
Becoming aware of the available LPN programs is the starting point in your licensed practical nurse career. There are many nursing careers you can choose from. The variety makes a decision hard for you and some professional guidance will go a long way to help you make the right one. The licensed practical nurse would be such a choice that you will never have regrets for the bargain that comes your way. This article will deliver all the information you may need about making a career choice in nursing and answer pertinent questions you may have before making a final decision.



Program Overview


Sometimes you do not have to go for a degree to get your dream career; you can start it small. LPN course is such a career that will not demand from you a bachelor’s degree. You can have a diploma and fly high to become the best in the field.

Unlike most of the other nursing jobs, you will not need a college degree for LNP. You basically need post-secondary training and you are in for the career that you wanted from your childhood age. Once you are qualified, you will be expected to give basic healthcare to patients under the supervision of senior personnel. During training, you are ushered into creative and logic thinking that will help you make appropriate decisions as required of you by Nursing Practice Act. The LPN programs are flexible since you can make a choice to have full time or part time basis depending on what will work for you. You can have your job and only find a few hours to attend class and that is a balance that many professionals would like to have. Once you are qualified, your duties are diversified so you should embrace yourself for what will come your way. After all, this is something you are passionate about.

Program Prerequisites

Vocational schools and community colleges will require some pre-qualifications before you enroll. You are expected to have a high school diploma or any equivalent from your state. In some cases, you will be required to sit for entry exams. For whichever school you are considering, make a point of asking what prerequisites you will need. It varies from one school to another but the most important thing is to ensure that the school is accredited.

LPN Courses for Your Consideration

If you have already made the decision to pursue the practical nursing occupation, you would be asking the kind of courses available for your choices. There are good varieties and here are some of the most acclaimed courses that will start off your calling on flying note:

  • Nursing license preparation: this is the final recap of the entire program. It crowns what you have studied and tests whether you are ready to practice it in real-life situations.
  • Introduction to client-care module: you are now introduced to the care given to patients before and after surgical processes. You will get an intensive introduction to pharmacology, anatomy, physiology and nutrition all of which are important to recuperating patients. This is a basic foundation to the generalized care that will be expected once you are done with training.
  • Advanced client care: mental care, obstetrics, and pediatrics are all covered in this course. It adds to the foundation you have already set with the introductory courses. It helps you with future knowledge when it comes to handling critical cases.
  • Client care with I and II: it is time you get a taste of what goes on in the clinical work. You will learn about various interventions in conditions that you will face in the future. It provides in-depth knowledge on how to handle patients even in their worst situations and deliver excellent results.

Program Accreditation

There is one thing that you will find with all healthcare careers: they should be accredited before they are considered to be befitting. Same way, LPN courses should undergo accreditation which is done by designated bodies. Accreditation is essential since it ensures that you meet all the state, national or even international standards to be entrusted with the lives of human beings. So, what are the main LPN accrediting bodies?


  • The Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE): if you are persistent enough to go to the bachelor’s or master’s level, this is the body that will accredit your practice. It does an advanced review of what you studied before deeming it fit that the courses you have learned are adequate to be taken to the ground.
  • The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN): This is the body which generally accredits all the nursing courses. It does this to all levels from diploma to Ph.D.

Important Things to Remember about Accreditation

There are state boards that approve programs so as to prepare students for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). However, such accreditation is not automatically what equates school approval by the national organizations. It is thus always advisable to check before you apply for a school.

Sometimes you may be willing to take the risk to go for state approved but non-accredited schools. Well, this may be the only option in your situation but it comes with its own drawbacks. Yes, you will be able to take the NCLEX but your career will be stalled if you are planning to continue with your education. The overall risk is that you will not be qualified to attend accredited schools for additional education and you will remain with the qualification you already have.

Major Categories Covered in NCLEX

The final examination emphasizes on what you have been doing for the entire training. It covers 4 major categories that are core to your success once you are in the field and practicing. These categories include:

  • Integrity in physiology: this tackles general comfort of patients in their varied conditions. It handles all the key areas that ensure clients/patients are safe within and without health facilities.
  • Health maintenance and promotion: early detection and diagnosis of diseases and conditions is what is given priority here. It ensures that prevention is sustained and only on inevitable situations does it come to healing.
  • Psychological integrity: some situations will require that patients be psychologically comforted. This is not a directly medical practice but it supports the prevention and healing processes.


Advancing Your Education

Good news with LPN is that you can grow both your education and career. You can become a registered nurse (RN) and here are the 2 available gateways for you:

  • Bachelor’s degree programs: as an LPN, you can enroll for this degree and be on your way to becoming RN. This program is focused on nursing concepts and leadership skills that are needed once you become a fully pledged nurse. It will take you 3 years and if you are on a job you may never notice how fast time flies.
  • Associate degree programs: generally, it will take you 2-3 years to complete the associate degree. However, with LPN qualification the completion duration becomes even shorter. You will get indulged into anatomy, chemistry, nutrition, and microbiology.

Campus Versus Online Programs


Flexibility is one thing that modern education has considered. Long time ago, you would not study away from a typical classroom but today that is possible. For your Licensed nurse training, you can choose whether to attend a physical or online class. If you have the time, you could choose to go at the campus. This is an option that works best if you do not want to work and study. The online option is for those who may not have the time to attend physical classes due to other engagements like job or family commitments.

How Long Before You are Qualified

If you are worried about taking long time studying, you should stop. Generally, it will take you one year to complete your training. There are some that will even take as less as 7 months. On the longer side, advanced programs will take 24 months.

How Much Does It Cost

The financial burden is what will make you not to take a training program that you have always wanted. But with LPN, you do not need such a huge budget that will break your bank account. The tuition asking fee usually begins at $ 2,000. This is something you can save for easily and enroll once you get the lump sum. Depending on the payment arrangement, you could be paying bit by bit until you are done. The other expenses come down to the kind of lifestyle you lead as a person thus you can cut it down to an insignificant figure. If you are working, you will not feel the financial burden.

Is This the Right Choice for You


Before you make a final decision, you would like to know whether this is the kind of course/job that you would want to pursue for the rest of your life. Licensed nursing is a good career that may start in a small way but you have a great opening to your future career. Recent studies show that the nursing industry will create 25% of new jobs in the next decade. Therefore, there is a promise for a job and you may not stay for long before you land your first job. Here are the advantages that will come your way once you choose this career path:

  • You do not need a degree to enroll or to get a job. Your post-secondary diploma is adequate to start you off.
  • You have the chance to advance and become a registered nurse. And you can do this once you get a job since there is the option for part-time lessons.
  • As it has been shown by credible studies, nursing jobs are on the rise. You will not search a job for long since openings are frequent and you can make the best choice.
  • There are multiple accredited schools at the state and national level. You just have to make a pick of your favorite school that meets your preferences such as courses, payment, and other attractive offers.


Your Job Description

It would be right to say that, as an LPN practitioner, your job description is wide and diversified. But to introduce you to what you expect in your normal day, here are some of the duties and roles that will be regular on your working table:

  • Monitoring patients: it is in your line of duty to monitor how patients are doing. They need to be making improvements on their conditions and it is on your part to ensure that they are fine.
  • Providing comfort: patients may find themselves in pain or panic. It is your duty as an LPN to ensure that this does not get out of control. You have to comfort them even in the direst condition.
  • Data collection: in order to keep track on patients’ progress, data is needed. It is in your docket to collect crucial information which is useful in making right diagnosis and prescribing medication.
  • Improving patient’s personal hygiene: good hygiene is part of ensuring healthy practices. You are to ensure that patients take care of their health so as to improve their condition.
  • Promote safety at all times: it is of utmost importance that patients and nursing practitioners are safe at all times. Your basic care qualification requires you to be on the forefront to ensure safety practices.

Choosing the Best School

The kind of school you will attend is the first stepping stone to your career. There are good schools around but you have to perform a critical analysis to find the best that will suit your needs. A good school will have the following:

  • Modern facilities: lab equipment and other learning paraphernalia are important to your studies. They help you get practical lessons that will come in handy once you are in the profession.
  • Accredited programs: not every other program will be suitable to your qualification. Schools that have all their programs certified are the best for your consideration.
  • Experienced teaching professional: the teaching staff should be qualified to give you the best experience and knowledge. With good tutors, you have an edge over other competitors.
  • History in good performance: the past of a school will tell you much of their success culture. Choose a school that has had years of successful runs.

You now have all that you would have wished to know about LPN programs plus the bonus on what is expected once you are in the field. Go ahead with your plans and be in a career that has been in your heart for all these years. Best of luck as you pursue your licensed practical vocation.

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How much money do you think a critical care unit nurse makes a year? According to recent studies carried out by the United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the average ICU nurse salary is approximately $97,000 per annum. While the figure may seem a bit high, it’s interesting to note that the top 10% of highest paid critical care nurses actually earn well over $130,000 per year. The average amount is leveled off by the bottom 10% of nurses who make around $68,000 annually. Not bad for new practitioners, right?

But why such a major variation between these two figures? A $62,000 difference is quite substantial. What makes the one care specialist get almost double their colleague’s salaries? Well, just like in football, the starting quarterback definitely earns more than the substitute. Why? Because he’s proved himself as the best. He’s played longer, understands the team inside and out, puts in some serious hours in practice and knows how to make a game plan that will push all the way from first down to touchdown.

Basically, what I’m really trying to say (without sounding like a rabid football fan) is that there are a plethora of dynamics that go into influencing the annual salary of any medical professional. Let’s take a much closer look at the most influential factors that will determine the actual sum for different ICU nurse practitioners.


Factors Influencing ICU Nurse Salary Earning Potential


Naturally, every professional nurse wants to earn the highest ICU nurse salary in the market. However, this is not always possible for all nurses. The elements that typically have the most impact on the ICU nurse salary includes experience, education, registration status, location, medical field and even personality. Even the number of weeks and type of job could also affect the all-important weekly paycheck. We’re going to break down and explain these factors one by one to show you exactly how the amounts add up.

1.Years Worked (Experience)


How long an ICU nurse has been practicing can also have a huge effect on the number of zeros on the paycheck at the end of the month. For many nurses, working at one facility for several years contributes to increasing their take-home salaries. A large percentage of hospitals in America have moved from what is known as a merit pay scale to one that is time-based.

According to the Lippincott’s Nursing Center Website, ICU nurses with under 5 years experience earn roughly $45,000 a year. Those with anywhere between six to ten years of experience under their hat earn about $55,000 annually. The figure rises even further to almost $60,000 for nurses with 11 to 15 years of experience. A registered ICU nurse practitioner salary with over 15 years experience is $63,000. When it comes to asking for a raise, negotiation salary, and remuneration, putting in the time gives nurses both leverage and seniority. This will allow you to optimize your time and accrue as much on the job as possible. It works wonders for a typical ICU nurse salary, especially if the nurse is unionized. Which takes us to the next factor in the list.


First of all, if you’re a nurse in America with a master’s degree, great things are coming your way (or maybe they’re already there). Let’s start from the beginning. Recently, the healthcare sector has seen a serious demand for qualified nurses and skilled professionals. This can be mainly accredited to the rising number of nurses approaching retirement rate. Listen to this: by 2020, the government predicts that there’s going to be a shortage of almost 900,000 vacant nursing positions.

I don’t know about you, but a shortfall like this is significant in whichever way you look at it. However, this is quite distressing for hospitals and medical facilities that need qualified nurses. But for resident nurses straight out of school with an MSN, you can expect an average starting salary of $70,000. Not bad at all, especially when you feature in the signing bonus and benefits that come with the job such as relocation assistance perks.



Some states call for registered nurses to be part of a local union for nurses. Joining a union translates to higher rates of earning for nurses, especially in cases of overtime hours.

