion of these programs.

Requirements for Enrollment in the NP Programs

  • To be considered eligible to take this course you must be a registered nurse with a current license. Note that an associate degree does not qualify you to take this program and so you have to go through a bridging process.
  • You have to take and complete masters or doctoral degree in your particular area of specialization to become a licensed and certified practitioner.
  • A nurse must also complete a minimum of 500 hours of supervised clinical practice. However, some schools have more hours on their program. Others will even require more than 600 hours before graduation
  • To become an NP you must also complete graduate studies in specific areas such as advanced pharmacology, advanced health assessment, physiology, and pathophysiology.
  • Lastly, you should also meet all the other conditions that are required by individual certification bodies such as writing a personal statement.


Specialty Based NP Programs

  • Family NP Programs: FNPs are general practitioners, and they are primary care nurses for different groups of people. These programs aim at equipping them with the necessary skills required to work with patients throughout their life. And so an FNP knows how to care for people of all ages suffering from different conditions.
  • Psychiatric NP Programs: Although a mental health practitioner is also a trained and registered nurse that can deal with any patient they specialize in diagnosing and treating people with mental problems. These programs will only focus on mental health with little about general health being included in the program.
  • Pediatric NP Programs: Students in pediatric nursing practitioner programs will be taught how to care for children. And so during the course, a student should expect to cover a broad range of children diseases. In this program, the NP will also be equipped with skills to interface with the child’s parents so as to ensure holistic care.
  • Neonatal NP Programs: Neonatal NP Programs are for caregivers who will be working with infants. Newborns often have many health problems, and so they will require a lot of care and attention. This program will equip the NP with the knowledge and skills to deal with common newborn issues such as infections, birth defects, and prematurity.
  • Acute Care NP Programs: Acute Care NP specialty is designed to create a professional that can take care of people living with acute illnesses. NPs in these programs will have the expertise to offer comprehensive care to acute illness patients by addressing needs that are related or unrelated to their condition.
  • Women’s NP Programs: Since this practitioner will mostly be working with women this program equips him or her with relevant knowledge on the primary care of a woman. The program covers important sexual and reproductive issues and also gives the NP the skills to offer postpartum and pregnancy care.
  • Emergency NP Programs: These NP specialties work in a very tense environment, and so they require the necessary skills not only for the job but to keep calm in an emergency situation. The Emergency NP program will help these specialists work calmly in urgent care centers and emergency rooms.
  • Adult-Gerontology NP Programs: NPs who go through this program are also called Primary care Nursing Practitioner and their central role in a hospital or clinic is to care for adolescents and older adults. Due to the general nature of their practice, the can work in different settings ranging from hospitals to homes.

Certification and Licensing Process for NP

After going through the NP programs, the main thing on most people’s mind is to get a license so that they can seek better employment opportunities or open a clinic. Since they are mature nurses, they know what they want and the only thing standing between them and their dream is certification and a license. But both are very easy to get provided you have the required qualification.

The first step upon graduation or just before you graduate is to apply for certification by the American Association of Nursing Practitioners. You will be needed to pay a fee and provide a few documents and then schedule a day for the exam. Once you take and pass the exams and fulfill any other condition that they may require you will receive your certification. With this certification, you can now apply for a license to practice in the state you wish.

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Summary: 5 Reasons Why You Should Take an NP Program

  1. It will open up more career options since there is a high demand for these professionals not only in hospitals but also in nursing schools as educators.
  2. NP programs will offer you an intellectual challenge that will start when you are applying to a school and continue through your career.
  3. You will get the opportunity to operate autonomously as you will be legally allowed to open and run a clinic.
  4. With an NP program, you can be guaranteed of a return on investment as this is one of the best-paying jobs in the USA.
  5. You get to join an elite group of a few professionals that are slowly changing the face of healthcare in the USA and also globally.

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What is an NICU Nurse?

Newborns are very sensitive no matter how healthy they are, and so they require attention from a specialized nurse who has the training, skills and experience to take care of them. However, not all are born healthy as other are born very critically ill suffering from various hereditary and other conditions and so they are taken to a special intensive care unit. An NICU nurse is the nursing specialist who takes care of them in this particular intensive care unit (NICU) and helps them on their path to recovery by giving them all the care they need and administering the required medication.