4.Work Shifts

Hospital schedules often involve two major shifts. The most favored day shift and the dreaded night shift fondly referred to as the graveyard shift. Wherever you go, hospitals and employers always reward nurses willing to work nights. Now, admittedly, nobody loves the graveyard shift because, in addition to sacrificing a good night’s sleep, some of the craziest and outright weird cases come in at night. However, putting in a couple of years of overtime and late nights will work significantly to your advantage when it comes to those annual performance evaluations. Not to mention a very attractive ICU nurse salary and benefits. Anyone up for a hard earned pay rise?



The size of an ICU nurse salary paycheck can be impacted by where they work. Here, geography and topography all play a role. ICU nurses working in urban areas earn higher wages than those in rural areas. As researched by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, Northern states seem to pay much higher hourly rates than both Western and Southern states. This is of course with the exception of California.

Other than the geographical setting, the physical setting of the job also dictates ICU nurse salaries. Although it varies with where you work, registered nurses working in hospitals tend to earn more than those in the long-term care field, outpatient facilities and even home care nurses.

6.Practice Location


Surprise, surprise, actually, this one’s a no-brainer. The highest paying areas tend to the ones that are super expensive to reside in. This situation kind of creates a humorous paradigm, don’t pack up and move to an expensive location if you’re not prepared to pay for a higher cost of living. For example, a typical registered ICU nurse working at a hospital in Boston earns about $43 an hour according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Now, if that same registered nurse moves to a state like, let’s say Dallas, the rate per hour moves to approximately $32. This amount would further drop to $28 an hour back in Mississippi. The USBLS shows the most highly paid ICU nurses to be in metropolitan areas around California.


Again, no matter where in the world you are or what job we’re talking about, specialized nursing work fetches higher rates than regular nursing. For instance, a pediatric nurse or one that specializes in neonatal care will definitely make more than the average ICU nurse salary. Lots of nurses spend years exploring different areas before finding something they’re passionate about. Not only does specialization allow you to generate more annual income than the average ICU nurse salary, but it also makes a nurse quite valuable and irreplaceable. Some of the highest paid specialty areas in ICU nursing include:

  • Pediatric Nursing. In addition to educating parents and children on child disorders, pediatric nurses cater to children with a broad range of afflictions. The average pediatric ICU nurse salary is around $80,000 per annum.
  • Neonatal Nursing. These nurses cater to the needs of sick and premature infants as well as offering consultation and support to the rest of the family. The average neonatal ICU nurse salary is about $75,000.
  • Nurse Practitioner. The average nurse practitioner salary rounds off at $79,000. In this role, nurses are expected to provide emergency preventative care to patients.
  • Certified Registered ICU Nurse Anesthetist. This specialization area is quite lucrative for skilled and educated nurses. By collaborating with physicians, podiatrists, surgeons and anesthesiologists, ICU nurses can earn as much as $135,000.



Believe it or not, another frequently neglected factor that plays a vital role in ICU nurse salary is personality. That’s right, your personality dictates how well you relate with each and every one of your patients. Since the job basically involves lending a hand to acutely ill patients with life-threatening conditions, being sad and gloomy doesn’t help anyone. If you are friendly, jovial, reliable, efficient and always ready to help out, that makes for some very satisfied patients.

Happy patients mean more referrals, more referrals gets you more clients, more commissions, and even tips. Think of it like a math equation where all your hard work and efforts are directly proportional to your earnings; healthy patients equal to a fat bank account. So, for all you aspiring nurses and potential medicine practitioners out there, don’t forget to put on a smile and encourage your patients all through their treatment. A little friendliness and empathy goes a long way towards increasing the ICU nurse salary.

Additional ICU Nurse Salaries and Fringe Benefits


Like any other job, ICU nursing positions hold very favorable opportunities and additional benefits for all practitioners involved. However, with the increasing demand for skilled ICU nurses, most hospitals and health facilities are sweetening the deal to attract and retain the best nurses. These benefits are added to the total ICU nurse salary and range from medical coverage, vacation days, all the way to retirement pensions.

According to recent reports from Payscale, over 80% of nurses receive health benefits such as dental, medical and vision care as well as paid time off and sick leaves in addition to their usual ICU nurse salary. Not to mention retirement savings plans like the 401k and 403b, disability insurance and even education and certification reimbursement. Whether registered or otherwise, ICU nurses can look forward to the following perks and fringe benefits.

  • Bonuses

To attract highly skilled ICU nurses, both government organizations, and private facilities offer an additional sum known as a sign-on bonus to complement the ICU nurse salary. This bonus is available to ICU nurses who accept employment and is usually contingent on the completion of a service. For example, the U.S. Division of Health and Human Services sweetens the pot with a sign-on bonus of $25,000 for ICU nurses who sign in for a four-year active-duty agreement. In addition to a hefty sign-on bonus, ICU nurses also get another yearly bonus over their regular ICU nurse salary based on a nurse’s individual performance. The annual bonus could be anywhere between $200 to $2000 per year.

  • Paid Holidays and Sick Leaves

Most ICU nurses look forward to yearly vacation days as well as holidays. This could be anywhere between a week to 20 working days a year off. Although sick leaves are not quite welcome, it’s always great to anticipate anything and be ready. This includes both health and maternity leaves. However, it is interesting to note that paid holiday days do not accrue at all, make sure you use them well.

  • Insurance

This is one of the most crucial benefits for most practitioners when it comes to the ICU nurse salary. Employers all over the country offer a wide range of insurance services to make sure that their nurses feel safe and secure in their positions. According to the level of ICU nurse salary a practitioner gets, additional insurance packages include things like:

  • Health Insurance
  • Supplemental Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Accidental Death Benefits
  • Disability Insurance
  • Professional Liability Insurance
  • Other Benefits

Unlike traditional practice, nurses working directly under an employer usually receive an extensive range of benefits. This is because employers allow nurses to receive higher wages by working on a contractual basis as well as getting very hefty bonuses after completing each contract.

The future is looking really bright for all ICU nurses as well as many other medical professionals. With ICU nurse salaries and bonuses looking more and more attractive by the day, it just might be the right time to consider joining the profession.






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Labor and delivery nurses have the role of bringing children into the world each and every day. They care for women as they labor and also at childbirth. They have the role of monitoring the mother and the baby and coaching the new mothers. They also serve as the doctor’s assistants. When one becomes a labor and delivery nurse, the role is to prepare the women and the families for all the stages that are involved in childbirth and to help patients on how to breastfeed once the baby has been born.


Things that a Labor Nurse Does

So if you are wondering, what does a labor delivery nurse do? Wonder no more.  They have many responsibilities and they include:

  • Prepare the mothers before pregnancy, during the pregnancy and after the pregnancy
  • Aid when new mothers are in labor
  • Induce labor
  • Administer epidurals and medications
  • Identify different complications and assist in dealing with them
  • Time the contractions during labor
  • Monitor the heart rate of the baby and the blood pressure of the mother.
  • Monitor the newborn after birth

The job characteristics are patient facing, structured, multifaceted and fast paced.


Getting Started

This is how to become a labor delivery nurse. It all starts with your grades in high school. These are very important as it serves as the foundation for your entire career. You need to have a high school diploma of a general equivalency diploma. When in high school, consider taking the following classes as they are the prerequisites for getting into nursing college:

  • English for 4 years
  • Math for 3 to 4 years and this includes geometry and algebra
  • Science for 2-4 years. This needs to include physics, chemistry, and biology and computer science.
  • Social studies for 3 to 4 years
  • Foreign languages are highly recommended and an added advantage but it isn’t a requirement.

These are some of the labor and delivery nurse education requirements:

  • You now have to choose a nursing school and make an application.  When you get to college, you need to get an associate of science degree in nursing. This is what most people call ASN or ADN. This will take 2 to 3 years and you then take the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • You can also get a bachelor of science nursing which will take some four years. This also gets you prepared for leadership and bedside roles. You now qualify for the NCLEX-RN.
  • To become a labor and delivery nurse, you can also get a master of science in nursing. It will take you two years after you get the BSN. This allows you to be an educator or manager of nurses. It also gives you the chance to pursue a PhD.
  • You can start at a hospital where you will take some three years if the hospital is participating.
  • You can also go through the military where you train for about 2 to 4 years in the nursing program.
  • You can also choose to start out as a licensed practical nurse or a licensed vocational nurse and follow all steps to rise in nursing.


Qualities of Good Labor and Delivery Nurse

There are some things that tell you if you can be a good labor and delivery nurse. So as to ensure healthy and safe delivery, the nurse should be of a good judgment and they need to be able to pay attention to even the smallest details. They should possess an ability to act quickly and make quick decisions and work with others.

Good communication skills are very important and it is part of the responsibilities that they have. This is because they have the role to actually give the new parents the important education that they need.

Job Outlook and Potential Salary


Labor and delivery nurses have a salary that can be compared to other kinds of nursing specialties.  Labor and delivery nurse salary is at an average of $65,470. The salaries also range to a low of around 45,000 dollars and up to over 94,000 dollars per year. The salaries actually vary according to the role of the nurse, the employer, work experience and location.


Employment of the registered nurses is projected to really grow by 19% by 2022. This is a much higher average when compared to other kinds of occupations. This growth may be influenced by the population that is aging as well as the rising demand for different health care services.


Salary potential and the job opportunities really vary according to the education, experience and geographical location as well as other factors. The students are encouraged to do their own research so as to determine the employment potential and the actual earning that they might get in their own location.


The Work Environment for the Labor and Delivery Nurses

Labor and delivery nurses are usually employed by different hospitals, physicians in private office as well as clinic. They can also get jobs at birthing centers and maternities. The environment that they face is multifaceted and fast paced. The duties and conditions can change very quickly, even within a single shift. Sometimes a labor and delivery nurse will need to work during holidays, weekends, nights and work rotating shifts.

Is This Career Suitable for You?

If you want to enter labor and deliver nursing, there is a need to first make a determination of whether the career is for you. You need to know that there isn’t a thing as a typical day for a nurse and every shift comes with its own challenges and they can all be rewarding and very exciting. If you have the drive to assist people and have the interest of advancing the nursing career that you have, you should consider getting the experience and the education that is needed to reach that very goal.

A labor and delivery nurse is actually a registered nurse who concentrates on care for the newborns and the mothers during the different stages of childbirth and pregnancy. They have to work closely with families, patients and other healthcare professionals. They spend long hours standing and at times, they may be required to move or lift patients.

Nurse handing newborn baby to mother --- Image by © Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc./Blend Images/Corbis

The Career Requirements

At the degree level, you need a nursing diploma or an associate’s degree. A bachelor’s degree also qualifies you.  Certification has to be there and one must pass the NCLEX. There are also some voluntary certifications which are very specific to the delivery and labor specialties which you can opt to take.

So as to be a certified labor and deliver nurse, you need to get some experience within the labor and deliver department.

You need these skills:

  • Using different kinds of medical equipment
  • Measuring the vital signs
  • Accounting and software skills
  • Microsoft excel
  • Medical software
  • Patience
  • Critical thinking
  • Compassion
  • Detail oriented
  • Emotional stability
  • Great communication skills

Most hospitals necessitate labor delivery nurses to have certification in various areas such as cardiac life supports, neonatal resuscitation and basic life support. It is important for everyone in the field to note that they will need to take education courses continually so as to be up to date with the changes within the medical field. The field is very dynamic and new procedures come up from time to time.

Resume Objectives

Obstetricians and even hospitals heavily rely on labor and delivery nurse to assist women during the entire process of birth. When you decide to work as a labor and delivery nurse, expect it to be rewarding as it is challenging. The job requires the provision of superior patient care and to aid during the whole delivery process. In most cases, you need to make very important decisions and administer medicine. You need a resume that will highlight all the reasons as to why you are the best candidate for the job at and.


A good resume should have objectives that are very specific and straightforward. Be clear with the details given and the experience that you have so far. Your background and training also needs to be clear. You should highlight all the personality traits that actually help you to give the very best patient care and then perform very effectively on the job.

Labor and delivery nurse resume has to be very precise. You need to include the company that you want employment from and include it within. This is something that lets them see just how genuine the interest that you have in the job really is. Some objectives can include:

  1. Smart and compassionate nursing graduate is seeking employment in AAA hospital as a labor and delivery nurse so as to assist the patients and contribute to betterment of the entire hospital.
  2. Looking for a full-time labor and delivery nursing career with AAA company so as to use the experience of three years and nursing degree and to use the loving personality.

Thank You Presents for Labor and Delivery Nurses


In all areas of life, a little appreciation goes a long way. Nursing is a very demanding career and not one day is similar to the other. Labor nurses have to deal with difficult patients every single day and it is all in a day’s job. Sometimes they may feel drained and winded and they may just need something to boost them again and motivate them to try even harder the next time round.

When a labor and delivery nurse receives a thank you present, it is an amazing feeling. It is not how expensive it is or how fancy it looks, simplicity also works. You can use simple and gentle words to show your gratitude. Cash is not necessary nor are expensive gifts. Things that can be shared like great coffee beans, fruits, and even candy are a brilliant idea. Thank you notes and cards or even flowers can go a long way. When a shot of the baby with the parents and nurse is included, it is a very thoughtful thing to do.

Labor and delivery nurses are very important in our world, especially with the many things that are coming up in the medical field. Labor and delivery nurse schooling is very important as it prepares the nurse for the challenges and situations that they may face once they start practicing. Labor and delivery nurse jobs are very promising and in the future, there is a chance of even better pay in this field.


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Portrait of a smiling nurse

After your training as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), you would be worried of where you will end up working. There is a common question on LPN jobs and knowing what you have to at this early stage should be to your advantage. In the U.S. today, there are at least 836, 936 LPNs. The state with most of these nurses is Alabama which claims 18,560 of this figure. On the lower side, Alaska has the least LPNs with only 772 practitioners.


Due to the relatively low training and certification requirements for LPNs, their salary is lower than most of the other specialties. Recent data show that an LPN earns $17.86 per hour. A neonatal nurse would earn as high as $34.17 in the same hour. The salary for LPNs is not expected to go up with the increase in years of experience as it is with the other kinds of nurses. Despite these disadvantages, this is an excellent career choice to start off your nursing profession. You only require a post-secondary diploma and off you start your career. Another advantage is that you can advance in education and climb into the higher nursing options that are paying better and in improved working environments. So, after all, this is a path worth considering and here is most of the information you would wish to know about LPN jobs.



Where to Find Jobs

One of the widespread misconceptions that LPN nursing practitioners have to live with is the argument that they cannot find jobs in other areas apart from a nursing home. This is not true at all since out of the approximately 0.1 million LPN nurses in the U.S. over 72% of them do not work within nursing homes. They have found jobs in other institutions and nursing facilities. Here is a list of places where you can find a rewarding job inside and without the federation:

  • Residential care facilities: the Bureau of Labor Handbook stated that 37% of LPNs were employed in residential care facilities popularly referred to as nursing care facilities. This included those on part-time and full-time basis all with ranging experiences from as low as less than a year.
  • Physicians’ offices: experienced doctors will want assistants to help on light duties such as keeping data, helping and giving general care to patients. In most physicians’ offices, you will find assistants and majority of them are drawn from the LPN specialty. Working here has its advantages since you have 2 channels to choose your specialization. The first specialization is to become a clinical specialist. It is a rewarding choice that will give you more experience and you will be in a good position to advance your career. The second path you can choose is to venture into the administrative duties. Here you will have a flexible working schedule and you will find your way to the top management levels.
  • Hospitals: there are chances that you can get a job in a hospital. However, those chances are slim since many hospitals are looking to achieve ‘magnet status’ thus, they will prefer to hire registered nurses (RNs) as opposed to LPNs. The good news is that you can still advance your education and become an RN and be able to work where you wish to.
  • Travel agencies and factories: here is the best opportunity to work in a less pressure environment and yet have a rewarding career. Travel agencies will hire travel nurses to have them render nursing services to the clients as well as employees. There is no much supervision as it is in the nursing mainstream. Factory owners also hire nurses to ensure safety at the workplace. These are called occupational nurses and they have flexible working schedule and conditions since this is not a place where emergencies and nursing needs arise every now and then.

Best Specializations to Get You a Job Easily

As LPN, you would not just be a general practitioner. You need to specialize so as to increase your chances for a job. The best specialties would be occupational nursing, travel nurses, clinical nurse and administrative nurse. These are in less pressure environments and it is something every other nurse would want in their choice of job. Nevertheless, if you do not have job offers in these specialties, it does not mean you cannot take on the others.


5 States with the Best LPN Jobs in the USA

You can get jobs all over the U.S. right from NJ, California, Colorado, Mississippi or whichever state you may want to work in. As long as you are certified, you can work anywhere in the federation. However, some states offer better remuneration and working conditions than others. As an LPN, here are the best states to seek jobs:

  • Connecticut: here you can get a pay of $24.39 per hour. The best cities to work in here are Ansonia, Ashford, and Andover.
  • New Jersey: you will earn $22.50 each hour and the choices of best cities include Trenton, Elizabeth, and Paterson.
  • Massachusetts: LPNs will expect to get $22.72 in an hour. A good choice of cities to work in would be Rutland, Boston, and Framingham.
  • District of Columbia: here you would be looking forward to making $21.85 per hour and the best cities you can find excellent jobs are in Washington and Alexandria.
  • Nevada: an LPN would make $20 per hour. The best cities to work in this state would be Carson City, Las Vegas and Reno.


Future Outlook for the LPN Specialty


There is usually a misleading rumor on prospects of an LPN finding a job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nursing profession is expected to grow by more than 20% in the next decade with the base year as 2012. LPNs fall in this category and thus jobs in this occupation will grow exponentially even though it may be lesser than in other specialties in this field. Furthermore, valid projections show that at least 309,000 LPN will be needed in U.S. in 2016 only. Due to the increased demand and diversification of healthcare, this figure will keep growing in the coming years. Therefore, it is a valid conclusion that LPNs have a brighter future in terms of jobs availability.

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Group of nurses set in a hospital

The profession of nursing especially at one of the best colleges like Hondros College of nursing is fascinating and includes technical expertise, intuition, and scientific knowledge. Since the year 2006, the college has been graduating work ready professional nurses. They offer convenient enrollment four times a year with no prerequisites or wait lists for admission. In addition, students are allowed to schedule day, evening or weekend classes to be able to balance family and work. Students can earn their Practical Nursing diploma in about 12 months, an Associate Degree in Nursing in as few as 15 months and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in just 24 months only.

What sets Hondros College of Nursing apart from other nursing schools is their unique learn and earn ladder approach educational path. Students are allowed to start working in order to earn some income having completed one program or keep progressing through each program to the next level. With that said, let’s take a look at what this great college of nursing has to offer.


Is Hondros College of Nursing Accredited?


While it is not necessary to earn your nursing degree from an accredited college, it is highly recommended. This is because there are so many advantages to earning a degree or diploma from an accredited nursing school such as the availability of federal student financial aid.

Luckily, Hondros College of nursing is accredited by one of the largest national accrediting body, the Accrediting Council for Independent College and Schools (ACICS) to offer bachelor degrees, diplomas and academic associate degrees. ACICS is also recognized by both the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the United States Department of Education. Being accredited by ACICS body of degree-granting institutions provides assurance that the Hondros college of nursing meets nationally established benchmarks and standards.

In addition, their programs are also accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). CCNE is a national programmatic accrediting agency by the United States Department of Education that supports and encourages continuing self-assessment by nursing education programs.

Has the Hondros College of Nursing Been Approved by the State Board?


At the end of nursing school, you’ll need to take the National Council Licensure Examination to be licensed as a nurse in your state. For this reason, studying in a nursing college that has been approved is important. Hondros College of nursing is registered with the State Board of Career Colleges and Schools of Ohio for the following locations:

  • Independence Branch Campus
  • Westerville Main Campus
  • Fairborn Branch Campus
  • West Chester Branch Campus

The board usually monitors and regulates Ohio’s private post-secondary career schools and colleges to make sure they are compliant with the minimum standards established by Ohio law. The college is also approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing for the Practical Nursing Diploma and the Associate Degree in Nursing programs. The body regulates the programs that prepare students for initial licensure as a licensed practical nurse or a registered nurse.

How to Enroll — Admission to Hondros College of Nursing


It is relatively easy to become a student at Hondros College school of nursing. The acceptance rate is 89.3 percent and the college usually considers accepting your advanced placement and dual credits at entry. The college admits students quarterly in order to minimize wait times thereby allowing students to begin their course of study as quickly as possible. Prior to applying to join the institution, the school usually recommends that students attend information sessions held on all four campuses. To enroll at this college, you will have to fill a form that requires you to answer some quick and simple questions to help the college understand the best next step for you. What’s more, there are no prerequisites to applying for the nursing program.

Hondros College School of Nursing: Programs



The college has applied for accreditation for all of its nursing programs with the CCNE. It offers three nursing programs for students at different levels of education and the programs have been approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN). The programs include:

  1. Practical Nursing program
  2. Associate Degree in Nursing program
  3. Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (RN-BSN)

1. Practical Nursing (PN) program


Students new to this field of nursing studying at Hondros College of Nursing usually first start with the practical nursing program. This program is offered in order to prepare students for certification as a Licensed practical nurse (LPN). Some of the skills students learn at Hondros College of Nursing Westerville that make them stand out from the crowd when applying for nursing positions include:

  • Routine Lab tests
  • IV therapy training
  • Clinical experience in the second quarter of your studies
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for safe nursing care
  • Nursing simulation practice with interactive manikins
  • Communication expertise necessary to interact with other healthcare workers
  • Professionalism that will promote patient trust
  • Enthusiasm you will need to keep patients satisfied

Upon acquiring the necessary skills of being an LPN, nursing students are eligible to take the NCLEX-PN exam in order to get LPN certification. The college usually helps its students prepare for the test in order succeed. Nurses can also obtain experience directly as a licensed practical nurse or choose to pursue further studies to obtain the registered nurse degree.

2. Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Program


After obtaining your LPN diploma from Hondros College school of nursing, you can go ahead and pursue an associate degree in a nursing program just to take your career further. The program usually takes 15 months to complete and usually enables students to sit for the NCLEX-RN exam. Hondros College of nursing accepts graduates of LPN program and even those who received an LPN certification from another nursing school. Some of the skills both hard and soft skills students can acquire at Hondros College of nursing include the following:

  • Deeper understanding of current healthcare trends and also world health issues
  • Expanded patient advocate skills
  • Demonstration of leadership accountability, supervision and task delegation
  • In-depth knowledge of effective patient communication techniques
  • Ability to use clinical judgment to be able to make better complex patient care decisions
  • Advanced critical thinking to be able to develop great-customized care plans
  • Mastery of patient evaluation of care effectiveness

After completing the program, you become eligible to apply for the NCLEX-RN exam. What’s more, the college normally provides it students with a lot of licensure examination preparation and review along the way.

3. Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (RN-BSN)


The RN to BSN program is an online nursing degree program for registered nurses who would wish to take another step in their education and earn a bachelor of science in nursing degree. The program is completed online in its entirety except for two practicum courses and requires as few as 24 months only to complete. However, students must be enrolled full-time at an average of 15-quarter credits per term to be able to complete RN to BSN in 24 months. It can be completed as and when students see fit. The program allows registered nurses to expand their personal growth as a nurse, significantly increase their earning potential and gain a broader perspective of the whole health-care spectrum.