NICU Nurse Job Description

A neonatal intensive care nurse is a specialist that offers round the clock critical care to sick and premature newborns. In addition to this, the nurse is also trained to provide support to the parents during this difficult period when their baby is in the intensive care unit. The support that the specialized nurse gives to parents can range from basic things such as emotional support to other more important ones such as advising and educating them on how to take care of their child one he or she gets home. This nurse works in a team that also includes a physician and nurse practitioner with his or her primary task being to ensure that the newborn recovers in a secure environment and that the treatment is followed according to the physician’s directive. The roles of this outstanding nurse can easily be summarized in the following points.

  • Administering medication to the newborn as directed by the doctor. In this role an NICU nurse has to be very keen because of the sensitive nature of their patient and they have to get the timing and dosage spot on as there is no room for error.
  • Monitoring the vital signs using the high-tech machines that are found in most intensive care units for newborns, record anything that needs to be recorded and share it with the relevant medical professionals.
  • Even though the baby is under machines, he or she still needs vital nutrients and fluids to survive, and this is the responsibility of the neonatal nurse to offer them.
  • NICU nurse must ensure that the infant is breathing and also maturing properly. This is especially more important in premature birth cases since the lungs are not yet fully developed.
  • They also need to do other necessary things such as changing diapers and bedding’s for the infant to ensure that maximum comfort is maintained in the recovery and development process.


Getting Information on Neonatal Nursing

If you are looking to venture in this career and you are outside the medical field, or you are fresh from high school then you may not have enough information about neonatal nursing. However, lack of information should not be an impediment as there are many places that you can get all the information you need to stat you career in this specialty. The first place to look is online, and here the options are unlimited. Even a general search of the term NICU will bring you sufficient information. However, if you are looking for more accurate information about how long it takes to become one or where to study then you can visit an authoritative nursing website or read the many NICU nurse blogs available online. Apart from the internet, you can visit a nursing school near you, and there you will get all the information that you need. Some hospitals are also very helpful especially to young people interested in a nursing career ad so they can also be a reliable source of information.

Where are These Nurses Employed

The primary place that these nurses work is at the neonatal intensive care unit of the hospital. However, not all hospitals have this facility and so the nurse here will have to work with the infants anywhere in the installation that has been dedicated to offering them the critical care that they need to survive. Apart from hospitals, these professionals can also be travel nurses whereby they move with a team of other medical professionals offering intensive care to infants across the USA or in other countries. Some of these nurses may also work for travel companies where they will be called in when a critically ill child needs to be transferred from one hospital to the other for specialized care and treatment. In summary, these professionals can be employed anywhere that there are infants that need specialized care as a result of illness and premature birth.


Traits Required of These Professionals

  • Caring: To work in this profession, you have to have compassion and care for the tiny helpless baby suffering from different conditions that they do not even understand. Need to care for this innocent human being is what drives these nurses and motivates them to give it their best and utmost dedication. Since the babies are almost never in contact with their parents, the nurse has to fill in the gap as the infant recovers, and this can only be possible if they are caring.
  • Critical thinking: Critical thinking is crucial as it will help the caregiver to assess quickly the situation and intervene or call in a doctor. Unlike in other types of patients, all the information here is gathered by observing vital signs and so critical thinking helps a nurse know when the situation is deteriorating.
  • Stability: This is one of the most emotionally taxing jobs as the caregiver comes across many heartbreaking situations that can be in the form of continued suffering of the infant or severe emergency cases. Seeing innocent babies suffering can be very stressful and if you are not stable enough to handle it, then you will not be in a position to help others that need you. Emotional stability will help the nurse offer support to the affected family and most importantly remain focused on helping the newborns.
  • Communication: When working in this area of specialization you will be the intermediary between parents and the doctors. You will also be tasked with monitoring the infant and provide all the information to other medical professionals that are also giving care to the baby. And due to this, it is imperative to have excellent communication skills to be effective in the job. Communication skills will also be essential when the nurse is advising the parents or guardians on how to take care of the child once he or she comes home.


Benefits of Taking This Career Path


  • The shortage of nurses is now more severe than a few years ago, and the situation is probably going to get worse. Apart from the shortage, this is a very demanding and stressful job, and so most nurses will shy away. Hence, this means that you have many employment opportunities compared to a regular registered nurse. On average, the salary is also better than what most RNs earn.
  • A neonatal intensive care unit nurse career is one the most emotionally rewarding and fulfilling professions. Nothing feels better than knowing every day that you get to nurse an infant back health from a very critical situation. The smile that you put each day on parents and family will give you more satisfaction than any financial gain.
  • The challenges faced in the job, and the need to provide more and better help to the infants will motivate you to seek further studies and become a neonatal nursing practitioner. At this level, you will have even more job opportunities and the salary is also way much better.
  • Babies are fun to work with, and every day is not always about a grave or sad situation, and so there are days when you get to play around with your patients. No other nursing profession will offer you a better opportunity to interact with babies than this one.


How to Become NICU Nurse

Your employer will dictate the level of qualification that they will require for you to be allowed to take care of newborns in their intensive care. Whereas some hospitals are very strict with their level of experience, some are more relaxed and would prefer to offer you most of the training that is required once they employ you. The qualifications may also differ from one state to the other due to the difference in bylaws and state government policies. How in most geographical locations and hospitals you have to fulfill the following conditions to become an NICU nurse.

  • A neonatal must be a registered nurse with at least a Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing. Those with associate degrees can still become neonatal nurses, but they will have to follow different certification process, but most hospitals are very strict with the BSN requirement.
  • Another important thing and perhaps the one that most hospitals consider most is certification. An individual must be certified in Neonatal Intensive Care or Neonatal Resuscitation. Some hospitals will require the nurse to have both and a couple of other certifications from other nursing bodies.
  • Even with all the necessary certifications, some employers will also require a nurse to have completed a minimum number of clinical experience hours in a hospital setting. The minimum for most is 2000 hours, and some hospitals will even go further to specify that the hours must have been completed within the first 24 months after completion of training. However, the more experienced, the better your chances of landing employment in this career.
  • If you wish to advance your career further and become a neonatal nurse practitioner, then you have to do a Master of Science in Nursing. The is the best career path to follow once you qualify as an NICU caregiver as it will open up more opportunities and better salaries

Licensing and Certification

The biggest hurdle in becoming a neonatal nurse is getting a registered nurse license. Once you are through with this and have some few years of experience, everything will be easier for you as you move to this field. To become a registered nurse you must sit and pass the six hour NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses). However, you also have to acquire licensing from the particular state that you wish to practice in but with the NCLEX license things will be smooth for you. To maintain the license, you also have to earn the continuing education credits that are required by individual state licensing board. Even when you completely transition to a career in neonatal, you will still have to keep your registered nurse license updated. And it is also important to know that before you are given a license to practice in some states, it will be necessary to undergo an education verification and background check.

The certification process is also simple for a registered nurse because his or her experience in the nursing field makes it easier to maneuver through the processes. After a couple of years as a neonatal nurse, you can apply for certification through a body such as ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center). If this organization certifies you as an NICU nurse, it means that you will have demonstrated that you have the right skills and experience to work in this specialty. The nurse also has to sit for exams to demonstrate skills in this area. Caregivers can also choose to get certification, in particular, NICU categories, such as perinatal or pediatric nursing.

Salary and Job Outlook


The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the employment opportunities for registered nurses, in general, will grow by 19% in the decade between 2012 and 2022. This growth will be mainly because of the nurse shortage and need for replacement of nurses who retire and those who move to other careers. The increase in opportunities shows that the future is bright for anyone who wants to pursue a career in neonatal nursing. Another thing that is fuelling a rise in job opportunities for these nurses is the fact that more and more hospitals are creating the special intensive care units for infants because the cases of premature births and babies born with different complications are one the rise. Apart from this, there has also been a surge in demand for these professionals in the past few years in the non-hospital setting, and this trend is set to continue. The top areas where these nurses are being employed apart from hospitals are in charitable organizations and medical transport companies. The humanitarian organizations use them as travel nurses to care for infants in remote parts of the world and war-torn countries in the Middle East and Africa


The average salary for these nurses in the USA is $80,000 that is way much more than the average for registered nurses and also more than the national average for all professions. However the non-hospital employers such as humanitarian organizations pay much more than this since the nurse will be working in dangerous environments and in most cases they will be away from home for many months at a go.