In addition, Hondros College of nursing has made earning this degree extra rewarding and more attainable than before. The college offers ideal flexibility for those who want to pursue the degree part-time while working. With a BSN, you will definitely be meeting a sky-rocketing demand because, in a very recent survey, 77.4 percent of employers stated that they prefer working with BSN graduates in their health-care facilities. Some of the skills you are guaranteed to acquire include:

  • In-depth knowledge of quality improvement processes needed when evaluating customized care plans.
  • Ability to lead advancements in disaster and emergency preparedness.
  • Mastery of more complex therapeutic interventions and advanced problem solving.
  • A solid grasp of the latest humanistic, nursing and scientific theories.
  • Deeper understanding of quality and safety issues which are critical to employers.
  • Enhanced adaptability to be able to respond to all the demands of an evolving health-care industry.
  • Demonstration of professionalism and empathy for palliative and hospice care.
  • Ability to be able to leverage information technology in order to make legal and ethical practice decisions.

Additionally, as a student at Hondros College of Nursing studying BSN program, you also get to have an academic advisor throughout the program with plenty of guidance from the online faculty and an online librarian also to assist you to locate all the resources you may need. And upon completion of this program, students earn their Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree.

Is there any Kind of Financial Aid for Hondros College of Nursing Programs?


Fortunately, Hondros College School of nursing offers comprehensive aid options for their students. They provide very personalized financial aid support including scholarships, grants, and alternative loans. Their staff members usually assist students through the financial aid process. Students can also complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to determine their eligibility for financial aid. Some students may be so lucky to qualify for the payment plan which allows tuition to be paid in several installments. As a matter of fact, 84 percent of students at the Hondros College of Nursing Westerville receive federal grants, 2 percent state aid, 86 percent student loans and 96 percent other financial aid.

How Expensive or Cheap is Education at Hondros College? — Tuition and other Costs


Education at Hondros College of nursing Westerville is quite affordable. Tuition fee for students pursuing Licensed Practical Nurse Program is $18,000 while the cost of textbooks, other learning materials, and other fees is estimated to be $3,532 and the cost for technology package amounts to $489. On the other hand, tuition fee for Associate Degree in Nursing program amounts to $25,010, with technology package costs if needed amounting to $489 and textbooks, other materials and other fees $5,504 (estimated).

For RN to BSN programs, the tuition fee is around $25,520 and the estimated cost of textbooks, materials, and other extras is only $4,426 as consumed. All these costs are the only representative of current costs as of December 2015. They usually change without prior notification hence for a complete up-to-date fee structure, you can contact your Financial Aid Manger. In addition, enrollment and admission fees and fees associated with taking the NCLEX exam are not included in the above costs.

Should or Should You Not Join Hondros College of Nursing?


There are many reasons why you should enroll in the nursing programs at Hondros College School of Nursing. First, the college usually divides your total monthly payments instead of the quarterly tuition payments most nursing schools require to make it easier to budget. And to save you some money, they have professional staff members trained to find out if any of your existing credits can be easily transferred and applied to your nursing program. Hondros College of Nursing has also partnered with various healthcare providers and in case you work for one of them, you become eligible for a reduction in tuition as you obtain your next degree or license.


Another reason why you should join the college is the fact that as a student if you choose to withdraw from any of the Hondros College programs during the first full-calendar week of the quarter, you are entitled to a 25% of the tuition fee, registration fee and refundable fees for that academic team. For the case of students who withdraw during the second and third full-calendar of the quarter, they shall be entitled to a 50% and 75% of the tuition fee, registration fee plus refundable fees for that period respectively.

What Others are Saying about the College — Hondros College of Nursing Reviews


Andrew Lexi

“Am currently a student at Hondros College of Nursing Westerville. Am in my last term of my RN-BSN program and in my opinion it is the best place to be. They have a great curriculum and friendly staff always ready to help. I highly recommend this nursing school to all aspiring nursing students.”

Alice Thunder

“My son studied his LPN program at Hondros College of nursing and I can honestly say it was such a great experience for him. He is now pursuing his Associate Degree in Nursing program and working part time as an LPN with one of the healthcare providers the college has partnered with.”

Julieta Angeles

“I acquired my BSN at this college some five years ago and am now working at one of the best health care facilities here in Westerville, Ohio. What I loved about the college is their flexible payment plans and schedules and their personalized financial aid support.”





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Introduction to a Nurse Practitioner Career

Nursing is one of the most important professions in the health care sector and the nurses basically run the hospital. Although there are many other professional that are more highly trained than these caregivers, none does as much work as they do. They do everything from basic things such as cleaning patients with special needs to taking care of those in ICU. However, your career in nursing does not have to stop at the registered nurse capacity as there are many ways to advance and get a better pay and more responsibilities. The most common and perhaps the best career growth path for these professionals is becoming nurse practitioners. An NP as they are more fondly known is an experienced caregiver that has pursued masters or doctoral in nursing and may specialize in one of the many fields such as oncology and neonatal care. The NPs are very skilled and well educated, and so they are the only types of nurses that are legally allowed to run their clinics where they can consult and even write prescriptions. However, their responsibilities will depend on the specialty that they pursue and work environment.



Nursing Practitioner Job Description


If you are a nurse or a fresh high school graduate who wants to know how to become a nurse practitioner the first thing is to understand some of the roles and responsibilities that you will be tasked with before taking this career path. Knowing the responsibilities will help prepare you for the career and also in making the decision to pursue it. Although the roles will depend on the particular specialty that you take the following are the general things that you should expect to do as an NP.

  • NPs perform thorough evaluations and examinations on patients at their clinics or in a hospital setting. In this role, they do everything that you would expect a physician to do and in most cases you would hardly know that they are not doctors.
  • The professionals are also tasked with diagnosing conditions and diseases and initializing the right treatment for them. Their advanced education in a master or doctoral level and many years of experience as registered nurses are what equips them with the skills to identify different diseases and recommend treatment.
  • Due to their high level of competencies, they can also perform minor surgical operations in their clinics or assist other medical professionals in performing major procedures in hospitals.
  • Most are also counselors and educators that offer emotional support to patients suffering from different conditions and also to their affected families.
  • In some situations, they are also allowed to provide a prescription. However, this will only be possible for those who work in collaboration with physicians.


Education Required to Become a Practitioner

To become a nursing practitioner, you have to have at least a Master of Science in Nursing. However, some also pursue nursing to a doctoral level to become DNPs. Before getting to this level, you should also have a BSN and many years of experience. A BSN forms the foundation for a career as a nursing practitioner, but this is not to say that one cannot become an NP without a non-nursing bachelor’s degree. If your first degree is in a different field, the process of becoming a practitioner would be slightly different and longer than an already practicing nurse. All in all, the education requirement for becoming an NP is doing your masters in nursing and then getting advanced certification.


How Many Years Does It Take TO Become an NP?

It takes between two and three years to pursue an MSN and so if you are already a practicing nurse this is the time that it will take to get to an NP level. However, for fresh high school graduates, it will take eight or more years before they get to this level. First, one has to take a four-year undergraduate nursing degree to become a registered nurse. Once you are a registered nurse, a couple of years of experience on the job are vital before you can enroll in your two or three-year master’s program. However, you can take a shorter time than this if you pursue an accelerated nursing program that takes between 12 and 18 months. The time that it takes to complete the course and become a practitioner will depend on how committed you are, availability of financial resources as these are some of the most expensive courses and also the schools and programs that you take. What is most important is not how long you take to get there but the quality of training that you have and so you should never compromise on this by going to institutions that offers substandard education just to speed up the process of becoming an NP.


Qualities and Characteristics Required for Becoming an NP

  • You have to be very hard working and willing to push yourself further as it will be quite a challenge to get to this level. Since you will probably also be employed as a nurse somewhere, you have to juggle between work and class and so total dedication will be required for both.
  • To become and NP you should be a quick decision maker and have excellent judgment. When working in your facility, you will be faced with numerous situations that will require you to make judgment and decisions fast. And unlike in a hospital setting you will not always get the privilege of a second opinion from another medical expert and so it is all up to you and getting things wrong is not an option.
  • Physical endurance is also a must have during your training and also after. Nurses have few and very short brakes that come to an end abruptly every time they are needed and so it is a very exhausting job. After your shift you also have to go for your MSN classes and so physical endurance is what will see you through the day.
  • As an NP, you will be the bridge between doctors and patients or their families and so you have to have excellent communication skills. Being able to evaluate situations or diagnose a condition is not enough as you also have to communicate this to other medical experts for intervention.
  • Practitioners also have more responsibilities than registered nurses and sometimes they are also tasked with administrative roles. All this need you to be very responsible as it is the only thing that will ensure you can get the job done. Before becoming an NP, you should make sure you are capable enough to take on the burden that comes with the job.


Steps to Becoming a Nursing Practitioner

Most people are always wondering how to become a nurse practitioner but dividing it into simple steps makes things easier to understand.The process of becoming an NP in the USA is very long, but it is also very rewarding and hence worth all the effort and time. It has different phases, and each one of them is as important as the other, and so it cannot be skipped. Below is a summary of the steps that you will follow when becoming a practitioner.

  • Step 1: Graduate from High School. The journey to becoming an NP starts all the way back in high school for most people because unlike other professions nursing requires a lot of passion. Even at high school, the student already knows that he wants to become an NP, and so they will excel in chemistry, biology, psychology, statistics and any other related fields. Some will also go further and volunteer in hospitals so that they may get recommendation letters to use in the college application.
  • Step 2: Pursue a BSN. A BSN lays the foundation for you in this career, and so it is a shorter and better path to becoming an NP than taking other things like an associate degree in nursing. It will typically take you four years to complete your BSN and it is highly recommended that you take it in an accredited nursing school. Finding an accredited school should also be effortless as almost each state in the US has one or a couple of them, and so you only need to do some research.
  • Step 3: Become a Registered Nurse. Once you have successfully finished your training (and all the clinical hours) and graduated from college the next step is to become a registered nurse. For this, you need to provide your college certificates as prove of education qualification and then sit for NCLEX exams and pass. Some states will require you to undergo some certification with their respective nursing boards.
  • Step 4: Garner experience. As a registered nurse you can now seek employment in a hospital or in one of the many other facilities that employ nurses so that you can get experience before proceeding to do the masters.
  • Step 5: Enroll For an MSN. With one or more years of experience you will now be a step closer to becoming a nurse practitioner and so you should enroll in an MSN program. The nursing master’s program will take anything between one and a half years and four years depending on the school or program that you choose and mode of study.
  • Step 6: Get Certified. Once you graduate from your MSN program the last step in becoming an NP is getting certified. The timeline here varies from one state to the other, and the body that certifies you, but it does not take long as you only need to provide documents to prove your qualifications, pay the fee and seat for an examination. When you pass the certification exams, you become a certified nurse practitioner. The American Association of Nurse Practitioners provides information on all the relevant certification you need and so you can get the details on their website.


The Different Specialties

If you are planning to become an NP, it is important to know that there are several specialties that you can choose to pursue and get certification. These specialties will make you more skilled in working in a specific area in the hospital or dealing with issues concerning a particular group of people such as children or women. All specialties are rewarding both careerwise and financially, and so your passion is what should influence your choice. You can choose to specialize when taking your MSN or do specialization after completion of your program. Some of the most popular specialties for practitioners include the following five.