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A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) provides anesthesia services in the same manner as a medical doctor who trained as an anesthesiologist. It is a licensed professional nurse who has become nationally certified to practice as an anesthetist after completing education and training. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists started practicing in 1956 and administer anesthesia to more than 32 million patients annually. They are the highest paid professionals in the nursing field, and they work closely with surgeons, other anesthesiologists, dentists, and podiatrists.

Many nurse anesthetists are the only professionals available to administer anesthesia in rural areas, and work with 100 percent autonomy. Studies show that there is no difference between the care provided by a CNRA than by a physician anesthesiologist.


Job Duties and Responsibilities of a Nurse Anesthetist

The Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist delivers anesthesia to patients during surgical procedures. They work with patients before, during, and after surgery. These duties include assessing the patient before the surgery; preparing for managing, administration and maintenance of the anesthesia during the surgery; overseeing post-operative recovery from anesthesia; and following the patient through the entire post-operative recovery procedure. A professional in the field generally provides care for one patient at a time, rather than juggling multiple anesthesia patients.


The practice of anesthesia includes all techniques of the field, including general anesthesia delivery, epidurals, sedations, peripheral nerve blocks, spinal anesthesia, and local anesthesia. Local states and medical providers further define the duties of the professional. Further, in 2001 a rule published in the Federal Register by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services allowed states to exempt the CRNA from physician oversight, and to date, 16 states have done so and developed their own requirements.

Educational Requirements for a Nurse Anesthetist


A career in the field starts with earning a bachelor’s in nursing degree and then obtaining a master’s degree in nurse anesthesia. In order to be accepted in a master’s degree program, the nurse needs to have at least one year of experience in an acute care environment. After completing all required coursework, a certification examination is required in order to attain the designation of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.

CRNA’s must be recertified every two years, and obtain 40 hours of approved continuing education. At that time, they must also certify that they have not developed medical or mental conditions that could adversely affect their ability to practice.

These types of nursing professionals work strongly with a variety of medical providers ranging from dentists to surgeons to doctors of anesthesiology. These people are in charge of performing primary assessments of the physical condition prior to surgery, as well as any information about the process that needs to be imparted to the patient. Administration of anesthesia is done with the goal of eliminating patient pain during the surgical process, and so the CRNA is in charge of maintaining a safe degree of anesthesia throughout the surgery. In addition, these experts are charged with managing the patient’s recovery from the anesthetic condition.


Nursing anesthetist professionals are one of the only nursing groups who remain by their person’s side throughout the course of their treatment. This specific is because every aspect of the patient’s physical functions needs to be monitored and adjusted to ensure that the procedure is safe and the patient is free from unnecessary stress. Of the more than twenty million cases where anesthesia is administered each year, CRNAs are responsible for managing nearly sixty 5 percent. The number of CRNAs providing their services to patients in the United States is now estimated to be in excess of 28, 000.

To enter the accreditation program for being an anesthetic nursing professional, you must have completed a bachelor’s nursing diploma in addition to receiving your registered nursing license. You should also have at least one full year of experience in acute nursing care. Although a master’s degree is not necessary to a program for anesthetic breastfeeding, it should be recognized that most of these programs can, in fact, lead to a master’s degree. The basic educational curriculum involves study in the areas of physiology, pharmacology, chemistry, and many more subjects. Within addition, the clinical study concerning anesthesia technology and techniques is a critical element of the educational process.

Where Do Nurse Anesthetists Work?

Several of the areas in which nursing anesthesiologists are most in demand include private clinics and clinics, delivery rooms, surgery centers, dental offices, and pain management facilities. There are also CRNAs at the office within the military and almost any medical arena through which patients need well-monitored pain management during a medical procedure.

In many states a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist will work with and under the direction of a doctor. The Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist’s duties can include consulting with a patient before surgery to learn their medical history, continuously monitoring a patient while the anesthesia is being administered, and supervising the patient’s care and monitoring their condition while they recover from the effects of anesthesia.

Who Can Become a Nurse Anesthetist?


One must have a high level of competency and skill, as well as a specialized graduate-level education, in order to become a certified nurse anesthetist. This includes 1,700 clinical hours and 800 anesthesia administrations prior to certification, in addition to the traditional requirements to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing and become a Registered Nurse (RN). Certified nurse anesthetists must complete 2-3 years of graduate training, during which their experience hours as a Registered Nurse in acute care are completed. There is also a national certification exam, which all RNs must pass before becoming nurse anesthetists.

Nurse Anesthetist Salary and Job Outlook


Since registered nurse anesthetists can be trained and hired for about one-eighth of the cost of an anesthesiologist, they are very much in demand with clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities these days. They find work in both private and public settings, including ambulatory care, dental offices, health clinics and hospitals (ERs and ORs). On a daily basis, the job may require a wide variety of anesthesia services depending on the employer and the location, whether it’s a rural area or an inner city. In some cases, the work is very specific; a certified registered nurse anesthetist may only work with mothers delivering their babies, for instance.

The pay is a major perk of the job for certified nurse anesthetists. The median annually salary for certified nurse anesthetists is approximately $156,610, according to Salary.com. As far as the nursing field goes, this is a top salary among even the highest-paying clinical nursing specialties. Aside from the pay, most jobs also provide a full package of health, dental and vision insurance benefits, as well as paid vacations and retirement savings accounts. And, of course, the benefits of helping people stay safe and pain-free during various necessary medical procedures is priceless.


A nursing career is a sure way to a good salary. Just how good is that income? Well, Salary.com reveals that in 2007, the national average salary for a registered nurse was $59,000.

But here’s some surprising news: there’s one advanced nursing degree which pays as much or more as some medical doctors salaries – with less time in school. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists earn more than $100,000 a year upon graduation from CRNA programs. This income can even go as high as $150,000 a year for an experienced CRNA.

What One Need to Become a CRNA?

To become one, first, you must be a registered nurse. After being assigned for at least one year in a critical care section, you will then be eligible to apply for a slot in a CRNA program. This is a master’s degree level program. These programs are quite competitive to get into, so if you are interested in applying to a CRNA program, make sure that you keep your grades up when taking prerequisite classes, especially science and math.

If you do get into a CRNA program, be prepared for two to three years of intensive study. They often run through the summer as well. So while there are holiday breaks, there is no summer off in many CRNA programs.

So What Exactly Does a CRNA Do?


He/she usually works with a doctor in a hospital or any healthcare facility. In some states, a CRNA doesn’t need to work under the supervision of a doctor. They will check with patients before surgery, and get their medical history and other vital information. They will monitor the patient during surgery, and continue to monitor the patient as the patient recovers from the effects of anesthesia.

Because of the huge responsibility and the potential for liability that the duties of a CRNA entail, not all registered nurses are keen on taking on the job. However, the pay is excellent and there is a huge demand for CRNAs. They graduate with multiple job offers.

Certification Program for Nurse Anesthetists

To enter a program for accreditation as an anesthetic nursing professional, you must have completed a bachelor’s degree in nursing in addition to receiving your registered nursing license. You should also have at least one full year of experience in acute nursing care. While a master’s degree is not necessary to enter a program for anesthetic nursing, it should be recognized that most of these programs can, in fact, lead to a master’s degree. The basic educational curriculum involves study in the areas of physiology, pharmacology, chemistry, and many other subjects. In addition, the clinical study involving anesthesia technology and techniques is a critical component of the educational process.


To become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, a student must be a licensed registered nurse and have at least a year of working experience in critical care.

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist programs are master’s degree programs. They often run continuously, from two to two and a half years without a summer break. They are very intensive programs and it is impossible to work full-time during these programs.

Many schools actually require their students to sign an agreement not to work full-time while they are participating in the program. The programs are very competitive, with many students competing for each slot, and the schools that offer these programs want to ensure that the students who attend will be able to successfully complete the program.

It would be challenging to even work part-time during these programs.

They involve a lot of clinical time, in which the CRNA student is working under the direction of a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.

A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist must have advanced knowledge of anatomy & physiology, mathematics, drug interactions, and other areas of science.

A CRNA program is expensive and time-consuming. However, it’s also cheaper and faster than medical schools.