  1. Adult-Gerontology NP: To become an AGNP you need to pursue a specialization that takes between 15 and 24 months depending on the institution. Here you can become a generalized gerontology practitioner, or you can be a sub-specialty in acute care or primary care. After the studies, you can get certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
  2. Family NP: This is one of the most common specialties and it is probably also one of the easiest to pursue. The studies for this specialization take about two years (in some schools it can take up to three years), and you can get certification from ANCC or the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.
  3. Neonatal NP: You can become an NNP in just 12 months, and this makes it one of the shortest specialties that you can take as a practitioner. However, the National Certification Corporation that most people who want to venture into this profession prefer offers a three-year certification program for MSN graduates.
  4. Pediatric NP: With PNP you can choose to pursue it as your area of study during your MSN program and so you will not need to do any other course upon graduation. This profession deals with the care of children and adolescents. The Pediatric Nursing Certification Board is the organization that offers these practitioners with a certification that is renewable annually.
  5. Emergency Room NP: An emergency or trauma care NP is prepared to deal with different types of emergencies and the course usually takes about two years to complete. The certification can be given by various bodies in the USA, but the most common one is the ANCC.


How much does it Cost to Become an NP?

The cost of education is always going up especially in the healthcare sector, and it is one of the primary reasons why most registered nurses will not even think about advancing to become NPs. Becoming a registered nurse is already very costly even with all the grants and sponsorships offered by the government and other nursing organizations. If you add the cost of an MSN and the specialization programs, things become more expensive. If you are already a practicing nurse, then the NP program will cost you an average of $18,000 for in-state tuition since each credit costs about $400. If you are taking the program online, then you should expect to pay an average of $22,500 and $45,000 if you are pursuing your NP program in one of the private nursing schools. This course is quite expensive but if your employer has a tuition reimbursement scheme and you also get some grants or sponsorships you will have an easier time getting through the program.

NP Degree Requirements

You must have at least a BSN or its equivalent to enroll for a nursing practitioner in any school in the USA, but this is not to say that those with different degrees cannot become practitioners in nursing. Many schools have put in place bridging programs that are meant to enable people with non-nursing or associate degrees to get to the NP level. However, apart from just the degree, there are several other requirements that a student must fulfill to enroll in any of these programs. Although the conditions vary from one university to the other and also from state to the state the following are some of the general requirements that are applicable in most places.

  • The nurse or prospective student must have a couple of years experience in a hospital or similar setting. Some schools will only say that the nurse should have experience, but they do not specify the length while others will specify. Most schools require at least 12 months of nursing experience. For specialty like Neonatal Nursing Practitioner the student must have worked in this particular field and have recommendations to show the same from his or her supervisors.
  • You must be a registered nurse, and so you cannot avoid taking NCLEX exams and go straight to the MSN program. Apart from this, your registration should be up to date, and so it might be necessary to make sure of this before applying to avoid rejections.
  • Most schools will also not admit you if you have any issues with the nursing regulatory bodies or the authorities about professional negligence or its equal. If you have had any problems in the past that may dent you professional credibility or capabilities, then you should deal with them before applying for this course. Most institutions are very strict with the standard of admission because these nurses often have more responsibilities and play advanced roles than the registered nurses.
  • In most schools the applicant will also be required to have a certain GPA that in most cases should be between 3.0 and 3.2 in their undergraduate nursing program. However, most schools will overlook this requirement for nurses who have been in practice for many years as their experience will prevail over their undergraduate GPA.


How to Choose a School for Your Nurse Practitioner Program

Knowing how to become a nurse practitioner also involves knowing how to choose the best schools for this course. It is one of the most common postgraduate nurse courses, and so most of the top nursing schools offer it and so the problem will not be finding a school you can enroll in but one that will provide you the best training. Considering the following factors and many more will help you find an institution that will leave up to your expectations.

  • Specialty. Although most colleges and universities will try to offer all or most of the NP specialties there is always that one or a couple of them that they will be good at training. Just like for all the other courses few universities can excel in the provision of all specialties and so you should choose an institution based on what you want to do as your specialty. Unless you wish to do a general MSN program, then specialize later on choose a school that not only has the particular course you want to specialize in but is also know to offer high-quality training in that. There are reliable nursing websites that often rank schools using the different classes, and so you can easily get this information.
  • Program Duration. Working and studying at the same time is as difficult as it can get and so the faster you can finish the program and graduate the better. An MSN can take anything from 12 to 36 months and in most cases the difference is not only the specialty but also the structure of the course. Some nursing schools will structure their program in such a way that the workload will be more for students, but they will finish way much faster. Here you have to make a choice between having a lot of school work to deal with or less work and complete the program in a couple of years. An experienced nurse is already used to pressure at work and so it should be easy to handle school work meaning the best university is the one that will help you complete training the fastest.
  • The cost of the Program. The fact that a majority of students taking this course are employed does not mean that cost is not an issue. Becoming a nurse practitioner is an expensive venture by all means, and so you have to prepare yourself adequately. Apart from this, you should also look for institutions that have affordable tuition fees. For this to be possible, you should avoid private universities as they are the most expensive. And if you must attend one take their online programs as they are cheaper than taking the conventional classes. Public nursing schools in your state will be the most affordable for you, and you can also benefit from financial aid from the state government.
  • Accreditation. Even if a university or college is world class it is vital to ensure that their NP programs are accredited as this will save you a lot of trouble. To simply state it you will not receive certification and hence also no license to be a nursing practitioner in any state if the relevant certification bodies have not accredited the institution you went to. There are many universities in the USA, and new ones are coming up almost on a daily basis, but it is important to know that very few of them are accredited nursing schools. To ensure that you only get the best schools take some time and do research on the accreditation status of the schools you are considering to join.

Top Schools to Enroll For NP Programs

  1. University of Michigan, MI. Has been ranked over the last few years as one of the top schools in the USA for nursing courses with the NP included.
  2. The University of Pennsylvania, PA. Apart from also being ranked among the top nursing schools they also offer most NP specialties such as pediatric and women’s healthcare.
  3. Johns Hopkins University, MD. It came second in a 2015 News & World Report list of the best nursing schools in the US.
  4. Columbia University, NY. Their school of nursing is well known for research, and this provides their students with unique opportunities.
  5. University of California, CA. Apart from having one of the top nursing schools it also boasts of close to 100% student retention.


Why you Should Consider Online NP Programs

The internet may provide you with the solution on how to become a nurse practitioner.Many things may be standing between you and your ambitions to pursue a nurse practitioner program. Most are personal reasons and they vary from one person to the other, but the two most common ones are the lack of time and resources (more specifically finances). Holding other reasons constant the internet can help you solve time and funding issues. Studying online offers you more convenience than any other mode of learning primarily for working nurses. By taking online programs, you will be able to choose the best time for you to take classes and you will fit them into your schedule and not vice versa. With the nature of a nurse’s profession you never know what to expect and in some days, you will end up working well beyond your shift time and hence this may mean missing classes if you take the conventional mode of study. Regarding cost, an online NP program will on average cost you half as much as you would pay for the same course in a private nursing school.


Licensing and Certification

You cannot be allowed to practice as an NP in any state without certification and a license. The two central institutions tasked with certification in the US for NPs are American Nurses Credentialing Center and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioner. After completing your education, you are required to register for the national certification exams with one of the two so as to become a certified practitioner. The two can also certify you according to your specialty, but there are also others that deal with particular specialization of NP such as pediatric and neonatal. No one single license can enable you to work in all the states since each one of them has an independent nursing body that gives permits. To get a license to operate in a particular state, you have to fulfill not only the academic qualifications but other special conditions as may be required by individual states such as undergoing a background check. If you wish to become an NP note that both certification and licensing have to be updated annually, and you can lose any of the two, in particular, circumstances.

Career Path, Job Outlook, and Salary


Nurse practitioners are in a very high demand and few others if at all any nursing specialties come close to them as far as job availability is concerned. Although some of the demand is from the acute nurse shortage in the USA, another cause is the approach to medicine that these professionals take. NPs devote more time in the preventative type of medicine through counseling to encourage healthy living and so as many people realize the benefits of this their demand has continued to rise. And so for those thinking of taking this career path, many opportunities await them. Also, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment for NPs is expected to grow by 31% by the year 2024. This statistics helps to show that the reputation of nurse practitioners to offer quality care will continue to open up more job prospects for them. The median salary for these professionals according to the BLS is $95,350, but the actual salaries will vary depending on the specialization, level of education, type of employment and also experience.



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General way to becoming a nurse

Many students and professionals would like to know how to become a nurse since there is always hype with the best-paying careers in the world, and nursing is one of the most sought after careers that is not only rewarding monetarily but also comes with lots of benefits. The nursing field leads the charge of the top jobs not only in the U.S. but the entire world. Whether you are at your diploma or doctorate level, here is information that will give you where to start your way up.



Step-by-step process to becoming a nurse

It all starts with the education part and you are on your way to a career that you have always wanted. It may not have begun in your early school years but it comes later as you learn how to choose the right kind of subjects. There are different academic paths on how to become a nurse whichever specialty you may choose. Here is a step by step process to becoming a nursing practitioner.


Choosing your nursing path

There are so many ways that your nursing career can take you to. You can become a staff nurse and grow your way to a managing nurse, and from a CAN to a nursing educator. Each of these choices will take a different path at a certain stage though most of them have to begin in the same level.

When you make the choice of the path you want to follow, you should consider the working environment you prefer to work in. There are different areas where you can work as a nurse and each comes with its own differences. For instance, a nursing assistant will work in nursing homes while Registered nurses will have a choice in the hospitals, a doctor’s office, and other medical institutions. Therefore, you should ask yourself where you would wish to work once you are qualified.

There are so many facets in the healthcare sector so you should be aware of which specialty will work for you. If you have a passion for a pediatric, get out and choose the kind of school which will get you there.

Earning a degree

Definitely, the kind of path you choose will dictate the nursing education you should follow. All the nursing programs are divided into 2 sections: classroom instructions and clinical experience. Class instructions give you the basic knowledge about this field while the clinical experience gives you specific knowledge on your area of specialty. This experience will expose you to real-life situations and give you the expertise on how medical institutions runs from day to the other.



Before you pick the program you want to follow you should have in mind how that will affect your daily life. If you do not have other engagements during the day like work then a campus option would the best for you. If you lead a busy life you would consider a part time or online option. For bachelor’s and master’s degrees, you can earn them online but you have to complete clinical requirements in your locality.

If you go for an associate degree you end up finishing the program fast and you are in the job market. The downside is that most employers will be looking to employ those with deeper education like those with a bachelor degree. However, with your associate degree, you have a chance to advance your education while working and you will get fees reimbursement from your employer.

Types of degree programs for you

  • Nursing diplomas: these are earned at the community colleges as well as vocational schools. It is the basic program to start your way to nursing right after your high school education.
  • Associate degree in nursing (ADN): this is also earned from the community colleges and it takes a shorter time to qualify.
  • Bachelor degree in nursing (BSN): this is offered in many colleges and universities.
  • A master degree in nursing (MSN): universities and colleges offer this.
  • Doctorate degrees (DNSc, DNP, Ph.D. and ND): these options are offered in colleges and universities.



You will not walk straight into the working field once you are through with your education. It is compulsory that you pass some exams to express your qualification and expertise in your area of specialization. The kind of exam you undertake will be depended on what your area of specialty is as there is a variance from one to the other:

  • Registered nurses (RNs) will sit for National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) before they get the license for their operations.
  • Nurse midwives after their education should sit for the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) examination for their competency.
  • Licensed certified nursing assistant (ACN) will have to pass a state competency exam. For instance, you will need to pass the California’s state competency exam before you get your license to professional practicing.
  • Nursing practitioners will want to pass a national exam set for them by different bodies such as the American Academy of Nurse Practitioner and the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
  • Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) will need to pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN).

So what, after you become a nurse?