A CRNA degree is not for everybody, and it is not for every nurse. Given the time and money commitment required to become a CRNA – two to three years without being able to work full-time, plus the cost of the program – nursing students should give careful thought before committing to pursue a CRNA degree.

However, there is a huge demand for CRNA’s everywhere in the country, and the pay is excellent. If the job responsibilities of a CRNA sound appealing to you, it’s definitely a career to which you should give your consideration.

CNRA Online Coursework


CNRA online courses may be offered by community colleges, vocational colleges, and non-profit healthcare associations. The coursework will instruct students on subjects like bedside nursing duties, nursing theory, nutrition, infection prevention and control, and anatomy. Other topics may include record keeping, professional etiquette, client rights, mental health, and available social services.

The format of the online courses may include virtual web classroom instruction, video conferencing, interactive discussion boards, or independent study. You may obtain your clinical training at a healthcare location such as a hospital or an assisted living facility while working with a licensed nurse.

The State Exam


After completing your coursework and training, you will need to pass a state exam to become certified. There are two parts to the test – a written exam and a clinical skills test. The skills test will measure competency in areas such as feeding, dressing, patient communication, and proper hygiene. Often, you will be allowed to work after you complete your coursework for a short time before you test for your certification.

Preparing for Your CNRA Career

A great way to prepare for becoming a CNRA is to volunteer at a local hospital or nursing home. You will gain experience as well as see first-hand what this type of career will involve. It will give you an idea of what it is like to work in the healthcare field and help you determine if this type of work is right for you.

Becoming a CNRA is not the right career move for everyone. While there is high demand in the healthcare field for nursing assistants, the turnover rate is high. The work is hard and often the pay does not reflect this but those who love helping people will find this a rewarding career.

So if you think you may be interested, start researching what CRNA schools are available in your state, and talk to guidance counselors at those schools to see if it might be a career for you.


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If you are looking to pursue nurse anesthetist schooling, this will require careful research on the best program and school that meet your needs and budget. So, to give you some insights on the top nurse anesthetist schools in Florida, as well as tips on how to become one, read along to gain essential information on these topics.


Nurse Anesthetist Schooling: Prerequisites


Selecting the right program for nurse anesthetist schooling can be rather tedious and overwhelming. There are hundreds of nurse anesthetist schools to choose from in the United States, and you may find yourself confused about the right one to select for your needs. Moreover, nurse anesthetist schools Florida offers may come with certain prerequisites before you become accepted to the program. You will also need to obtain key information about each, do a comparison of potential options and prepare requirements before you are accepted to the program.

Nurse anesthetist schooling comes with prerequisites that must be met prior to having your application approved. These should also be completed, otherwise, you will not be granted an invitation for an interview. For instance, nurse anesthetist schooling prerequisites may involve having a GPA of 3.0 or higher, along with GRE score of a minimum of 100. These are some of the strict requirements potential applicants should meet to have a better shot of being approved by the school of their choice. While grades may not be the only thing to be considered when taking applicants in, this requirement is indeed an important factor to think about before you go ahead to this course.


Some other interesting facts you may need to know about nurse anesthetist schooling prerequisites include the following:

  1. Experience

Several program administrators in nurse anesthetist schools are looking for candidates who have professional experience in this field of medicine. After all, this will allow students to transition quickly into another area of nursing as an anesthetist. Some programs require candidates to have at least one year of professional work in the acute care nursing department. It is important to note, though, that before any applicants with valid work experience are accepted to the program, the place where the career experience is obtained will be taken into consideration.

  1. Proficiency

Another key aspect that nursing anesthetist schooling program administrators look into when they screen applicants is the proficiency level. It is not enough that one has worked at an actual facility as an acute care nurse. What also matters is the fact that they have mastered the techniques in such a work setting, which means the facility should also be the finest in this type of activity. After all, a high-level training should produce the best nurses who could progress towards becoming a successful nurse anesthetist.

  1. Good Leadership

Applicants to nurse anesthetist programs should be good leaders. Notable schools in the country offering nurse anesthetist schooling programs search for candidates with an outstanding sense of leadership and professionalism at the same time. They must be self-actualized individuals who understand their duties and responsibilities, as well as go beyond the call of duty instead of simply just attending to patients in a routine manner.