Once you become a nurse you do not sit and relax; there is so much you can do to keep your career growing. One of this is to advance your education. Conventionally, nurses are expected to continue with their education after every 2 years. You should check with your state and see what regulations they have about advancing your education. You would also earn a further degree such as masters. This will take your career higher to designations such as certified nurse anesthetist, nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife or a clinical nurse specialist. Finally, you would choose to narrow down your specialization and this will lead to your certification. This is the choice for you if you wish to cement your career and get more intense with a smaller area of practice. It opens up your way to becoming an expert in this area.

This is the only general way to becoming a nurse. There is a defined process for each path you may choose as you will get to learn in the next section.


3 Different paths to becoming a nurse

Prospective nurses do have 3 paths to consider starting their careers on how to become a nurse. These are BSN, ADN and nursing certificate or diploma. Each of these degrees will prepare you for NCLEX-RN and then be on your way to get certification. But if you remember, you have to narrow down your area of specialization to earn your certification. Here are the 3 ways that will lead you to a nursing career and it depends on the one you qualify for if you do not want disappointments:


Nursing certificate/diploma

This is the lowest level of education that will get you started to your nursing career without much demand from your academic performance. You can begin it as early as you are done with your high school education.

  • Background: in most cases, you would only require a high school diploma or a GED equivalent and you are on your way to make it big in a career you have always wanted since your childhood.
  • All about the program: this covers the core areas of nursing. It covers anatomy, patient heath care, technical competencies, and physiology. There is also microbiology and informatics to increase the scope of knowledge of the students.
  • Duration of study: in general, this requires a total of 1 to 2 years but this varies with one school to the other.
  • Fees: as a general convention, this course will cost you less than what you will pay for ADN. It can go as high as $20,000 but not a cent more. The low cost is one of the most outstanding advantages that this program holds over the others.
  • Course weight: a 2-year diploma will require of you to a range of between 7 and 10 credits in a single semester. There is the option of accelerated diplomas that would require you take more credits so as to conclude your program quickly. This is the best for you if you do not have other engagements.
  • What comes after the course: after getting your diploma once your pass your NCLEX, you are now qualified to sit for NCLEX-RN and grow your career to serious designations. You have the chance to advance your education and that is what would be a deserving move towards the top of the nursing highest patch.

Associate degree in nursing (ADN)

This is the basic nursing path that will get you started in a small way but will lead you to a greater career in the future. So, what is entailed in this program?

  • Background: to qualify for this program, you need a postsecondary diploma or certificate. You are not required to have any prior experience or training in any medicine course.
  • All about the program: is a basic course and introduces you into the fundamentals of the course. The curriculum entails practical skills, clinical administration, healthcare informatics and pharmacology.
  • Duration: The course usually lasts for 2 to 3 years or whatever arrangement that will get you a 60-75 hour credit.
  • Duration: To accomplish this program you would need a fee amounting to $10,730 in a single year. This is according to CollegeBoard.org in 2013 to 2014. That would mean for 2 to 3 years you would need $21,460 to $32, 190 both for tuition and accommodation.
  • Courses to cover: this program is designed to cover the fundamentals of nursing but that does not mean that everything is easy. There are difficult concepts that will require extensive attention to earn a credit. The courses here will cover units on healthcare management and medical treatment. Both of these would require student’s keen attention if you have the hope of passing the course.
  • What comes after ADN?

Once you qualify, you have so many opportunities. You can work in hospitals and many other medical institutions. But remember that preferences may be given to those who have higher education like BSN. But that is not a problem if you want to grow your career since you can advance your education as you work and be one of top hunted nursing professions. The upper hand you have is that you can secure better jobs than those with certificates and diplomas and this means you are not starting at the lowest career level.

Bachelor of Nursing (BSN)

Here is the cream of the paths that will lead you to highest of the nursing jobs. It is one of the most sought qualifications and you will be ahead of the rest if you have a qualification in this field.

  • Background: first or second-year students have to get one more requisites before they qualify for a BSN. Some of the prerequisites include knowledge in pharmacology, ethics in health care and anatomy.
  • Course scope: it revisits on the basics on the professions but goes deeper into the specialties that you may wish to take. It delves into management skills such as problem solving, leadership and communication.
  • Duration: be prepared to give 4 full years before you earn your degree. But you can opt for the accelerated program popularly known as ABSN that will require you to take summers lessons and end your degree earlier than the stipulated 4 years.
  • Range of fees: the amount of fees you pay will depend on the kind of school you are in. For in-state students, it comes cheaper at a total cost of $73,564. It gets higher with out-of-state students who pay a total sum of $124,284. Those who pay the highest are those who go for the private institutions where they pay $163,668.
  • Number of courses: in a semester, you should be expecting to take 4 to 6 courses. You will be required to present a capstone project in your final year.

What comes after BSN?

Once you have your NCLEX-RN, you have lots of job openings to get you started. Hospitals and clinics will be the first places you should look for a job. You will get a variety of staring level jobs and you can grow your way to become a senior nursing professional. If you want to take your education further, a master’s degree in nursing science will be the best choice that you should add on your academic accolades.

Nursing job outlook

The American Nurses Association estimates that there are 3.1 million registered nurses in the U.S. This is a massive number but the wonderful thing this is that the field keeps wanting more. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), by 2022, there will be 526, 800 new jobs. This figure does not factor the number of nurses who will retire by then so the vacancies will be close to 1 million.


5 of the most growing nursing specialties

Getting a job would not just come but you have to find a way to get it faster. There are specialties that have booming chances and if you keep an eye on them then you may only spend a short time looking for one. Here are the specialties that have openings all year round:

  • Geriatric nurse: according to the National Council on Aging, 80% of the old people have chronic living conditions. This means that there will be a job for you at all times.
  • Nurse educator: how about sharing your nursing experience with those who want to join the profession? This is a specialty on demand and 68,000 applicants were turned down in 2014 due to a shortage at the learning institutions (AAN).
  • Nurse midwives: midwives do more to bring new life into the world as well as take care of newborns and their mothers. According to BLS, this nursing area will expand by 19% at the close of 2022.
  • Home-care nurse: Once patients are discharged, they would need more care and home care centers have become popular for that.
  • Traveling nurse: this option is expanding and offers adventurous career paths.


How to increase your chances for a nursing job

Regardless of the path, you take to become a nurse, here are ways to improve your success as a nurse:

  • Getting current trends in the field and advancing your education frequently.
  • Create a solid background of employment history and voluntary experience. You can do this in community services and part time jobs in medical institutions.
  • Create a professional network with RNs, nurse practitioners, physicians, and all the rest. This will help you land a job fast since you know who and where to look.

How to find nursing jobs

Once you are done with your schooling, it is your expectations to land that dream job you have always wanted since you now know how to become a nurse. The traditional way is to send your resume to potential employers but there are other savvier ways that would get you a job so faster. But before that, you should know that employers would be looking for someone with more practical experience but that should not deter you from hoping for a good job. One best way is to establish a strong network with those already in the profession. This is because it all comes down to who you know at the end of the day. You can start by joining the ANAs chapter in your local area. Make friends with other nurses and you will be the first they tell about a new job. You could also join nursing meeting groups and you will always be informed on new opportunities in the market.

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The history of Galen College of Nursing dates back to 1989 when it was established by Humana Health Institutes in Louisville, Kentucky. The college was started with the aim of offering the best nursing education possible so as to enable its graduates to establish a firm career in nursing. For years, it operated under the name of the founding institute, but this changed in 2005 when it was given its current name.


Programs of Galen College of Nursing


The institution has been accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools which is an influential body in the field of nursing, and this makes it eligible to offer various degrees in nursing. The Associate Degree program that the college offers in Kentucky has been accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).


Below is a list of the courses that are offered at all Galen campuses:

  • Licensed Practical Nursing

The course offers training for people who want to work in the nursing providing basic care such as monitoring vital signs in patients, cleaning wounds, and reporting patient status to patients. Licensed Practical Nurses do not operate independently but under the supervision of registered nurses.

  • Licensed Vocational Nursing

The program is offered at the San Antonio campus for entry-level health care providers. The graduated become licensed to provide basic bedside care to patients. These licensees are not independent practitioners at this level.

  • Degree in Associate of Applied Science in Nursing

The course offers a foundation in the nursing career. Upon completing the program, graduated can work in hospitals, health agencies, nursing homes, and within the office practice of surgeons, physicians, and dentists. Galen College of Nursing offers this nursing degree program at the San Antonio campus.

  • Dual Track BSN

Galen College of Nursing launched these courses in 2014 to enable students to earn their Registered Nurse License as they study for their Baccalaureate Course in Nursing. The course can be taken online or at Cincinnati, Louisville, and Tampa Bay campuses.

  • Advanced Standing Dual Track BSN

It helps Licensed Practical Nurses to advance to BSN while obtaining an Associate Degree along the way. It is available at the Cincinnati campus.

  • LVN to ADN Bridge

This course is for Licensed Vocational Nurses, who want to advance into registered nurses. It offers some transferable credits because it takes into account the past training acquired by applicants. It is currently offered at San Antonio Campus.

  • RN to BSN

This is an online course that is offered to holders of Associate Degree and who want to earn their Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Although efforts are underway to widen its scope, it is currently offered in selected states such as Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New Mexico, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas and West Virginia.

Campuses of the Galen College of Nursing


Galen College of Nursing has various state of the art campuses that are well equipped and staffed to offer quality training. These include:

  • Tampa Bay: 11101 Roosevelt Blvd N
  • Saint Petersburg, Florida 33716
  • San Antonio: 7411 John Smith, Suite 300
  • San Antonio, Texas 78229
  • Louisville: 1031 Zorn Ave, Suite 400
  • Louisville, Kentucky 40207
  • Cincinnati: 100 E Business Way, Suite 200
  • Cincinnati, Ohio 45241

Among all these, the campus in Cincinnati was the first to be established in 2007, and it offers an Associate Degree in nursing programs. Currently, the campuses have a holding capacity of over 3000 students who have choosen to undertake studies in the institutions for various reasons.

Online Program of Galen College of Nursing


For areas where Galen College of Nursing is yet to establish campuses, it offers an online program that is easily accessible. The program has a high level of interaction between the faculty and the learners to ensure maximum assistance when needed. To ease the online experience, there is an enrollment counselor who guides potential online students to understand how to go about the registration and learning process.

The faculty assigned to online courses is experts in their field, and they develop highly interactive courses that are rich in content. They use multiple strategies to format and deliver the online classes, and this creates and retains learners’ interests. Some of these strategies include video presentations, animations, and 3D graphics that make learning more lively. Additionally, the online program has 24/7 technical support that further enriches learners experience. However, the program may not be available in all the states because authorization requirements for distance education vary from one state to the other. Applicants are therefore required to get in touch with the Admissions Team so as to establish the states in which Galen has been granted approval.

Services Offered to Students at the Galen College of Nursing


The faculty at the Galen College of Nursing is exceptionally supportive and goes beyond the teaching role to provide other services that learners may require. Examples of such additional services include:

  1. Personal counseling

There are many challenges that people encounter in the nursing career. Some of these are personal struggles while others are related to the experiences in school. For this reason, Galen has a school counselor who assists learners in sorting out their issues so that they can focus on learning. The counselors observe professionalism, and any information shared with them remains confidential.

  1. One-on-one help with coursework

Staff members are always willing to hold discussions with learners whenever their schedule allows. They respond to questions regarding coursework and the nursing career in general. Apart from the regular course facilitators, each Galen campus has a Student Success Coordinator, who works together with counselors and teaching staff to improve the performance of the learners.

  1. Student Resource Centre assistance

The resource centers at Galen have libraries, computer labs, and group study spaces. The centers have professional librarians who help students to cite and format their documents, convert files and utilize electronic resources for more information.

  1. Special accommodations

At Galen, students with learning disabilities are supported and protected from any discrimination that they may face. They are given special accommodation and encouraged to report any concerns that they may have.

  1. Career placement

The Galen College of Nursing invites employers from the healthcare industry for visits, during which they meet and interact with the students. Students can take advantage of such visits to create useful connections for their career. The college also equips learners with interview tips to ease their transition into the world of work.


The estimated average cost goes to around $9,900 annually, but this may vary with different courses or as an applicant moves from one Galen campus to another. The college also offers financial aid to qualified applicants in the form of grants, scholarships, and student loans. The financial aid forms are filled out during the enrollment process. The fact that the College accepts credits for some of the courses significantly reduces the cost and makes learning more affordable. Apart from the tuition fee, other costs that students have to incur include registration fee, technology fee, personal expenses, and purchase of books, uniform, and other learning supplies. The school has been termed as pricey at times but the cost is justified because of the quality education that they offer, and the value of the career path that the students are able to establish.

Community Projects of the Galen College of Nursing


The college has established various activities and programs through which it can give back to the community. It encourages students to take part in charitable acts such as giving donations, volunteering in hospitals and health care homes and participating in food drives among other ways. In as much as the community benefits most from the charitable acts by the institution, the students also benefit because their college experience becomes more enjoyable and fulfilling. Volunteer work provides them with a chance to hone their skills and apply their learning in a practical field. They also get the spirit of dedication and selflessness, which is a very crucial component of the nursing career. As a result of these efforts at volunteering, Galen has received various awards related to alleviating hunger, homelessness, and environmental issues. The awards have made a major contribution to the recognition of Galen as one of the best nursing schools in the world.

Working at Galen College of Nursing


Galen is a renowned institution for producing well-trained nurses who have been reported to be very successful in their careers. Such an achievement is made possible by the input of course facilitators, mentors, counselors, and other members of staff within the institution. They provide leadership and guidance to the learners and have a big role to play in training the students.

For this reason, the faculty has received recognition in the form of awards such as Florence Nightingale Award, Nursing Leadership Award, and Nightingale Excellence in Nursing Award. The staff members have developed a culture of teamwork, dedication, respect, and excellence at anything they do. The institution also gives room for the growth of the employees by providing opportunities for further education, organizing group workshops, and offering promotions to deserving individuals based on merit and performance. The leaders and staff members understand that the needs of the students come first, and they must strive to serve them at all times.

Why Choose Galen College of Nursing?


According to student and alumni reviews, there are various factors that make the institution an attractive option for all wishing to undertake nursing courses. Here are just a few of such factors:

  1. Academic Flexibility

There is a wide range of classes at the institution, but the availability depends on the program that one has chosen. Class hours are flexible in such a way that the students can easily integrate them into their schedule. The institution offers full-time, part-time, and online learning options, so students can learn as they work. Additionally, now that the college is accredited, students have more flexibility while transferring credits and seeking further education.

  1. Focused

The institution has a single mindset of promoting the nursing profession through different programs. A look at their mission and vision reveals that the school is dedicated to producing competent nurses who will excel at providing healthcare to the community. They do not offer other courses apart from nursing education, and the instructors use a hands-on approach in teaching.

  1. Innovative

Galen is always opening new and exciting pathways to the nursing career for its students. They understand that the healthcare industry is continually changing, and there is a need for the nurses to be well equipped with the necessary skills to cope with the changes. For this reason, they have introduced new course combinations that enable the students to make the best of their time in college. A clear example of this is the Dual Track LPN to BSN program that offers an easy transition in the coursework.

  1. Overall Experience

The school has a clean, quiet and conducive environment for learning. It provides the necessary resources such as equipment, labs, libraries, and other facilities needed by students. Applicants are assisted with the admission process and guided on choosing the appropriate programs. Professors are supportive and willing to work with students of diverse capabilities. The institution does not cut links with the alumni, and they can always come back and use school resources. The college also gives them job leads that may not be publicly advertised.

From these reviews, it is clear that most of the people who have been to the institution have had a pleasant experience, and would recommend it to other interested students.

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Truth be said, it is never an easy task to find perfect gifts for nurses you love or feel obligated to show your gratitude. A nurse does so much in our lives and giving him/her a gift is a special way of appreciating their role in society. That is easier said than done since you need to find a prize that will honor them and they should feel that you care about what they do. Whether it is a nurse on their job or a nursing student, you must get it right with the present you are giving them.

To get the stress of finding gifts for nurses, here are comprehensive series of articles that cover what you should consider before you make the choice for a gift, the best time to give such a gift and a list of presents that will be meaningful to him/ her. By the time you have read all the 3 parts, you will no longer have to worry what to give a nurse.


Qualities to Consider in Nurses Gifts


You will not just decide that the nurse who impressed you at the hospital deserves a treat and then go out to fetch any gift you can lay your hands on. You have to think through for something that will be meaningful and he/she will treasure it. So, what are the qualities you should look for in a nursing student gift or that nurse who is always there when your family needs medical attention? Here is what you should look for in the present you want to give:

  • Relevance: the rule of the thumb when giving presents is that they should relevant to the occasion or person you are giving them to. For a nurse practitioner, it should be something that touches on what they do on a daily basis. Find something that reminds their duties or a prize that will keep them motivated. A relevant gift is worth to treasure and they will remember it for many years to come.
  • Durability: it would be ideal that you find a gift that will last a few days for your kids since they will want a different one every other day. This is not the same with adults not especially with a nurse who is in a serious profession that saves humankind. You need a piece that will last for months or years. The more durable your prize the more meaningful it becomes and you will be a person to remember in the recipient’s life.


  • Usefulness: how useful will be your reward to the recipient? It should be something that should help a nursing student be better in their studies. On the other hand, it should be helpful to what they do in their day to day activities. Some other times let it be a piece that gives them the inspiration to keep doing well to the humankind because it is a profession that comes with massive pressure.


  • Ease of use: Nobody wants something complicated for a present. If you did not know, a simple prize is only what it takes to make someone appreciate something you are giving to them. Go for a piece that will be easy to use but not testing how someone is informed.
  • Creativity: forget about buying a very expensive gift that will not even impress the person you are buying for. Creativity is the ultimate quality that you should consider in your next present for your favorite nurse. Go for a good design that will stir curiosity in the recipient and you are sure that the choice you made was worth the person you gave to. Know the color they prefer and ensure this is what you will have in the piece you are planning to give him/her.


  • Distinctiveness: there are common gifts that people who never have adequate time to shop will buy for a nurse. Do not fall into the category of gift buyers who go shopping in the last minute and their idea for what to buy is blurred by the deadline they have to meet. You need to buy a piece that is unique; not one that you will see with the nurse in the next neighborhood. Think outside the box and you will find something that deserves to be given to a special one like a nurse who saved your life or your son who is graduating as a nurse.

How to Ensure Your Gift Is the Right One

There is no formula when it comes to giving gifts. But there is a way to ensure that whatever piece you decide will be treasured. One of the ways is to study the preferences of whoever you want to reward. Ask questions like: what colors do they love? What things do they treasure more? In answering these questions, you will come up with something that will not only be appreciated but will be kept for many years to come as a mnemonic for friendship. As long as you are sure that your choice is in their list of preferences then do not be afraid that your prize will not make the impression you desire.

The Best Time/Occasions to Give a Nurse a Present

Gifts are not just given for the sake of it; they are for special occasions and special people just like a nurse. It is not every day that you will dish out presents so you should know the best time to do it. Here are some of the best events/occasions you should give a gift to a nurse:

  • During graduation: when someone qualifies to be a nurse, it is a special time for them. A befitting present would be an excellent show of love, appreciation and solidarity in the career path they have chosen.
  • After a tough nursing incidence: nurses have to take care of critical patients and whether such situations are successful or not it lies in their abilities to diagnose and treat such people. It is a good time to award a nurse after they have successfully handled a critical situation.
  • Anniversary of qualification: when someone remembers a time of an achievement, it would the ripe timing to show how much you care by giving them a wonderful gift. A nurse would be touched when you show over their anniversary and hand them whatever present you had.

What to Consider Before Buying a Nursing Student a Prize


Well, there are different presents you can give nurses. But what you would give a graduating nurse may not be appropriate to a senior nursing practitioner who has been in the job for a good number of years. Therefore, the kinds of prizes you can give to nurses will be categorized into 2 viz. gifts for nursing students and gifts for practicing nurse. In this part, the article will tackle gifts for nursing students but first let’s see what factors you should give precedence in choosing a gift for the nurse student.

You have to understand what studying for a nursing program entails. It is only after this that your choice of a gift will be meaningful and be appreciated by whoever you are giving to. Nursing students spent most of their time studying and they will barely have time to engage in the fun that most of their colleagues have. So your present should be something that fits into their lifestyle. For instance, a bag or customized pens would be a show of how much you understand what they do at school. It is like saying that, “I know that it is time to be in school. Receive this gift to make you even perform better”. On the other hand, giving a ball present to a nursing student would be a bad choice since they do not have the time to engage in play. This does not mean that they never take a break from classes but remember what we said about relevance in the first part.

10 Best Gifts for Nursing Students

  • Nurse traveling mug: nursing students have to go early for classes or study late into the night. Cold becomes their daily pill and finding a good way to deal with it is a heavenly send gift. A super nurse travel mug would be that kind of a gift that a student will appreciate and they will remember your contribution to comfortable studies. The mug can take as much as 20 ounces and will keep liquids hot for hours.


  • Portable lunchbox: you really know that students for the nursing profession have little time to cook their own food. They may end up going an entire day without eating and that is not good for their health. Buy him a lunchbox that he will pack the food cooked for supper. He will be reminded of your gift every other time he has lunch knowing that it would have been impossible without your present.
  • Nursing Clipboard: a nursing clipboard is such a helpful tool to the students. It helps them organize their work and hold their working sheets together. This is a simple present but what it does is more than the monetary value. When we talked of creativity and usefulness, this is one of the kinds of gifts that fit in that category. Choose the color that they love and you will always be in their heart during classes.


  • Nursing inspirational books: hearing true stories of successful nurses would go far in encouraging a student to work hard and become equally or more successful. A good example of a book you can buy is True stories of becoming a NURSE. Here there are inspiring stories that can encourage the young professionals to overcome the odds and achieve their career dreams.
  • A nursing tote bag: carrying books and other study paraphernalia is not always that easy for students. If you would find her a bag gift to carry this stuff then you will get perennial appreciation. A tote nursing bag is such a reward that you can give to the studying nurse and you will have made a big contribution to their studies. It does not have to be an expensive piece as long as it serves the purpose then your duty is done.


  • EKG ruler: created like a student’s ID card, the EKG ruler is such a useful tool. It contains a few facts and terminologies about the profession. It will serve as a quick reminder to some of the basic things that the student may forget. You may see it as a simple gift that will not make much of an impression but the truth is that is on point and the recipient will appreciate and treasure it.
  • Nursing knee socks: the ladies would be the perfect target for this kind of a present. It is colorful and decorated with a number of nursing instruments such as stethoscopes, syringes, and charts. It is a creative idea and it will be appreciated despite its simplicity and low value.


  • A set of syringe highlighting pens: for their practical classes, students are expected to differentiate study samples. A 6-pieces set of highlighter pens would be the perfect choice of a gift. It comes in handy during classes and he/she will treasure them and keep you in their memories for the well-thought gift.


  • Customized iPhone case: Now that a phone is a must-have accessory for anyone leave alone nurses, a customized case would be a good choice of a present. Have it with a designed logo for whatever program the student is undertaking. It should also have a place for a name.


  • Medical nurse kit: if you want to make the best impression on a nursing student, a medical nursing kit would be the perfect gift for that. It contains the tools a nurse needs and its relevance cannot be overemphasized.