  1. Place of Training

Most nurse anesthetist schools in Florida choose candidates who have a broader experience in this field. While some candidates who mainly worked in the pediatrics or neonatal departments, there are more applicants who have a higher chance of being accepted in the program because of their experience in dealing with adult patients. Furthermore, nurses who have found employment at a medical center have higher chances of getting their application approved, as compared to those who have always been at a community hospital. These candidates will also be able to adjust easily to a nurse anesthesia program offered in the school because of their previous training and background in this medical field.

  1. Motivation

If you have the drive and passion for being a nurse, then you are most likely to gain acceptance in the program. Motivation and passion are important tools to success, as these drive people to follow their dreams and surpass every challenge that may come their way. It is only typical that success comes to those who are passionate about what they do.

  1. Participation

Aside from being passionate about becoming a nurse anesthetist, there must be a sense of volunteerism in candidates. Nurses must be driven to extend their support and skill to others who need their help, which means candidates must show evidence of participating in communities and organizations relevant to their field. Also, it is important to note that volunteer works should not only involve joining medical missions. Nurses must also be able to offer services to areas that are underserved or struggling to manage their health because of their difficult situations.

Interviews: Taking a Step in Nurse Anesthetist Schooling


During an interview as you proceed with your applications to a nurse anesthetist school of your choice, you will need to answer questions that do not only relate to the profession. In fact, program administrators may ask some personal questions that will reveal their character and motives. What’s more, personal questions offer insights on the interpersonal skills and other qualities of the candidate.

As for how an interview goes in nurse anesthetist schools, this process tends to vary. There are those that perform a one-on-one interview with a candidate, although sometimes two people perform the interview. Mainly, this mode of an interview is preferable as it allows administrators to gain essential information about the candidate. Unlike with a written interview, one-on-one helps administrators confirm every item presented by the candidate in the application form.

In other cases, interviews are conducted more than once. Some have an interview board, and this one tests an applicant’s skills in public speaking, along with being able to control the audience and encourage them to listen carefully.

An interview is a major part of any nurse anesthetist school requirements. With this in mind, it is necessary to prepare yourself well and not allow any hint of uncertainty or nervousness along the way. After all, you want to pass this initial hurdle that will take you towards becoming a professional nurse anesthetist.

It is also worth mentioning that some nursing anesthetist schooling administrators conduct interviews by phone, although this depends on the situation of the candidate. In the case of potential nurse anesthetists who are also active duty military officials, their mode of an interview is rarely one-on-one. The nature of their job prevents them from having much available time to attend a one-on-one interview, so the only viable option is a phone interview.

Even if the candidate has quite an impressive resume and curriculum vitae, it is still necessary for him or her to undergo an interview. This is a way for administrators to identify not only the credentials of applicants but also the kind of people they are. The ability to think clearly on the spot is also essential for nurse anesthetists aside from having years of experience and expertise in the field under their belt.

Nurse Anesthetist Schooling: Other Qualifications to Consider


Nursing anesthetist schooling involves a tedious process before one can become accepted into the program. In fact, the candidate’s writing skills may also be taken into account since it can provide insights on the work ethics and sense of responsibility by the applicant. Some schools require writing as an important portion of the interview, and a brief essay is to be written by the candidate with the topic revolving on his or her goals that go along the application.

A candidate’s writing skills offer a clearer insight into the communication skill of the individual, in a written manner. There are also issues uncovered such as grammar, writing mechanics, cohesion, and organization of thoughts. The preparedness level of the person becomes evident when he or she submits a well-written essay that addresses the topic or question right on target.

Interestingly, there are certain versions or methods of writing test implemented in numerous nurse anesthetist schooling programs in the country. The most unique of them all is a writing test that has very little to no relationship with healthcare fields or even nurse anesthesia. Such topic should check candidates’ critical thinking and organization skills since it is not in their line of work. By writing in an in-depth manner about a tough and foreign topic, it exposes the applicant’s ability to make logical sense of it.

Program administrators for nurse anesthetist schooling establish certain elements in evaluating candidates after they have undergone the interview – whether it is a written, phone, or one-on-one mode. The interview is always graded, in the sense that standards are checked and measured to make sure these are met.

To make sure that there is no such thing as favoritism when it comes to evaluating and grading applicants, there is a point system followed by administrators. Grading scales are implemented to rank applicants, so a decision can be made to determine who are accepted into the program. In addition, candidates are evaluated based on their training, advanced practice, clinical background or experience and personal traits.

Quite sensibly, applicants with a background in anesthesia have an edge in the interview and application process. Interested nurses who want to pursue this field should consider shadowing and learning more about CRNA. By doing so, administrators will realize that candidates have prepared well for this potential career in the medicine field.

Nurse Anesthetist Schooling: How to Become a Nurse Anesthetist?

Pursuing nurse anesthetist schooling is a challenging task. However, it can be very rewarding because of good earning potential and opportunities for career growth. This field is also rather demanding, which means applicants should possess a combination of academic excellence, passion and professional experience to qualify for this career. In fact, certified registered anesthetist schools prefer candidates who leading the game, regardless of the setting. As long as there are lives to be saved or in moments of emergencies, nurse anesthetists must always be ready to step up and help those in need.

Nurse Anesthetist Schooling: Duties of a Nurse Anesthetist

Before you consider taking up nurse anesthetist schooling, you may want to know what it is exactly that these professionals do. Basically, a certified registered nurse anesthetist or CRNA manages the pain level of patients including the proper functioning of vital organs in times of surgical procedures. These medical experts also undertake longer studies, as compared to other types of nurses such as the LPNs and RNs since these do not require a graduate degree, unlike the CRNA.

Among the responsibilities of a nurse anesthetist are the following:

  • Calculate the right dosage of medicines (anesthetic ones)
  • Monitor vital functions of patients using sedation
  • Evaluate the responsivity of patients to anesthesia
  • Check any risks before anesthetizing patients, which should prevent overdosage and allergic reactions
  • Stabilize conditions of trauma patients during and after medical procedures
  • Communicate with patients clearly about what can be expected from being administered with anesthesia

These are just some tasks expected from a nurse anesthetist, which these professionals must be able to accomplish to ensure the safety and health of their patients. In addition, you should be able to find these medical specialists working in various settings including outpatient medical facilities, cardiac care units, intensive care units, emergency rooms and private physician office. They may also work at oral surgery or dental clinics to administer anesthesia to patients in need of sedation for pain management and control.

Nurse Anesthetist Schooling: Education and Training

If you are wondering how many years of school to become a nurse anesthetist, it is important to learn more about the educational background and training required from these professionals. Based on the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, a CRNA should obtain a master’s degree from a nurse anesthetist schooling program, aside from passing a national certification examination upon completion of the program. In most cases, programs for CRNAs can be completed in about 2 to 2 1/2 years. Before getting accepted into the program, candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree, as well as clinical training classes taken up at a community or university hospital before they graduate from the program.

Graduate programs that potential CRNAs are required to take must be accredited and recognized by the COA or the Council of Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia. This is the only way for candidates to register for the national examinations for CRNA. At present, there are 113 nurse anesthesia programs accredited in the country, and 16 of the programs give students an opportunity to take up a doctorate degree course.

If you are looking to take up a nurse anesthetist program in Florida, there are some schools worth considering such as the following:

  1. Barry University Nurse Anesthetist School


The nurse anesthetist program available at the Barry University in Florida is regarded as one of the oldest in the state. In fact, if you decide to enroll in this program, you have a chance of meeting about double the requirements that are in similar programs. In fact, graduates from this university are known for their high proficiency level and competency, which make them quite in demand among employers.

  1. Florida International University Nurse Anesthetist School

florida national coll

Located in Miami, this university is one of the first to offer nurse anesthetist program. It also offers a simulation-based type of education in this program, which is only among the few in the country. Thus, students can have a more practical and hands-on experience during training in a safe setting. It also takes a minimum of 28 months for the program to be completed.

  1. Florida Gulf Coast University

Florida Gulf Coast University

If you are in Ft. Meyers, you may consider enrolling in the Nurse Anesthesia program of the school. Completion of the course will lead to an advanced knowledge and skill in nursing practice while implementing critical thinking and performing well on hands-on training to help patients suffering from critical issues.

These essential pieces of information on nurse anesthetist schooling should help potential candidates to succeed in the program and pursue a career in this field of medicine.






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