You will not make the mistake of giving a nursing student a gift that they would feel uncomfortable to have. Gifts have meaning and for a student or someone who has just graduated you need to choose their gifts with caution not to put pressure on them. The gift is supposed to encourage him/her to work hard to their level best to achieve their dreams. Do not get it wrong anymore since you have a rich list to make your choices from.

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The nursing profession has been experiencing shortage for quite some time and the demand for nurses is even higher due to those nurses who attained the retirement age and the increase in population also puts a lot of pressure to many hospitals and health centers. Nurses who opt to specialize in different areas are even in higher demand.

There are over hundred different nursing specialties in existence and each one with different demands, schedules, and settings. Nevertheless, the different nurse professions that we discuss here cover a wide area of nursing interest. Therefore,

Salaries mentioned here in this article are those cited by Labor Statistic Bureau and other reliable sources. No matter the specialty, nursing salaries are based on job location. That means, if you live in a less-populated state, your salary will almost be a half compared to others living in very populous states. When making a decision about employment, always take your time to find out what are the salary ranges in a particular geographical area.


Certified Nurse Midwife


This is one of the most advanced specialties that requires extra schooling and experience, plus formal certification. Certified nurse midwife work alongside obstetricians when seeing patients. In case of low-risk pregnancies, certified nurse midwife will follow the patient throughout the pregnancy period, educate her on pre-natal care and provide routine check-ups. In some states, this nurse can deliver babies by themselves. After birth, a nurse midwife will continue taking care of the patient and educate her on best ways to care for her newborn.

To work as certified nurse midwife, you need to have RN license, two to four years working in obstetrics. And thereafter, you should complete an approved nurse midwife education program or direct entry program. Once you complete the course then apply for professional certification from American College of the Nurse Midwives certification council. The demand for these nurses is expected to grow by 22% by the year 2020.

Salary – a Certified nurse Midwife earns about $ 92,229.

Clinical Nurse Specialist


A clinical nurse specialist is authorized to take care of patients in any clinical setting. These nurses can treat patients who’re suffering from normal health problems that many patients go to see the doctor for. They can also prescribe medicine. Clinical nurse specialists must go through advanced training to qualify for this specialty. You must have your RN license, a bachelor’s degree and also a master’s degree with specialty in clinical practice. Once you’re a registered nurse, you are allowed to work while in school and once you pass your Nurses licensing exam and certified nurse specialist exam, then you are good to go. The demand for this specialty is expected to go higher by 19% by 2020. The clinical nurse specialists are some of the highest paid nurses.

Salary – Clinical Nurse Specialists earn about $ 93,901.

Critical Care Nurse


These are nurses who work in ICU – intensive care unit. Nowadays hospitals have ICUs that deal with specific health problems such as neurological problems, cardiac issues, and burns among other.

Critical care nurses have a wide area of specialties to choose from when practicing their skills. They work with other teams of medical professionals to give the sickest patients the best care possible. Critical care nurses spend most of the time in ICU attending to patients, checking for any signs of problems and working closely with doctors.

Critical care nurses don’t need any additional formal education beyond the RN program, but they’re required to take short continuing education courses that are established by health centers or hospital they work for. They are also required to work for at least 2 years in a health center’s critical care unit as a registered nurse before applying for the critical care nurse certification exam. You will receive the certification after passing your exam and to ensure you keep it current, you need to keep enrolling for continuing education courses. These courses will depend on hospital or state requirements. The demand for these professionals will increase by 26% by the year 2020.

Salary – Critical Care Nurses received a salary range of $75,000.

Diabetes Nurse


A diabetes nurse mostly works with patients suffering from diabetes. When a patient has diabetes, it means that his/her body cannot produce enough insulin which is responsible for breaking down the sugars present in our food. As a result, the body is unable to receive the vital nutrients since the blood is saturated with sugar and this leads to many problems.

In many cases, diabetes nurses work alone when providing patient education which includes fitness and nutrition information. Sometimes they work endocrinologists – doctors who treat disorders. Coping with diabetes calls for total lifestyle changes and diabetes nurses tend to have a deeper relationship with diabetes patients.

To join this profession you need to become an RN nurse and work in a health facility that provides diabetes treatment. You also need to have a minimum of 500 hours working with diabetes patients in diabetic facility or clinic and also a master of science degree in nursing. Then apply for diabetes management certification. Due to the sharp increase in diabetic cases, the demand for these nurses is said to grow by 39%.

Salary – Diabetes nurses are among the highest paid nurses and they take home $75,000.

Family Nurse Practitioner


Nurse practitioners play a very important role when it comes to family health matters. These nurses can perform different duties such as examining patients, diagnose illnesses and also prescribe medication under the supervision of a physician. In some states, nurse practitioners are allowed to independently operate their own private practice.

To be a certified nurse practitioner, you should have a bachelor’s degree and also a master’s degree (specialty in nursing) and an RN license. To take RN licensure examination you must only have an associate degree in nursing. With a master’s degree, you can apply for your certification from Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Family nurse practitioners are also among the highest paid nurses. The demand for these professionals is expected to go up by 26%.

Salary – Nurse practitioners take home $94,407.

Gerontological Nurse Practitioner


This is a nurse who has specialized in treating the elderly people. The study has shown that the population of elderly people has been growing hence placing gerontological nurse practitioner in great demand. Gerontological nurse practitioners mostly work in nursing homes, clinics, hospitals, and home health care services. In some states, these professionals are allowed to run their private practice.

As a gerontological nurse practitioner, you are expected to diagnose your patients, come up with a plan of treatment and prescribe medication such as medication for pain and also do some routine check-ups.

Like many other advanced practice fields, your will be required to have an RN license, a bachelor’s degree and also master’s degree and apply for your certification to allow you to practice. The demand for this job is also going and is projected rise by 26% by 2020.

Salary – expected salary is 92,170.

Health Policy Nurse

Health policy nurses are different from other nurses since they do not attend to patients even at a clinical level. Instead, they work well at a societal level where they help to create public policies. These nurses analyze law, design strategies that help to change the public attitude and also suggest new policies. Most of the health policy nurses work at the university, state legislature, public agency, and US congress. Some of them use their knowledge to vie for public office.

If you’re aspiring to be a health policy nurse, then you must have an RN license together with your bachelor’s and master degrees. You will be required to do 10-weeks health policy residency with good facilities such as advocacy group and government agency. A doctorate degree is not a must, but you need to attain higher education certificates to reach better salaries. Job growth in this profession is expected to go up due to affordable care act.

Salary – Health Policy Nurse is also one of highest paid, they earn $95000.

Informatics Nurse


An informatic nurse is a nurse whose job is to collect medical data from hospitals, doctor’s office, clinics and nursing homes, interpret and forward the data back to the institution it came from. Informatics nurses are required to train nurses from other different specialties on the new technology. Common places where you will find informatics nurses are hospitals, government agencies, and pharmaceutical research companies. Although this profession does not have high demand, informatics nursing is known to be a highly specialized field with only a few qualified nurses.

To become an informatic nurse, you should have your RN license and a bachelor’s degree (in nursing). Then you need to work as clinical RN and take a course commonly referred as CLE. Once you finish, apply for your informatics certification. The job growth in this field is projected to go up by 22%.

Salary – this is also among the highest paid nurses and they earn about $88,000.

Medical-Surgical Nurse


Most of the nurses work in this specialty making it one of the most popular professions in the nursing industry. Medical-surgical nurses perform numerous duties in hospitals, which includes assisting surgeries, caring for patients, and assisting patients with medications prescribed by the physician to avoid adverse reactions as a result of mixing wrong medication.

To get your certification in this field, you need to have your RN degree, take medical-surgical nursing electives, then take a medical-surgical credentialing exam. You need 2000hrs of experience working as a medical-surgical nurse prior to applying for the credentialing exam. Demand for medical-surgical nurse keeps going up and now is expected to hit 30% in the year 2020.

Salary – Medical-Surgical Nurse at home $75,000.

Nurse Anesthetist



In the ranking of the highest paid nurses in the US, nurse anesthetists are like rock stars in the nursing sector. The job requires extensive education, experience, and further training. It’s definitely a high-demand profession with high potential for growth. A nurse anesthetist is the one who administer anesthesia to most of the surgical patients, provide care for patients in surgical room and also give a follow-up care to outpatient procedures. To become a certified nurse anesthetist, you need your RN license, then obtain your master’s degree. After that, work for 1 year in any acute care facility such as emergency room or ICU. Once you have gone through all these steps, apply for your examination to be registered nurse anesthetist. Job demand is expected to go up by 22%.

Salary – Nurse Anesthetist normally earns $154,390.

Nurse Educator

A survey has shown that more than half of the schools in the US have nursing educator job positions. That means there is a higher demand for this nursing specialty compared to others in this sector. Nurse educators play a key role in teaching people who interested to become nurses. They teach at different levels of the nursing education, that is from the associate’s degree to doctorate degree programs in nursing.

To join this profession as a nurse educator, you need to have at least a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and an RN license. Candidates with doctorate degree are paid better and they also get prestigious positions in nursing schools and university. You are also required to pass your certification exam in nursing education. The job demand is expected to grow at a higher rate by the year 2020.

Salary – this position is also among the highest paid nurses. Nurse educator earns $83,846.

Nurse Attorney


This is a position that requires individuals who are highly driven. A nurse attorney is a nurse who has been trained to become an attorney. Few attorneys do have the medical knowledge and experience that nurses have and that is why nurse attorneys are highly sort-after. These professionals work in different work settings such as litigation firms, legal departments in hospitals and companies that deal with social security disabilities.

To work as a nurse attorney, you need to have a bachelor’s degree specifically in nursing, RN license and have some experience in nursing. Once you ar ready, apply to enroll in a law school, which will take you another 3 years. At the of the course, you will take a bar exam for the state to allow to practice. The demand for this job is projected to grow by 10% by 2020.

Salary – being a more rigorous nursing profession, it’s definitely among the highest paid nurses. A Nurse Attorney is paid $110,000.

Nurse Researcher

Nurse researchers mostly work in various medical research organizations that perform many studies in health. Well, you can also refer them as scientists whose specialty is in research. Nurse researchers carry out research on areas that affect nursing. They also work on ways to improve infection control in health facilities, ways to improve nursing performance, discovering cures for various diseases and discovering new things in microbiology. Nurse researchers design studies that meet rigid standards that are applied other scientific studies. This helps to improve the nursing sector every day.

To be a nurse researcher, you must have a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and an RN license. Well, a doctorate degree is not necessary, but it’s highly recommended to those who want to expand their careers. The demand for this career will increase by 36%, making it one of the highest profession to be in demand by the year 2020.

Salary – Nurse Researchers are also in the highest paid nurses bracket. They earn $95,000.

Perianesthesia Nurse

A perianesthesia nurse is the one who takes care of patients who have just come from operating room and they are recovering from anesthesia. Therefore, this is a very critical position that cares for surgical patients. Some patients react badly when they are coming out of anesthesia, where they experience different effects such as belligerence and confusion, and life-threatening events due to difficulty breathing. This is one of highest paid nurses in the US and its demand keeps rising.

You don’t need a higher degree to be certified as perianesthesia nurse, the experience will get you there. Minimum education is associate’s degree and your RN license. The demand for these nurses is expected to skyrocket to about 48% and, therefore, it’s an area to watch.

Salary – Perianesthesia Nurse earns $79,000.

Nursing is definitely a sector that is always in demand of more professionals to join the industry. Highest paid nurses jobs are also among the highest in the US. When deciding on which career to pursue in nursing industry, read more information about it on what is expected from you and the salary that you’ll earn which is slightly different in different states.





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